Wars, violence,One World Government, One World currency,Revived Roman Empire, Psalm 83 war, Third Temple news, Famines, Christians quit/ March 29, 2010







I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.  I know I have people waiting for a printed copy.  I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …



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If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I have a new radio/video show that will start running today March 19, 2010 at 6PM EST.  I will be giving a up-date on many of the events that just happen, which show us prophecy is coming to pass and you had better start preparing to meet Christ Jesus!


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 tells us to watch for wars and rumors of wars. News from Russia today stated, “Russian investigators combing two subway stations attacked by female suicide bombers think Chechen rebels may have been behind the rush-hour strike that killed dozens of people.  "Our preliminary assessment is that this act of terror was committed by a terrorist group from the North Caucasus region," said Alexander Bortnikov of the Federal Security Service, in reference to the investigation at one of the blast sites.”


Prophecy Sign: When you read Matthew 24:7 you also find out Jesus warned us about civil unrest. Christ told us kingdom would rise against kingdom.  In the United States reports about groups planning action are beginning to surface.  For example news from Detroit stated, “Nine members of a Lenawee County-based militia group were planning to "levy war" against the United States and "oppose by force" the nation's government, according to an indictment unsealed this morning in U.S. District Court in Detroit. Seven of the defendants of the "Hutaree" militia appeared briefly this morning in U.S. District Court in Detroit and were ordered held without bond until Wednesday, when bond hearings will be held. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet said he wants all the defendants held pending trial. The five-count indictment alleges that between August 2008 and the present, the defendants were trying to use bombs and other weapons to oppose the U.S. government.”


Here is another report. “ADRIAN, Mich. – The FBI said Sunday that agents conducted weekend raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and arrested at least three people, and a militia leader in Michigan said the target of at least one of the raids was a Christian militia group. Federal warrants were sealed, but a federal law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity said some of those arrested face gun charges and officials are pursuing other suspects.


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  Who in their right mind would have ever thought leaders of nations would be asking for a One World financial system?  The people who know what Jesus has warned knew about this and have been looking for it to actually take place.  If you don’t know Christ or His prophecies let me tell you, this is a major sign letting us know we have reached the last days just prior to the beginning of the seven year tribulation, where the Antichrist will take control of a global financial system.  Here is a sign this system they are talking about is headed our way. I quote, “NEW YORK – French President Nicolas Sarkozy is urging the United States to champion global financial regulations to avoid future crises — and says Americans should pay more attention to the rest of the world.” In another section of this same report we read that Sarkozy “urged Europe and the United States to create a new global financial system.”

The prophet Daniel was told the Antichrist would rise up from a revived Roman Empire.  Chapters two and seven of the book of Daniel prevails this information to us.  Since the European Union is made up of the nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire it should send up a huge red flag when you hear world leaders urging the EU to create a new global financial system.  How can it be that almost 2,000 years before Roman fell, Jesus said it would return again?  How can it be that Christ knew when the revived Roman Empire returned at the same time we would fall into a global financial system?  The answer to these questions is simple if you are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Only a true living God would be able to tell you these things so far in advance.  Why tell us about these things if there wasn’t anything we could do about it?  Only those people who don’t have Christ’s Holy Spirit living in them think there isn’t anything we can do.  Fact is, Jesus asked us to watch for all these signs to make sure we would be ready for His return.  If you have Christ as your savior and you are abiding in His Word you will know that Christ is going to take you away from all the things that are coming to pass.  What can we do?  Be ready to leave with Him when He returns for His Church.  The news you just read about today informs the wise that Christ is coming soon, and if I were you I would get right with Christ before He comes for the Church.

Speaking about a one world economic system we are also seeing our planet’s Nations are forming blocks of nations which is bringing us one step closer to a One World Government. I discuss the block of nations in chapter one and two of my however he is an example of what I have been warning you about. “ Baku, Fineko/abc.az. The Arab states received the proposal made by Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh for creation of an “Arab union”, an analogue of the European Union (EU).  The Statement of the XXII Summit of the League of Arab States says that the Arab leaders endorsed establishment of quadrilateral commission to draw up a document on improvement of joint activity.  The commission includes heads of Lybia, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq and Yemen and LAS secretary general.  The document to be prepared by the commission will be presented for consideration of Arab countries’ foreign ministers and already this September or October an extraordinary Arab summit will discuss the ready plan.  Besides, the Arab leaders also decided to focus in details on the proposal of  LAS secretary general Amra Mussa for creation of an organization to unite the Arab world with its neighbours — Iran and Turkey.  The League unites 21 countries and the Palestine Liberation Organization.  The seven founding members of the League; Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan and Yemen signed an agreement establishing it at a conference in Cairo on March 22, 1945. The Headquarters of the pan-Arab organization is located in Cairo.”  Now this group of nations is also talking about coming together with new money system back on the same currency. “Currently, all Arab countries each appoint four deputies, but it is planned that in future they will be elected. The headquarters will be located in the Syrian capital Damascus. The Arab countries are also trying to implement a major project to create a single customs zone.” 

If you noticed I place a number of the nations in this report in red. Why did I do this?  The nations listed above are the exact same nations listed in Psalm 83.  Psalm 83 is a prophecy telling us these nations will attack Israel in the last days.  We see from the report that Damascus will be the headquarters for this new Arab Union.  According to Isaiah 17:1 Damascus will be wiped out and left in a ruinous heap.  We know at the present time Syria and Israel have been exchanging war threats against each other over the fail peace talks and the disputed 1967 borders.  Let’s say that this Arab Union comes together and Syria and Israel engage in a conflict.  Israel wipes out Syria and the city of Damascus as we read about in Isaiah 17:1.  When the other Arab Union members see what happen to their allies they would attack Israel and in doing so fulfill the Psalm 83 war.  I am not saying this is exactly how things will be played out, but it is possible.


Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7Jesus also warns us about famines in the last days. We are beginning to see a lot of weird things take place with the weather that is causing famines to spread.  There is another way famines can spread and it has to do with the decline bee population.  “The decline in the US bee population, first observed in 2006, is continuing, a phenomenon that still baffles researchers and beekeepers. Data from the US Department of Agriculture show a 29 percent drop in beehives in 2009, following a 36 percent decline in 2008 and a 32 percent fall in 2007. This affects not only honey production but around 15 billion dollars worth of crops that depend on bees for pollination.” If this declines continues and crops fail because they are not pollinated the food supply will begin to drop even further.  In the past year we have seen millions of crops wiped out from droughts, floods, diseases, war, and yes even a decrease in bees.  Christ told us these signs would come upon us as a woman with birth pains, so expect more crops to be affected and the food supply to drop in the coming years.  All these signs will reach their max during the seven year tribulation.  By the way, this bee problem is not just a U.S. problem.  When you read the entire report you will learn it is making its way around the world.  Here is another section of the report. "Under normal condition you have 10 percent winter losses.. this year there are 30, 40 to 50 percent losses." 


Prophecy Sign: In my post-dated July 30, 2009 I warned you that you would begin to hear more news about the Third Temple.  I wrote you this warning several times but let me quote what I said on July 30. “Jesus told us that there was going to be a Third Temple built again in the last days. In Daniel 9:26-27 God shows us that the Antichrist will go into the Temple during the tribulation and stop the sacrifices that the Jews start up again.  In 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 we see Jesus warning us about the Antichrist again. I quote, “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”  I told you a month ago you will begin to hear a lot of news about this Third Temple and that is what we are seeing.”

For the past two weeks we have seen much violence on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem over this Third Temple site.  Now read today’s news. “While tensions continue to simmer around the Temple Mount after riots in and around the capital’s Old City earlier this month, a new campaign calling for the construction of the Third Temple atop the holy site has made its way to the sides of 200 Egged buses in the city, which now sport posters featuring a picture of a rebuilt temple on the Mount, and nothing else. The posters, which contain the phrase, “May the Bais Hamikdosh be rebuilt speedily and within our days,” were sponsored by the Our Land of Israel group, which is led by Rabbi Shalom Dov Volpo and activist Baruch Marzel, leave out the site’s current structures – namely the the Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. The campaign’s organizers chose to plaster the posters on buses whose routes take them through predominately Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem. With regards to the campaign, Volpo said Israel is waiting breathlessly for the coming of the messiah and the rebuilding of the temple. “The Arabs and President Obama know that the Temple will be built on the Temple Mount,” he said. “Instead of the temporary buildings that are there today.” 

I can assure everyone what they are saying about the Third Temple being built is the truth.  I can say this because this is exactly what Jesus told us was going to take place in the last days and since we have reached the last days, this is why we are seeing so much news now about the Third Temple.  This news should alarm anyone who doesn’t know Christ because what this shows us is that the Antichrist is coming and if you aren’t in Christ you will be left behind to deal with this evil man.  The report goes on to say, ”Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, Marzel said it was no mistake that the Islamic shrines were left out of the picture. “We’re representing the truth, in front of everyone, and saying out loud what every Jew believes,” Marzel said. “That the Third Temple needs to be built immediately on the Temple Mount and that the mosque should not be there.”


1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us the following: “pray without ceasing;”. I heard some distrurbing news today that I want to address. “SCOTTSDALE, AZ – A national ministry that organizes prayer for the president says it's hearing from members who have quit praying for President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Presidential Prayer Team, Dave Otto, has issued an urgent appeal for funds. His letter says the ministry has been "hit hard because some of our members are deeply distraught with our country's leaders." Otto writes that members "tell us that they are discouraged, disappointed, and some have admitted they have stopped praying for the president and our nation."

If any one can show me any scripture where we are to quit praying for the lost I want to see it!  Our walk should be one like Jesus and Jesus never quit on anyone.  We need to be praying more than ever for Barack Obama and the United States.  The only one who wants you to give up and quit praying is Satan, and many Christians are now playing right into his hand.  I may not like what Obama or the leaders of the U.S. are doing but it is no reason to stop praying for the leaders.   I have a prayer ministry at my site and I encourage all Christians to join with me in praying for Obama and all the U.S. leaders.  If we really love Christ our love must be more than words but put into practice.  Jesus didn’t like what the religious men in His day did to Him but that did not stop going to the cross from them! 



    • Julie on March 30, 2010 at 9:44 am
    • Reply

    Hi Frank so glad that your wrists are beginning to heal Praise God.

    • Cyndi on March 30, 2010 at 10:54 am
    • Reply

    Frank, Yes- we love you and are so glad to see you are writing. I hope you are feeling better and 100% very soon. God bless and stay strong and continue in God’s work is my prayer! WE that love Jesus will be with Him soon.

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