Increase in knowledge/More earthquake news/Signs of the times in nature/ A place of peace in a storm/Feb. 12, 2010






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Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 we are told our generation would increase in knowledge.  Here is an example of this.  I quote, “WASHINGTON, Feb 12 (Reuters) – A U.S. high-powered airborne laser weapon shot down a ballistic missile in the first successful test of a futuristic directed energy weapon, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency said on Friday.

Reuters - An employee counts yuan banknotes at a branch of Bank of China in Taiyuan, Shanxi province February 10, ...Prophecy Sign:  Signs of the global economic crisis are getting worse.  Today we learned ,“Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, mounted stiff resistance tonight to any swift bailout of Greece, as a rift opened up between European capitals over how best to tackle the risks posed to the euro.  Despite a show of Franco-German unity on the crisis and the first statement from EU leaders pledging to safeguard the currency's stability, hopes on the markets of a German-led rescue plan to shore up Greece's critical public finances were dashed by Merkel, who repeatedly emphasised that Athens would need to put its own house in order and brushed aside all questions of financial support.”   While Greece is on its way to falling apart China is making moves which will also have a global impact.  I quote, BEIJING (Reuters) – China sprung a surprise on global markets on the eve of its New Year's holiday with an increase in banks' reserve requirements, a move that can slow bank lending and tamp down on rising inflation.  Although investors had been expecting the People's Bank of China to push the reserve requirement ratio higher after an increase last month, few thought the second rise would come so soon. Markets were rattled by fears that the pace of monetary tightening in China would be more aggressive than had been reckoned on, potentially denting global growth.  All this type of news is showing us is that a new economic system is coming soon and it will be the one that will control what you can buy or sell in it.  This is the system Jesus warned us about in Revelation 13:16-17.


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Prophecy Sign; Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. "TAIPEI – A 5.3-magnitude earthquake rocked Taiwan on Friday, the central weather bureau said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties."

MAP  5.4   2010/02/12 12:09:15    19.849    -74.376  10.0   CUBA REGION
MAP  5.8   2010/02/12 12:03:40   -33.492    -68.556  144.7   MENDOZA, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.1   2010/02/12 11:20:40    29.734    -42.775  10.0   NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.1   2010/02/12 02:42:39    23.837    121.193  21.0   TAIWAN

Here we go again.  People wanting to know what in the world is going on with the weather.  Heat records, in Rio de Janeiro, and the worse snow fall in 50 years in other places.  If there was ever such a thing a Mother Nature one might say she is really ticked off.  However since there is no Mother Nature we have to turn to the only source that always has the answers.  That would be Christ.   Heat, floods, and weird weather are only a few of the last day’s signs.  Let me cover the heat first.  I quote, “The worst heatwave to hit Rio de Janeiro in 50 years turned the city into a pre-Carnival furnace Wednesday, and killed 32 elderly people further south, officials said. According to the Inmet national weather service, recorded temperatures in Rio were well above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees) — and felt more like above 50 degrees. "The heatwave in Rio is seen as historic. February right now is the hottest month for the past 50 years," meteorologist Giovanni Dolif told the O Globo daily. “  When you read the book of Revelation you will see that the sun is going to scorch the Earth and the people on it during the time of the end.  I am pretty sure if you ask the people in Rio de Janeiro if it is getting hotter they would not hestitate telling you that the Earth seems to be baking.

Wacky weather in the U.S. is causing flooding and damage.  “Large, fluffy snowflakes continued to fall heavily across North Texas, as the snowfall sailed past the previous all-time one-day record.  A new record of 9.4 inches was set Thursday night at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport — and flakes were still coming down.  The previous record was 7.8 inches on Jan. 15, 1964, and Jan. 14, 1917.  Dallas and Fort Worth police responded to hundreds of wrecks Thursday. Texas Department of Transportation crews were preparing to hit the roads with salt trucks.”  The snow is so heavy in Texas that car ports in many areas are collapsing under the weight.  Trees are breaking all over the place and the snow has caused havoc with schools and businesses all over the place.  I can tell you for sure that Texas has been forced to slow down to a snails pace.  Now we have a problem of ice forming causing the roads to be ice skating  roads, really dangerous.  Planes all over the nation have been delayed because of the snow in the Mid West and East Coast.

I can report first hand on what is happening in Texas because I am here.  I took a walk at what I thought was snow but it turned out to be a small lake under that snow.  I spoke to some local’s here and all of them said they have never ever seen anything like this.  These are words I have been hearing when people write me about all the weird weather, the floods that have hit them, or weird tornadoes that hit where they live that very seldom see such things.  Earthquakes in Chicago this week?  Many earthquakes being recorded now everyday, and more volcano activity do you think Jesus is trying to get someone’s attention? 

As I said, I took a walk tonight here in Texas to see the huge snow flakes falling.  I was thinking about all the signs of the times and came up to a stop where the Lord told me to me still and look at what He had brought.  I stopped where I was and looked.  I was silent, but I could hear my Lord speaking in the quiet.  I was told to rest and look.  I did and I was given peace like I haven’t had in a long time.  Before I took this walk, I was under the impression that the Lord wanted me to bring my camera.  I wasn’t sure what for because is was really dark.  When I got to the place the Lord told to me rest I could see why I was to bring that camera.  This is what Jesus had brought me to.





The picture turned out weird for me.  At the time I took this shot everything was very still.  There was no wind blowing at all, yet in the picture something shows up that wasn't there when I took the shot.  It turned out to be a very interesting shot.

Moving on, “Washington DC paralysed by snow for fifth working day in a row Federal government comes to standstill, along with schools and public transport, in heaviest snowfall since records began”

“Worst winter ever? The second blizzard in less than a week buried the most populous stretch of the East Coast under nearly a foot of snow Wednesday, breaking records for the snowiest winter and demoralizing millions of people still trying to dig out from the previous storm.”

Here is the bottom line to this report.  We have just begun to see the weird vents that are going to take place on Earth.  Everything is going to change and even more people are going to ask what is going on?  When you hear people say this, don’t be afraid to give them the answer, (all these things are signs of the last days and Christ is waking people up to bring them home.  Many of you are getting over whelmed by these signs, but Christ longs to give you His peace.  Be still and listen to Him, your peace is coming!

Friday will be a traveling day for me so this report will have to be short.  Be back on Monday if Jesus wills.




    • kevin thomas on February 12, 2010 at 8:38 am
    • Reply

    frank have you realy looked hard at the picture you took, Holy crap this thing is scary

  1. Why are you saying it is scary?

  2. You have people on your teams who are creating best practices, but no one’s written them down. Observe. Make notes. Challenge your teams to compare behaviors. Compile your own list of best practices – and keep adding sadto it. Invite ownership. You’ll take your guest services to new levels of excellence.

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