None stop war talk/diseases/Major sign of the last days/Feb. 7, 2010





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Prophecy Sign:Many of you are new to my site and you need to know what is going to happen in the Middle East shortly.  God laid it all out for us in Psalms 83.  This is a prophecy which warns the readers that Israel will be attack by their bordering nations.  Some of the main players in this war are the PLO who are in the Gaza of which the Hezbollah is part of, Syria and Lebanon are also included.  For months now I have been warning everyone this war is about to be fulfilled.  For the past two months we have seen none stop war talk between Israel, Syria, and the PLO.  Todays news points to the road in which God has warned us about.  I quote, "Hezbollah has raised the alert level among its fighters, Saudi newspaper Okaz reported Saturday, citing Lebanese sources. According to the report, the Shiite group's leaders were instructed to take precautionary measures for fear of an Israeli strike. The Lebanese sources told the newspaper Hezbollah believes the chances of an Israeli attack have increased in light of the belligerent back and forth between Israel and Syria.  According to the Syrian regime's mouthpiece, "Israel thought it could wage wars and not suffer the consequences – but it was wrong. It (Israel) tested the patience of Syria and the Arab and Islamic nations – and it turned out that this patience has its limits. Israel is testing Syria's determination to return its conquered land by all the legitimate means at its disposal. "The path to peace is open and its conditions are known, but the path of destruction can also open the moment Israel” . Most of you who are regulars to my site would remember I warned you over and over that when the Arabs lose their patience in dealing with the peace talks that it would be at this time war would break out.  This is the destructionI believe Paul had warned us about in II Thessalonians 5:3.,7340,L-3845020,00.html

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In another report it said, "Syria's official newspaper Tishreen said Saturday that while Damascus is ready to make peace with Israel, it is also prepared for war. Issuing fierce criticism of apparent threats from Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a Tishreen editorial said, "The path to destruction could lead to the moment that Israel will comply with its leaders, who have villainy flowing through their veins."  "Whichever path Israel chooses, it will find Syria ready for either peace or war,".  If you are new to prophecy you may be asking what direction do I think these events lead us? See full size image I can tell you right now based on the Word of God.  War is coming and Damascus is going to be destroyed by Israel.  All you have to do is read Isaiah 17:1 to see that.  Tensions between all the nations bordering with Israel are getting worse and I am pretty sure everyones patience is almost run out.  I am getting excited.  Not because war is coming but because the very Word God spoke to us about this war are about to come true.  This will mean that the Lord's children are very very close to the rapture, and that is what I am so excited about.  Take a look at the picture to the left.  This is a shot of Damascus.  Look how big this city is, yet God tells us that Damascus will be left in a "ruinous heap".  It would take something really powerful to leave a city this big in that condition.  For all of you who think Bible prophecy isn't anything more than horoscope readying, file this picture away.  When you see Damascus end up exactly as God said it would, hopefully you will trust in God's Word and follow Christ to heaven.

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Many of you may not know this, but rumors of war are one of the last days signs Jesus told us to look for. Almost every week now we are hearing news about a possible new war in the Middle East.  This time the news is directed toward Iran again.  I quote, “The world faces a stark choice between imposing tough sanctions on Iran to stop its nuclear program, or attacking it, United States Senator Joe Lieberman said Saturday. Lieberman is the influential chairman of the Senate committee on homeland security. He was speaking a day after Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that his country was ready to accept an international swap of uranium, but only under certain conditions. "We have a choice here: to go to tough economic sanctions to make diplomacy work or we will face the prospect of military action against Iran," Lieberman told the annual Munich Security Conference. Top U.S. commanders are already working out how such a strike should be conducted, and although "no-one wants this to happen … unless we together act strongly and do more than talk that is exactly what will happen," Lieberman said.”   The truth of the matter is this, no nation on this planet right now is willing to engage Iran in another war except Israel.  The U.S. and the EU are in a economic crisis and it would cause these nations to go bankrupt even after than they are presently headed.  Beside that, known of the nations wants to jeopardize being cut off from the flow of oil.  If that happened all the nations would be cast into chaos.  However, Israel knows that their back is against the wall, and if they do not attack soon, Iran’s President will hit them with a nuclear weapon.  Israel knows he is not kidding when he says he plans to wide Israel of the face of the map.  What is the outcome?  Israel is going to bomb Iran very soon to put a sudden halt to their nuclear weapons program.   When Iran is attacked more than likely it will or could be the cause of the Ezekiel war found in Ezekiel chapter 38.

See full size imageProphecy Sign:In Luke 21:11 we are given many signs to watch for.  One of these signs is pestilences, which are diseases.   In the past few years we have seen strange outbreaks of new deadly diseases and we will see more of them in the near future.   For example the news today reported, “China threatens world health by unleashing waves of superbugs” Chinese doctors routinely hand out multiple doses of antibiotics for simple maladies like the sore throats and the country's farmers excessive dependence on the drugs has tainted the food chain. Studies in China show a "frightening" increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteriasuch as staphylococcus aureus bacteria, also know as MRSA . There are warnings that new strains of antibiotic-resistant bugs will spread quickly through international air travel and internation food sourcing.”   When you read the Book of Revelation you will notice millions of people will be dying as a result of war, famines, and diseases.  What we are seeing now is nothing compared to what is in store for the people who are not taken up at the rapture of the Church.

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Did you know the Mumps is making a comeback?  News today reported, "303 Diagnosed With Mumps In NYC Suburbs"  "United States' Largest Outbreak In Years Ransacks Hasidic Jewish Communities In Rockland County"

Prophecy Sign: Euphrates River Drying up to fulfill Revelation 16:12.In my book I give you proof the Euphrates River is drying up.  Each year you can see more of the banks being exposed.  Only God could have known this was going to happen at the same time as all the other prophecies were taking place.  This is another major sign we have enter into the last days.







  1. Hello Frank and God Bless you this wonderful day He has given us!
    I just wanted to point out, I’m sure a typo, that you have II Thessalonians 5:3 and that does not exist. I know you mean I Thessalonians 5:3. The newest belivers may be confused.
    Thank you for all you do brother and keep up the good work.

  2. A typing mistake is was and I took care of the mistake.  Thank you for pointing it out to me.

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