Is DiMora hearing the voice of the Lord? You decide. May 7th SPECIAL REPORT!


On May 5th I told you that the Lord had impressed on my heart to warn you that the ring of fire was going to be reported in the news soon again.  The follwing is my quote from the May 5, 2008 post. "It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the ring of fire.  I believe we are going to see a lot of activity reported there soon." Did this Word of knowlegde come from God?  Lets see. Only two days after I told you what to look for a huge quake has hit, and the fact is 6 quakes have now hit near Japan.  So far on May 7 near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan they have had 6 earthquakes. These quakes range from a 5.0-6.7 and another one hitting 6.8.   You can call this a fluke or a lucky call, or you can receive it as what it really is, a warning from God to begin to pay attention to Him, He is coming soon!

two more quakes have hit near Japan since I put this put up this morning, see link below.

Please read my other May 7th post for today. I recorded a video for you that is going to impact many people.

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf  copyright 2008


If you want to see how my ministry started you can click to link below with video.

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