Feb. 6, 2010






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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

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By all indications it appears as though the rapture may be nearer than we think.  We are seeing Israel preparing to attack Iran and Israel's enemies preparing to attack them on their borders.  What is especially interesting is that we are now seeing threats coming directly out of Damascus against Israel.  Even the news media is reporting on the impending wars and the players who will be involved.  It's almost as if they had read the scriptures before printing their stories and based their articles around what they'd read in the scriptures which we know isn't the case.  But what is happening as you are well aware of yourself is that the prophecies are being fulfilled down to the smallest detail and only those of us who are watching and reading the scriptures about the signs that Jesus spoke are the only ones who recognize what is going on and why it is happening.  The news media is reporting it as it happens or on speculation based on what their intelligence sources are telling them but they don't have the capability to know what the eventual outcome will be as we do.  Our intelligence source is the word of God and we already know the eventual outcome. 


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Israel is God's time piece for end time events to take place.  Israel is front and center of world events right now just as Jesus told us they would be.   And now, besides the mounting threat against Israel, there is another major threat looming on the horizon and it is the impending financial crash which will bring the whole world….not just the United States….to it's knees.  We know how close this is to taking place by the insurmountable amount of evidence that we've been able to rake from the various news sources just in the past few days.  And now, apparently, it's coming down to crunch time for the economies of the world. 

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I want to share with you something that Terry James reminded me of tonight.   He reminded me of some scriptures in Luke 17 that we all need to pay attention to now more than ever before.  See full size image"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.   People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark.  Then the flood came and destroyed them all.  It was the same in the days of Lot.   People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.   But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all."    Luke 17:26-29


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Terry made a very good point and I've been so caught up with current events lately and especially with the economic news that I completely forgot about what he reminded me of in his comment.  He reminded me that it would continue to be business as usual (though we will be going through some rough times) until the Rapture of the church takes place.  He reminded me that it is only God's Staying Hand that has prevented the complete meltdown of the world economy and the other catastrophes that have taken place including nuclear conflicts.  He also believes that "there is nothing that humanistic efforts can do to change the course on which the world is headed."  I couldn't agree with him more.  The course of events has been set by God and nothing man can do can change any of it.  All we can do is watch and pray and then keep on watching some more and as we do we will surely recognize the signs of the nearness of Jesus.  We are seeing those signs now.   Terry described it best when he compared the economic woes and war threats (we may as well include the earthquakes here as well) that are now before us as being like a bubble.  We've had real estate bubbles and other kinds of bubbles that have helped create the financial mess we are in now and they've finally burst and we are seeing the results of that now.  The same is now true with these other things.  And then he brought out another really good point and that is that he believes what I believe and I know you believe that the one single event that is going to burst this remaining bubble is going to be the Rapture.  See full size imageTerry believes that we won't have a total collapse of the economy until the Rapture takes place, and again, I totally agree with him (see above scripture references).  I think it's safe to say that we can take the wars out of the equation as to when the Rapture is going to take place.  God is showing us very clearly that time is almost up and He's giving us an extremely clear indication of that by what is taking place with our economy.  Israel is the most important factor in seeing how close we are to the Tribulation period but the economy and the other signs are also important indicators of how near we are.  God is getting ready to call us home and the these added signs are God's way of telling us that.  


The final collapse of the economy won't happen until after the Rapture.  We are almost at that point now.  What I'm learning through all of this is that it's important that we not look at any one sign as to how close we are to the Tribulation but we should be looking at them all as a whole.  It won't be any one war that will trigger the Rapture of the church and it also won't be the financial crash or any major earthquake that will trigger it. See full size image I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know but just bear with me a moment.  We are SO CLOSE to the Rapture of the church that we might not be here for ANY of these wars…and I repeat…we MIGHT not be.  I'm not saying we won't be here when Israel attacks Iran or if the war on Israel's borders starts up but we won't be here much more after that.  Keep this in mind that when war breaks out in the Mideast it will bring down the world economy because of the oil.  Oil is what everybody is after and when war does break out it will send a barrel of oil up to $400 or more.  It will bring everybody down including China.  And that is if the economy doesn't crash before that which is kind of hard to imagine after all that we've been seeing and hearing lately.  Remember…. they were buying and selling and living life normally until Noah and Lot were removed.  It looks very much like we are about to be removed.  "But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief."  1 Thessalonians 5:4   I am now wondering if it will be these very wars that God is going to use to fulfill 1 Thessalonians 5:3: "While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."  One thing is certain…we won't have long to wait before we know. 


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Terry believes that there will be dynamic changes in governments that will lead to the mark and number system (which he's convinced will be Electronic Funds Transfer and some sort of hybrid Internet system) within –most likely– only months of rearrangement.   The technology is already here to get something like this going right away so it would only be a matter of getting it all set up as quickly as possible.  One thing is for sure and that will be that mandatory chipping of every living being on the planet will be the law of the land.  The mark or tattoo or whatever it will be will come at the halfway point of the Tribulation. 

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