Glenn Beck should read this- Larry King should read this-


Today I read a report entitled, “Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015?”  The subtitle read, “Minister uses NASA forecasting to study signals of Jesus’ return”. “Will Jesus Christ return to Earth in the year 2015? And can studying NASA’S website provide evidence for such a scenario? A minister who promotes the Old Testament roots of Christianity suggests a rare string of lunar and solar eclipses said to fall on God’s annual holy days seven years from now could herald what’s come to be known as the "Second Coming" of Jesus. "God wants us to look at the biblical calendar," says Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Wash. "The reason we need to be watching is [because] He will signal His appearance. But we have to know what to be watching as well. So we need to be watching the biblical holidays."  I for one will not set any dates as to when exactly Jesus will return, but I think it is well worth keeping your eyes on and I will tell you why.   Pastor Blitz talks about Jewish events happening on the Jewish holidays and he is correct.  One such event everyone knows is that Jesus was killed on the Jewish holiday of (Passover).  Read what the Apostle Paul had to say about this issue. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-4) “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  But ye brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Paul was a Jew and He understood that the signs of the end times would be taking place during the times and seasons, or the Jewish holidays. Here Paul eludes to the sign of Peace and Safety and he tells the reader they won’t be in the darkness because they would be watching for these events to take place during the Jewish Holiday seasons.  The only people who will be in the dark will be those who do not have the Word of God, they won’t know what hit them until it is to late!  Here is where it gets interesting.  Right now leaders from many nations are in Israel calling for peace and safety just as Paul warned.  If by the end of 2008 Israel has a peace plan, (covenant) signed, and that covenant is for the time frame of 7 years than, I would say the blood moon which will be out in 2015 is the one which will be out to see Jesus return and, is the one mentioned in Joel’s book where it says, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come" (Joel 2:31). Why do I say that?  Once the agreement is signed, just as the Prophet Daniel warned would happen, then the 7-year tribulation begins.  If it is signed in 2008 add 7-years and you end up at the year 2015, at which time the blood moon is appearing again.  Please don’t flip out on me here yet unless you are not a believer in Christ. The blood moon will be meaningless if the 7-year covenant (peace agreement) isn’t signed by the end of 2008.  This one act, (the signing of the agreement), will put this issue to rest.  What then should you be looking for if you want to be ready to meet Jesus?  Watch the news concerning how the peace talks are going in Israel.  I believe in my heart that some how a peace deal will be approved soon.  If that deal is for 7 years I suggest you do what I am going to do, drop to your knees and begin praising the name of Jesus Christ as loud as you can.  Just the fact that a peace deal is close should warn any Christian that Jesus will be coming for His Church soon and, you should be on your knees right now making sure you are abiding in Christ.  I suggest you click to the link below and read what Pastor Biltz is saying about the blood moon, then keep on the Watch..

In chapter two of my book I inform you that there will be a change in superpowers. Daniel told us the Roman Empire was going to be reborn and that would be the last world Empire to rule.  It will be this power that will be standing as the number one power at the time Jesus returns.  I’m not going into great detail here to prove the European Union is that reborn Roman Empire, please read chapter 2 of my book.  Over the course of months I have been giving you signs of how the U.S. is declining as the major superpower.  You can scroll through my previous posts to read all the information I have given you. In any case, today we see more bad news concerning what direction America is going.  For example, Yahoo News just reported that they are going to close 15 of their stores. A section of the report stated, The Atlanta-based company, under different leadership, a different growth philosophy and amid an ailing housing market, put the brakes Thursday on some of its future expansion plans and said it would do what was previously unthinkable — close 15 of its underperforming flagship stores”

“Home Depot to close 15 underperforming US stores” May 1, 20008

Here is another sign of the times.  If you read chapter 10 of my book, I outline a soon to come attack on Israel. God listed in detail who those nations would be that would try to destroy Israel at the time they are call for Peace and Safety.   Libya is one of those nations on that list.  I have been posting news about Libya because for the past 10 years Libya has been very low key.  However, the Lord had it on my heart to warn everyone to start watching what Libya will do.  Since I issued that warning Libya has once again become very active in the news and most of what they are saying is directed toward Israel and the U.S.  On May 1st Libya said what the Israeli’s are doing to the PLO in Gaza is like what Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust.  Here is a short section of the report. “Libya stands by its United Nation envoy’s comparison of the plight of Palestinians in Gaza to the Holocaust and deplores a walkout by Western diplomats in protest at the comments, official Libyan media reported on Wednesday” ( Over the past few weeks the leader of Russia, Putin, has traveled to many of the nations on the list to attack Israel in the end times.  One by one Putin is wiping out their debts.  These nations are getting ready to fulfill prophecy concerning the end time attack.

“Libya stands by comparison of Nazi concentration camps, Gaza”. May 1, 2008

This week the President of France found out how Libya feels towards Israel in a article entitled, “Mideast conflict must not hinder Med Union-Sarkozy.”  A short section of that report read as follows: “Syria, Libya and some other Arab countries also appear lukewarm over the project as it might suggest an indirect normalization of their relations with Israel without any settlement of the Palestinian conflict”.  Libya has never given up the hope of destroying the nation of Israel.  Syria has been Israel’s enemies for years and at the present time there is fear in the Middle East that before the summer is over Israel and Syria will be in another war.  Another nation on the list is Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has again been in the news because they are in the mist of a severe drought and the people there are scrambling to find food.  Ethiopian officials are re-evaluating the need for emergency food aid in light of evidence that drought conditions and food shortages in parts of the country may be worse than estimated. VOA’s Peter Heinlein recently visited areas of southern and eastern Ethiopia where the drought threatens to cause widespread famine. “In some places, conditions are so bad that tribal wars are breaking out over scarce resources. CARE worker Halake Bante says six people died in a recent clash between the Hamer and Borana tribes” (  Jesus said watch for wars, civil wars, famine, and drought.  Ethiopia at the present time has everyone of these signs.  When it comes time for Russia’s allies to attack Israel it just may be that Russia will promise the Ethiopian people all the food they want once they take Israel’s land.  We can not know for sure the exact reason why they join the Russian’s when they attack Israel but if you read chapter 10 of my book I site many reasons why they may join with Russia.

Ethiopia Reassessing Emergency Food Needs as Drought Continues April 30, 2008

Speaking of famines Jesus’ words are ringing pretty loud about now in Egypt.  Egypt is another nation in conflict because of the lack of food.  May 1st this headline appeared in the news. ““Tension in Egypt shows potency of food crisis” (news up-date). I quote,  CAIRO — Well before 8 o’clock on a late April morning, a line of about 30 eager customers forms at a modest bakery in this working-class neighborhood. With a global food crisis roiling countries from Asia to the edge of Europe, at least 11 people have been killed recently in such lines here, struggling to get their daily bread.”  Many of these nations in the Africa and the Middle East will be out of wheat in 6 months.  If things are bad there now what will Egypt look like in 6 months form now?  If Jesus warned these signs would come and go as a woman who is in labor, we can only assume the labor pains will increase.  Watch the news, you are going to hear a lot of news about the world’s food crisis, and much of what you will hear will be very disturbing to you.

This next report wanted to make me gag!  At a time when the world needs people and nations to help feed the poor, we see nations jumping in and trying to make a killing off the price of food, such as rice. Yesterday it was reported that, “5 Asian Nations Are Weighing a Rice Cartel”. Maintaining rice prices would please large-scale rice farmers and traders in countries like Thailand and Vietnam, but it would anger places like the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong, which rely heavily on imported rice. Plans for the cartel were front-page news in the Philippines on Thursday.  What is going to happen is this, if they jack the price up millions of poor will not be able to buy rice.  I can only see one thing coming from such a much, more war.  I have been watching the news everyday since 1977 and these are some of the worse labor pains I have seen.  Since everyone of the signs Jesus told us to watch for it already arrived and getting worse, it tells me one thing, Jesus is standing at the door and soon He will fulfill His promise to come for His church, I pray you are among those taken when He comes for us. May 1, 2008

Christ also warned that the nations in the end time would have complex problems.  What causes these problems?  Luke 21:25 has the answer.  “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity: the sea and the waves roaring” Over the last 10 years we have had some of the worse storms ever on record.  We are seeing massive floods everywhere, we are seeing record number of tornadoes.  For example, yesterday there were 19 huge tornadoes that hit in 5 U.S. states.  So far since Jan. 2008 there have been 731 twisters.  These storms are adding to complex problems for our government.  Thousands are without homes, food and insurance complains can’t handle all the disasters we are facing, and these storms are just beginning!  Another problem is this, these foods have wiped away many crops.  We keep hearing about the 100-year storms more and more.  For complete details on this subject turn to chapter 13 of my book.  Links below will give you more facts also.

About 600 evacuated in Fort Kent area in ‘greater than a 100-year’ event” May 1, 2008

“NOAA Reports Record Number of Tornadoes In 2004”

Monthly Tornado Statistics (Official Text or PDF version)

The Headline in a BBC News report read, “China virus ‘hits 3,000 children”’

“Almost 3,000 children in eastern China have now been infected by the deadly Enterovirus 71 (EV71) intestinal virus, according to state-run media.” Yes, this is another sign of the times Jesus listed in Luke chap. 21 and in the book of Revelation. May 2, 2008

Christ warn us about the plagues and I go into great detail to list them all in the 5 chapter of my book, but in the news along with the 3,000 kids hit with Enterovirus the CDC just reported that, “ Measles cases in US top 70, highest in 6 years” “(AP) – Measles outbreaks in several states have led to more than 70 cases so far this year, the worst in six years, health officials said Thursday ( May 1, 2008).  I find no pleasure to tell you this but, expect a lot more of the same type of news in the very near future.

Let me give you a up-date on earthquakes. Yes they to are one of the signs Jesus listed. “Strong quake hits Aleutian Islands” was one of the first reports I saw this morning on the Internet.  The USGS said the quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 6.6, was located 40 miles west of Adak, Alaska at a depth of 6.2 miles”.  Go back and read my statement from may April 30, 2008 post.  This is what I said was going to happen.  “What you should be looking for are bigger quakes hitting higher on the Richter scale.  Why am I saying that?  Jesus told us the END Times events would occur as a woman with birth pains. We haven’t seen to many of the bigger quakes and they are about to be seen again.”  Why is everything I am telling you coming to pass?  Am I some great man of God, or am I just a man who knows the Word of God and is abiding in His will?  Look, I don’t want to make myself had like the next best thing to Moses, but I am doing the will of the Father, I am keeping Watch just as He instructed you and I to do.  Do you want what I have?  Read the Word of God and it is His promise you will grow in Him.  Listen to the Word in 2 Peter 21-2 “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speaking, As newborn babes, desire that you may grow thereby:”  The only way to grow in Christ is to fellowship with Him in His Word. May 2, 2008

There are more reports of famines in the news.  Take this headline for example: North Korea stoic in the face of famine”.  Read this short quote.  “Recent news from North Korea reminds many observers of 1996, when the country was on the eve of a disastrous famine. Throughout the past two months, food prices have exploded, and in mid-April the cost of rice reached the unthinkable height of 2,500 North Korean won (US$1) per kilo. The normal spring price, fairly stable for the past five years, is about 900 won.” Food distribution was partially stopped lately, even in the capital Pyongyang. In some provincial cities rationing coupons haven’t been accepted in exchange for food since last year. There are reports of farmers eating grass and tree bark, and many accounts of an increasing exodus of refugees.” “First of all, the 2007 harvest was a failure. It was estimated at only 3.8 million tons, well short of the critical 5.2 million ton benchmark. As usual, floods were officially blamed (as if the impoverished North does not share the same small peninsula with the prosperous South, where no signs of food shortage have been seen in decades).”  In the book of Revelation Jesus paints a pretty bad picture of what it is going to be like during the 7-year tribulation.  Millions on millions of people will die because of food shortages.  Let me ask you a Frank question?  Do you want to escape the tribulation?  If so here is the easy way to do it.  Right now take Jesus Christ as your Savior, ask Him to take over your life, ask Him to forgive whatever sins you have, then find a fellowship and get ready to meet Jesus Christ face to face because He is coming soon!  Make sure the fellowship you go to has sound doctrine.  If you need help finding a place to fellowship, e-mail me and I will do the search for you. My contact information is in the left hand corner on the top of my front page. May 30, 2008.

The sign of wars and rumors of wars.” Just one example of this sign.  “Israel threatened to target Syria if Hizbullah attacks” Israel recently conveyed a warning to Syria through a third party that it would hold Damascus accountable if Hizbullah launched attacks on the Jewish state, Israeli and European sources said on Friday. The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the warning stemmed largely from Israeli concerns that Hizbullah would launch salvoes of cross-border rockets to coincide with any major Israeli offensive in the Hamas-con trolled Gaza Strip.,2506,L-3519172,00.html

Once again I need to remind you of  the prophecy in Isiah 17:1.  This prophcecy tells us that in the end times Syria’s city of Damascus  will be completely wiped out.  This prophecy is one of the very few left to be fulfilled.  Current events point to this propehcy being fulfilled very soon.  Read what the guardian news wrote about a future attack on Israel, “But an Observer investigation has discovered that this covert organisation is quietly but steadily replacing its dead and redoubling its recruitment efforts in anticipation of a new, and even more brutal, conflict. Hizbollah has embarked on a major expansion of its fighting capability and is now sending hundreds, if not thousands, of young men into intensive training camps in Lebanon, Syria and Iran to ready itself for war with Israel. ‘It’s not a matter of if,’ says one fighter. ‘It’s a matter of when Sayed Hasan Nasrallah [Hizbollah chief] commands us.”  Unless you get hit by a truck, get bit by a deadly snake, die in a airplane crash,  or may overdose from your drugs in the next week or so, I can tell you one thing,  you will be alive to see this prophecy being reported in the nightly news.  Some think it will happen this summer as both Israel and Syria are preparing for this war.  Just be ready and watch.

“Hizbollah builds up covert army for a new assault against Israel”

Let me close with some of the first words Jesus warned us to look for. “Tke heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”  Click to the link below and see another man who is claiming to be the Christ.  The headline to the ABC News today was, “Teens Taken From N.M. Doomsday Church”  May 1, 2008

May the peace of the Lord Jesus give you strength to endure these times. I pray you will repeat these words spoken by Jesus at the end of the book of Revelation, He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come Quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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