Disease/False savior in hidden well/Will Israel attack Iran this week?/God’s blessing of (oil) in Israel/America’s decline/ China in prophecy/Many earthquakes/Aug. 18, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are so real, because they are based on facts, and prove Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you.  If you are depressed or on any meds for depression consult your doctor before reading this material. 

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438



Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:25-27 “Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.:For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Does it surprise you that the Spiritual leader of Iran is now claiming to have seen their savior who is hidden in a well in the desert? Information is given to us in this report entitled: Iranian Website: Khamenei Claims He Was Visited by Hidden Imam”, and I quote, “In a speech to the Iranian leadership and foreign ambassadors, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the present world order, led by the West and the U.S., contravenes God's decrees and is consequently collapsing before our eyes. He said that one of the reasons for the collapse is the awakening of the Muslim world under Iran's leadership. The Khandaniha website posted an audio address by a cleric from Ahvaz province, Mir Ahmad Reza Hajati, in which he claims that Khamenei told his associates that the Hidden Imam had appeared to him and promised to arrive during his term as Supreme Leader. Sources: Website of the Supreme Leader (Iran), July 10, 2010; www.khaandaniha.com, July 9, 2010” While Khamenei says he has seen the Hidden Imam Iran’s President believes himself to be the Prophet to bring out this Hidden Imam.  In any case this is exactly the type of thing we were expecting to read about as Christ warned us about this type of news almost two thousand years ago.  Iran’s President, as I stated in my previous posts is hoping Israel will attack Iran.  He believes such an attack will force this Hidden Imam out of the well and on the road to destroying Israel.  The outcome of a war against Israel will not turn out to be as Iran’s President has invisioned as we are told by God in the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy that God will wipe out the armies who try to invade Israel.


THE BUSHEHR nuclear plant in southern Iran will soProphecy Sign: Will the events taking place this week fulfill Matthew 24:6 were Jesus told us to watch for the sign of wars and rumors of war, or will it end up fulfilling the war found in Psalm 83 where the bordering nations around Israel attack her? If Israel holds fast to how they handled Iraq’s and Syria's  nuclear sites they will hit Iran’s this week.

'Israel has days to strike Bushehr'

“WASHINGTON – Israel has only mere days to launch an attack on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor if Russia makes good on its plan to deliver fuel there this weekend, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton warned Tuesday. He said that once Russia has loaded the fuel into the reactor — slated for Saturday – Israel would no longer be willing to strike for fear of triggering widespread radiation in an attack”  “This is a very, very big victory for Iran,” Bolton told The Jerusalem Post. “This is a huge threshold.” Bolton, who also once oversaw US non-proliferation policy, said that when Russia announced the plans to load the fuel last Friday, “the element of surprise was essentially taken away” from Israeli calculations. Bolton noted that he doesn’t “have a clue” as to whether Israel would actually attack, but he said, “If Israel was right to destroy the Osiraq reactor, is it right to allow this one to continue? You can’t have it both ways.” Israel took out Iraq’s Osiraq reactor during a stealth mission in 1981. It is also believed to have conducted a similar strike on an alleged Syria nuclear site in 2007.”



While Israel is having to deal with Iran she is also faced with war talk from a Moslem cleric. I quote, “Is a Moslem cleric making one war-provoking statement too many? Jerusalem Mufti Muhammad Hussein says Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, Hevron could start a religious war. Muhammad Hussein, known as the “Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine,” calls on all Moslems to take action to save the “holy places” and to support the Palestinian intifada. In keeping with the recent Moslem line that Judaism is barely linked with the Holy Land, Hussein says that Israel is “working subversively to take over Moslem holy sites," Arab affairs correspondent Dalit HaLevi reports.”

What does Iran’s President and this Moslem cleric have in common? They both want to see Israel wiped out so they can reclaim Jerusalem for themselves.  It is for this reason why we will in fact see the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars take place soon.  The Jerusalem issue is of course one of the main issues in Bible prophecy, which God warned us about in Zechariah 12:3. Zechariah’s prophecy has come to pass because the City of Jerusalem has become a burden for those who have come against it.  Not only that but, Jerusalem is one of the main facts way Israel is being isolated by the rest of the world and that to is fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy.

Both Iran’s President and the Moslem cleric will get their chance to war against Israel, but they better read what the Bible has to say about these wars, because Israel is once again going to come out the victory.  When the bordering nations around Israel attack her most of the world will think this is it for Israel.  They will see Israel out numbered at least 5 to 1 when they see all the bordering nations attack her, and believe this is the war that will do away with Israel.  Let me tell you right now, when you watch the news and see this war it won’t be the Arabs who win, but the same thing that happen in the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973, Israel will as I said be the victor. This of course is going to further enrage Iran’s President, and at a later date Iran who will join forces with Russia and other Islamic nations will try again to wipe Israel off the map.  Ezekiel tells us who wins that war and the outcome will again be the same, Israel with God’s help will win!


Zechariah told us all the nations of the world would in the last days come against Jerusalem and the Jewish people. We are seeing signs of the world turning on Israel all the time now, and here is an example of that in a report entitled, “Many leftists in Latin America have become more vocal in their criticism of Israel.”

“The president of Chile’s Jewish community has been given police protection following a spike in anti-Semitic attacks across the country. Gabriel Zaliasnik told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday that his house was being guarded by a police detail after he and his son had received threats of violence. “I am 43 years old, and I don’t recall something like this,” he said. “We’ve had eight different anti-Semitic events in different parts of the country.” In recent weeks, schools, synagogues and cemeteries in the cities of Santiago, Concepcion and Temuco have been vandalized and desecrated, according to the American Jewish Committee, which has been monitoring the situation. In Santiago, Chile’s capital, unknown vandals scrawled “Juden Raus” (German for “Jews out”) on the walls of the Chaim Weizmann school. In a separate incident, a video was posted on the Web showing a group of people urinating in a Jewish cemetery in the city. While law enforcement has not yet determined who is behind the attacks, there are strong indications that the perpetrators are neo-Nazis. Last week, the AJC and the Anti-Defamation League both issued statements urging the Chilean president to crack down on anti-Semitism.”


See full size imageIn my post dated December 28, 2009 I wrote this to you.

Prophecy Sign: Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33 19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand." Let me ask you a question? What is usually found in the seas and in the deserts in the Middle East? Gas and Oil! Did you know part of Deu. 33:19 was fulfilled in Feb. 2009? Read this. “Last month Delek-Noble an energy exploration partnership, announced a massive natural gas discovery off Israel’s northern coast. According to reports, they may have enough natural gas to supply Israel’s needs for fifteen years. In the energy exploration world it’s generally understood that where you find gas, you find oil and vice-versa. Zion Oil and Gas, founded by John Brown received its first onshore exploration license in 2000. Brown came to Israel in the 1980’s with the belief that a massive oil discovery for Israel was predicted in the pages of the Bible. With nothing but his Bible and his faith John Brown began his quest for Israel’s oil. The company now holds 162,000 acres under license in Northern Israel and is planning to drill its second well next month.” Since God showed us Israel will pull treasures out of the sand one can conclude that the next blessing Israel will have very shortly is they are going to locate a massive oil discovery in their sand. Today I received new that, “The Israeli National Parks Council has granted three major petroleum companies in Israel permission to do exploratory drilling for oil in the Judean Desert Nature Reserve in the Dead Sea region to see if there is a major source of oil in the lowest location on the Earth.” Please watch the news and keep what I am saying to you in your mind because when you see on the news that Israel has discovered massive amounts of oil you will know that it wasn’t Frank DiMora who warned you ahead of time but, the Lord in Deuteronomy. 33:19.” (end of my quote from 2009).

After reading my warning from a year ago read this news was just released. The headline to this report reads as follows: “Central Israel Oil Discovery: 1.5 Billion Barrels” I quote, “Estimates of the amount of oil in the Rosh HaAyin discovery have rises to 1.5 billion barrels, and there is more oil off-shore, but it is not yet known how much of the “black gold” can be extracted for commercial use.  The new estimate, along with the gas and oil finds off the Mediterranean Coast, raise the likelihood that Israel will be self-sufficient for energy for the next three decades and even become an exporter of gas. The amount of oil at Rosh HaAyin represents a tiny percentage of Israel's oil consumption, but development is continuing in the area as well as in the Dead Sea. Economists have noted that the discoveries will have a huge impact on society, creating more jobs and strengthening the shekel against world currencies.”

You may think the oil and gas discoveries as of late are nothing but a “great” coincidence? I can assure you what you are reading about is a blessing right from the Lord and it is a sign of the last days.  Put all these very specific signs together and you get a clear picture that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back shortly. j

After you watch the next two videos keep in mind they had a vision of finding oil in Israel based on scripture. As you see from the recent news the oil that used to be hidden is just now being discovered just as the Lord promised.




Prophecy Sign: America is not found in Daniel’s book which tells us something must have happened to the  U.S. in the last days to cause this superpower not to be given any mention at all.  We can see that America is on the decline and her fall will help give rise to the revived Roman Empire of the last days.   A year and a half ago I told you would see an record breaking number of Americans walking away from their homes and filing for bankruptcy.  Read the news just released on this subject.

“U.S. bankruptcy filings have reached the highest level since 2005, government data released on Tuesday show, as the economy slows and the unemployment rate hovers just below double digits. There were 422,061 bankruptcy filings between April and June, according to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, up 9 percent from 388,148 in the prior three-month period, and up 11 percent from 381,073 a year earlier. For the year ended June 30, there were 1.57 million bankruptcies, up 20 percent from 1.31 million a year earlier. Consumer bankruptcies rose 21 percent to 1.51 million, and business bankruptcies rose 9 percent to 59,608. Quarterly filings surpassed 400,000 for the first time since a record 667,431 bankruptcies were begun in the fourth quarter of 2005, when Congress overhauled federal bankruptcy laws and made it harder for people and businesses to file.”




Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:14-16, and Revelation 16:12 we see the Euphrates River is dried up and an army of 200 million men from the East crossing the river to attack the West. China has an army of 200 million men and the great River Euphrates is already dried up enough where in places right now you can walk across.  While America is not mentioned we do see China will play a major rule in the last day prophecies.  This is why you are witnessing China turning into a major superpower with all the cash, while America is ready to claim bankruptcy, and she is scaling down her military do to the massive debt, which by the way China is holding.

As you can see from the news report below China is in fact becoming that power with will cross the dried E. River in the near future. I quote from the report entitled, “Despite world fears, China develops into military power”. “Beijing – The rise of China as an economic power has put money not only in the pockets of its businesses but also its military, resulting in a two-decade modernization of its forces. The buildup, however, is causing concerns abroad and has led other countries to question China's intentions.

The newly crowned second-largest economy in the world is developing into a rival of the United States in the Pacific as it pursues the construction of aircraft carriers, modernizes its submarine fleet and planes, and deploys new intermediate-range and cruise missiles.

In its push to develop an army for the 21st century, it has reached out into space and has even shown that it can shoot down satellites. In addition, cyberattacks that originated from China have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to penetrate computer networks around the world.

Various potential hot spots for a conflict to break out are fanning the fears. While tensions over Taiwan have waned after the 2008 election of China-friendly President Ma Ying-jeou, Beijing is engaged in territorial disputes with a number of neighbors over potentially resource-rich areas in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.

Run-ins with US ships or aircraft accused of spying have also occurred, and ongoing US military manoeuvres in the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan have caused indignation in China.”


Prophecy Sign: Also in Matthew 24:7 we see the sign of (pestilences), diseases if you will.  It is becoming common news these days to read about people getting sick from bad food.  Here is another example of this. “An outbreak of salmonella illnesses linked to shell eggs has prompted a nationwide recall of 13 brands of eggs produced by an Iowa company and triggered a multi-state investigation that is expected to grow. The Associated Press estimated the total recalled at 228 million eggs, although the company in question, Wright County Egg of Galt, Iowa, wouldn't confirm it. So far, clusters of illnesses linked to eggs have been confirmed in at least three states, California, Colorado and Minnesota, federal health officials said Tuesday. In California, tainted eggs have sickened at least 266 people, Los Angeles County health officer Dr. Jonathan Fielding told reporters Tuesday.



Prophecy Sign: Part of Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells us to watch for the “many earthquakes” in the last days. Below are the Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 5.0 and Greater in the World for the past 7 days.

MAP  6.1   2010/08/18 16:28:21    12.210    141.456  43.1   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

MAP  5.2   2010/08/17 10:43:57   -30.265   -177.137  35.0   KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
MAP  5.2   2010/08/17 03:22:53    -5.346    -79.969  85.8   NORTHERN PERU
MAP  5.3   2010/08/17 01:39:32    11.594    95.034  35.0   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION

MAP  5.0   2010/08/16 22:19:16    -8.692    112.470  61.6   JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP  6.2   2010/08/16 19:35:48   -20.768   -178.782  594.8   FIJI REGION
MAP  5.3   2010/08/16 18:56:12    -7.556    128.655  137.9   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.2   2010/08/16 17:20:12   -17.417    167.816  14.1   VANUATU
MAP  6.3   2010/08/16 03:30:55   -17.788    65.692  10.6   MAURITIUS – REUNION REGION

MAP  5.1   2010/08/15 21:18:42    11.663    142.179  18.7   SOUTH OF THE MARIANA ISLANDS
MAP  6.3   2010/08/15 15:09:30    -5.708    148.337  183.1   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.2   2010/08/15 11:53:19   -21.815   -174.596  7.3   TONGA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/15 08:46:57    12.214    141.390  10.2   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/08/15 07:50:36   -36.826    -71.077  10.0   NEUQUEN, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/15 06:13:30    12.279    141.459  10.2   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/15 04:07:35    12.181    141.506  15.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.3   2010/08/15 04:00:59    12.125    141.424  15.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/15 03:04:16    -7.138    149.998  51.6   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.6   2010/08/15 02:10:39    53.462    160.286  44.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA

MAP  5.2   2010/08/14 23:50:44    12.244    141.399  24.9   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/08/14 23:27:34    12.185    141.367  20.1   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  6.6   2010/08/14 23:01:06    12.211    141.408  22.5   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/08/14 21:01:28    12.270    141.450  13.5   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/14 20:18:01    28.332    66.364  25.9   PAKISTAN
MAP  5.1   2010/08/14 19:19:34    -7.079    150.090  10.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/14 18:39:16    12.219    141.343  10.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.7   2010/08/14 16:35:44    12.297    141.570  10.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/14 16:12:40    12.188    141.500  10.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.9   2010/08/14 14:44:37    12.264    141.434  42.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/14 10:36:01    -5.815    150.895  35.6   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/14 08:40:39    11.283    -62.478  114.1   OFFSHORE SUCRE, VENEZUELA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/14 08:20:57    12.357    141.636  10.1   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/08/14 07:49:00    12.491    141.566  10.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  6.3   2010/08/14 07:30:17    12.328    141.473  9.7   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/08/14 01:34:02    26.273    141.054  108.8   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/08/14 01:08:42    -3.298    139.699  57.2   PAPUA, INDONESIA

MAP  6.9   2010/08/13 21:19:33    12.503    141.474  10.0   MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/08/13 18:42:37    -7.059    150.153  51.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/13 07:58:49    36.931    -32.934  10.0   AZORES ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/08/13 06:28:14    37.078    -32.992  10.0   AZORES ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.4   2010/08/13 05:40:49    37.078    -32.821  10.0   AZORES ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/08/13 01:33:57    48.237    148.576  396.3   NORTHWEST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS

MAP  5.2   2010/08/12 12:53:49   -17.343    167.736  35.2   VANUATU
MAP  7.1   2010/08/12 11:54:16    -1.260    -77.312  211.0   ECUADOR
MAP  5.3   2010/08/12 08:56:02   -17.504    167.588  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.0   2010/08/12 01:24:19   -11.985    -72.309  43.2   CENTRAL PERU

MAP  5.3   2010/08/11 23:58:03    -5.445    154.117  126.9   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.2   2010/08/11 19:10:21    -7.440    107.162  33.1 




    • Mark on August 18, 2010 at 7:52 pm
    • Reply

    Yes, Jesus is coming back soon. Revelations 11:11 gives us a key to His timing. This is the rapture of the dead in Christ first, then we that are alive at His coming. These 2 witnesses prophesy 3 1/2 years then are killed at the end of the tribulation period. They lay in the street dead for 3 1/2 days then are raised up. WOW we will know the day & hour as we get closer, because we are not in darkness like the carnal folks. Stay spirit filled like the 5 wise virgins. God bless you. Baptised in Jesus Name & filled with the Holy Ghost. Mark

    • Colleen on August 19, 2010 at 12:11 am
    • Reply

    I still do not understand why the people are still sleeping while these horrific disasters are taking place. What is it going to take to awaken then out of their heavy stupor? One might think that the recent global chaos occurring all around the globe would be a serious wake-up call. I think most people are becoming desensitized by these horrific events. Perhaps they say to themselves “It is just another disaster. We have them everyday now.”
    Soon enough He is coming to deliver His people from this earth.

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