Steps to One World Government in health care bill/Health care or something else?/Do they really know Jesus?/ March 11, 2010








I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.  I know I have people waiting for a printed copy.  I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …



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See full size imageProphecy Sign: Anyone who read chapter 13 of the book of Revelations should understand that the Antichrist will be running a One World Government during the seven year tribulation.  The Prophet Daniel in chapters 2 and 7 show us that the last world empire directed by the Antichrist will not be America, but a revived Roman Empire.  In chapter 2 of my book I give you the details on who this revived Roman Empire is.  Just the other day I gave you information about the health bill President Obama is trying to force on American citizens.   When you read the bill you can see the footsteps to this One World Government where the U.S. Government will be able to control more than your health care.  For example, what if you knew that on page 58 it says the government will have real time access to your finances and a National ID card will be issued, and on page 59 line 21-22 it tells you the government will have direct access to your bank accounts for elective funds transfer.  The video below will blow you away with all the information that the people pushing this bill won’t tell you.   Keep in mind the Antichrist will have control of your bank accounts and unless you have his mark you wouldn’t be able to take money out of your account to live.  All your finances will be frozen without this mark.   In America it is the health care bill and the new National drivers license ID’s.  The same type of things are taking place in the other nations as well.  As I said, nation after nation is moving to their own National ID system, and will shortly  be linked together in one database.  Now please watch the video.

Add what you just learned in the above video with the new 2010 Census the U.S. Government is pushing this year.  When you watch this next video below you will find out they plan to ask you very personal questions about your finances that under the U.S. Constitution you don’t have to just give up to a stranger with a clip board.  You will find this information very interesting and again it all leads to one thing, getting as much information as they can for the coming One World Government.   Ask yourself one question? Why in the world does that U.S. Government need GPS coordinates for every U.S. home?  Think I am kidding?  This is what they are looking for in this census.  When asking the Government about how will my home’s GPS coordinates be used, they refused to answer the question.  Think this is strange.  It is all about keeping track of everyone and this is exactly what the Antichrist will be doing when he takes full control.


See full size imageProphecy Sign: In Mark chapter 13 Jesus tells us the last days will be taking place as a woman with birth pains.  We have been seeing signs of these birth pains in the Middle East peace and safety talks between Israel and the Arabs.  Of course part of these birth pains will lead to sudden destruction.  We know this because Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 tells us so.  When know by this sign we are in the final days just prior to entering the last seven years called the tribulation period.  Here is the latest news that not only ties in 1Thess. 5:3 but also connects us with what Zechariah 12:3 states, which is Jerusalem will become a burden to all nations in the last days.  Here’s the news.  “Palestinians will not begin indirect talks with Israel unless the Israeli government annuls a decision to build 1,600 houses in East Jerusalem, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Thursday. "We want to hear from [United States envoy George] Mitchell that Israel has cancelled the decision to build housing units before we start the negotiations," Erekat said. His remarks follow comments by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who told visiting U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Wednesday that it was not enough for the Israeli decision to be condemned, it also had to be cancelled”  Those of you who have been coming to my site know I told you the next war will be fought over the right to East Jerusalem!  Everything is happening just the way Paul and Zechariah said it would.

I have warned you that as soon as the Arabs realize Israel is not going to cave in and give them back Jerusalme, that is the time the Psalm 83 war will take place and we are almost at this point right now, especially after the news that Israel is not going to stop building in East Jerusalem.  Here is more news on this subject.  “If the East Jerusalem construction plans are implemented, they will make it impossible to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said an activist of the left-wing Ir Amim non-governmental organization. "The first, most explosive 'circle of construction' in East Jerusalem is in the Old City," said Orly Noy of Ir Amim, which says it seeks to promote Israeli-Palestinian relations in Jerusalem. "The second circle is the ideological settlements being built in the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods in the historic basin, and the third is expanding the existing neighborhoods in the east of the city." Taken together, the East Jerusalem construction "will move Israel beyond the point of no return, as far as an agreed solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is concerned," she said.”

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus tells us our generation will be just like that of Noah’s generation.  Most people realize that Noah’s genration had turned to homosexuality.  The Apostle Timothy in 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 tells us what people will be like in the last days.  1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,  4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  Many of the so called Priests in the Cathaltic Church have fulfilled both of these prophecies and the news report will fill you in.  I quote, PARIS (Reuters) – In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says that if anyone leads innocent children to sin, "it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."  That passage must now be ringing in the ears of the Roman Catholic clergy in Germany and the Netherlands, where the Church's latest scandals of priests sexually abusing boys have broken out, and echoing down the marbled halls of the Vatican.  The alarm bells are tolling all the more urgently in Rome, where tenuous links run from Bavarian boarding schools all the way to the German-born Pope Benedict. Critics are asking what he knew and did then and what he will do now.  His brother, Rev. Georg Ratzinger, has admitted to slapping boys in his Regensburg choir repeatedly. Ettal Abbey, scene of brutal beatings and sexual abuse in the past, is located in the archdiocese the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger once headed.  "Joseph Ratzinger was bishop of Munich from 1977 to 1981, so he has to answer the qustion of what he knew then and why he acted as he did," Christian  Weisner, spokesman for a critical lay movement called We Are Church, said in a statement.  "He's affected because he's German," said Rev. Andreas Batlogg, editor in chief of the German Jesuit monthly Stimmen der Zeit. "Naturally, everybody's probably nervous (in the Vatican) about whether anything comes out of Munich too."  MASSIVE LOSS OF TRUST  Benedict is due to issue a letter to Ireland's Catholics about their scandals soon and Batlogg said it might be expanded to comment on Germany. "That letter will be important," he said”  These are the last days my friends and you really have to watch out for people people using the cloth for their own gain.

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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Christ told us to watch for the sign of many earthquakes.  I didn’t give you an update on this yesterday but here are the quakes 5.0 and above for yesterday and today so far.


MAP  5.0   2010/03/11 10:51:41   -34.205    -71.697  52.2   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.6   2010/03/11 06:22:19   -57.290    -28.114  309.1   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

MAP  5.5   2010/03/10 12:20:59   -33.638    -72.388  35.0   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/10 09:37:59   -36.827    -73.544  35.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/10 09:04:14   -36.267    -73.018  35.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/10 08:45:23   -34.970    -73.737  35.0   OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.2   2010/03/10 08:07:25    7.141    -34.367  10.0   CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/10 05:19:06   -18.476    168.915  215.1   VANUATU
MAP  5.4   2010/03/10 02:41:49   -36.855    -72.646  35.0   BIO-BIO, CHILE

I am not sure what is going on but all of a sudden people are not receiving my updates via email, and I think it has to do with people switching over to Internet Explorer 8. Some people have also told me people who use Firefox are having trouble as well.  I think you may just have to add me to your favorites and check my updates directly at my site if you are not receiving my updates by email. I am sorry but I don't know what else I can do yet.   Frank



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