I hope you are taking my warnings to heart. Two huge earthquakes just hit-Aug. 11, 2009



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Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 gives us the sign of great earthquakes.  Only two days ago this is what I warned you. “Last month I warned you, you are going to start to see reports about huge earthquakes.  I am not steering you wrong because I get my information from Jesus right from His Word.  I know His signs and I believe in what He has told us to look for.  Knowing we are getting closer to the beginning of 7 year tribulation we know from the Word that all these signs will get much stronger.”  Just a few minutes ago new reports of two huge earthquakes hit the news. I quote, ““Aug. 11 (Bloomberg) — Two potentially destructive earthquakes struck minutes apart in the Indian Ocean and Japan today, generating tsunami alerts for India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and Japan. The larger of the two quakes was a magnitude-7.6 temblor that hit the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. It was followed less than 15 minutes later by a 6.6-magnitude quake in Japan southwest of Tokyo.”


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