Is this going to be a rumor of war or a real one? Tracking kids/ Feb. 18, 2011


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"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Israeli settlements "illegitimate" shortly before the United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning continued Israeli settlement expansion as illegal." This was the news yesterday. Clinton's statement didn't sit will with the PLO. In one breath see takes sides with the PLO calling the Israeli settlements illegitmate, then she vetoed it at the UN.  The news below is from today.

"The Palestinian Authority overnight Friday said it will "reevaluate" the peace process with Israel after the US vetoed a UN resolution which condemned settlements beyond the Green Line as "illegal."  "We will reevaluate the entire negotiation process," top PLO official Yasser Abed Rabbo said. "The [US] decision was miserable and unbalanced.  It damages the credibility of the US government." 
"The US veto does not serve the peace process and encourages Israel to continue constructing settlements and avoid its commitments in the peace process," aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Nabil Abu Rudeina said. "The veto will complicate matters in the Middle East." 

For years I have been warning that when the PLO gets to the point where they know the peace process is a waste of time, that is when they will take up arms and attack Israel.  I truly believe we have just about reached that point.  Who knows, maybe this is the real reason why Iran is sending two war ships toward Syria, or at least is in the process of moving in that direction?  One thing is clear we have moved another step closer to the Psalm 83 war.

Prophecy Sign: Another rumor of war that could turn out to fulfill the Psalm 83 war or, it could turn out to be just another huge birth pain of the last days. The question now is, what will Israel do?  What Iran is doing is important since Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is now saying that the 12th Imam is behind what is happening.  This is supposedly their Islamic savior.  This is going to be a very interesting weekend, one that everyone should pay attention to!

Israel on high alert for Iranian warships' Suez transit. Kharg brings missiles
DEBKAfile Special Report February 19, 2011, 12:37 AM (GMT+02:00)

Iranian Kharg with missiles for Hizballah

Cairo's approval Friday, Feb. 18 for two Iranian warships to transit the Suez Canal on their way to the Mediterranean has brought Israel and Iran closer than ever before to a naval collision at sea. debkafile reports: Israel has learned that the Iranian cruiser Kharg is carrying long-range missiles for Hizballah which it plans to unload at a Syrian port or Beirut harbor.

US State Department spokesman P.J Crowley said he was "highly skeptical" of the Syrian claim that the two ships' visit was for training. "If the ships move through the canal, we will evaluate what they actually do. It's not really about the ships. It's about what the ships are carrying, what's their destination, what's the cargo on board, where's it going, to whom and for what benefit," Crowley told a news conference.

He was responding to questions in the wake of debkafile's disclosure that the Karg was carrying missiles for Hizballah and indicating that the US and all other UN members were authorized by UN sanctions against Iran to board and search Iranian ships suspected of carrying illegal weapons.

This mornings news had reported the following: "An Egyptian source from the Suez Canal Authority said that the authority did not yet receive the military approval necessary to allow two Iranian navy ships to cross the canal north to the Mediterranean, Reuters reported. The source said that the two ships neither reached the southern entrance of the canal, nor the waiting area. The source added that the approval could be received at any moment.


According to Joel Rosenberg former aide to Israel’s Prime Minister “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is telling the people of Iran that the Twelfth Imam is managing the the revolution now underway in Egypt and in various parts of the Islamic world, and that “the final move has begun” to destroy America, Israel and the influence of the Western powers in the epicenter.

“We will soon see a new Middle East materialising without America and the Zionist regime and there will be no room for world arrogance (the West) in it,” Ahmadinejad told a crowd chanting “Death to America, death to Israel and death to Mubarak” last Friday.

Agence France Presse reported that “in his fiery style, Ahmadinejad, showed his messianic beliefs on Friday, saying the world was witnessing a revolution managed by Imam Mahdi, the 12 Shiite imam who disappeared as a five-year-old in the 10th century and who Shiites believe would return on the judgement day.”

“The final move has begun,” said Ahmadinejad. “We are in the middle of a world revolution managed by this dear (12th Imam). A great awakening is unfolding. One can witness the hand of Imam in managing it.”

Talk about Big Brother:

GPS To Track Truant Students In Anaheim


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