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In todays news we see more of the same for the United States. Our economey is taking a hit and it isn’t over yet. Here is the latest news from Washington: "The Federal Reserve on Wednesday lowered its projection for economic growth this year, citing damage from the double blows of a housing slump and credit crunch. It said it also expects higher unemployment and inflation." Yahoo News Feb. 20th, 2008. If they tell you things will get  better for America you had better read chapter 2 from my book. While the forecast for America keeps looking at grim figures what is happening in the EU (European Union). ? Projections for the EU show there is more growth expected for the Union.

Spring economic forecast 2007-2008

The European Union economy is expected to grow by 2.9% in 2007 and 2.7% in 2008 (2.6% and 2.5%, respectively, in the euro area) on the back of solid investment and stronger private consumption, according to the Commission’s spring economic forecasts. Such growth levels imply an upward revision of ½ percentage point in 2007 for both areas compared to the autumn.

Jesus told us to keep on the watch for the rebirth of the Old Roman Empire to be reborn. The EU (European Union) is that reborn Roman Empire!  In the near future you will see more signs coming from the European Union, showing how the scales of power are moving toward the EU and away from The U.S. To read specifics on what is going to take place in the near future, you can download my entire book from this web site. Look for the  post which says download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. The book is free to anyone who wants proof Jesus’s Words, (all of them), are coming to pass.

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