A LOOK BACK

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About a month ago I wrote a post about the European Union as it relates to Bible prophecy. I warned you to keep your eyes on the economy. I said you would begin to see how the EU would rise and, that the Euro would continue to grow while the U.S. dollar slips away.  Signs of what I warned you have already surfaced.  The headline in this following Yahoo News report went like this, “Euros Accepted" signs pop up in New York City (Yahoo News Feb. 6, 2008). “The increasingly weak U.S. dollar, once considered the king among currencies, has brought waves of European tourists to New York with money to burn and looking to take advantage of hugely favorable exchange rates” (Ibid).  I guess at this point I don’t need to tell you to keep your eyes on the U.S. economy?  Every night in the news there are signs America is going to take a big hit.  One question I have been getting a lot lately is whom am I going to vote for.  Frankly, we are in a no win situation as far as prophecy is concerned.  Let me explain.  Vote for McCain and the 3 trillion dollar debt will continue to grow because he will keep U.S. troops fighting in the Middle East.  Remember the Soviet Union?  Do you remember how this nation fell from power?  They invaded Afghanistan with their war machine and got so far in debt that the nation fell apart and many Soviet states split away. The Afghanistan war was the U.S.S.R’s dooms day mistake.  The only saving grace Russia had was the fact that prophecy shows God was not finished with Russia yet and, would use her later to fulfill a major prophecy in the near future. Ten years after Russia fell apart they have returned with a vengeance and are now one of the wealthiest nations in the world.  How is this possible?  Russia discovered black gold (oil).  Currently I have chapter 10 posted at my site. If you read chapter 10 you will learn the final fate of Russia as they try to destroy Israel.  Getting back to McCain.  McCain has repeated his call that he will not leave the Middle East, so we will continue to go deeper into debt until we fall, just the way the U.S.S.R did when they stayed in Afghanistan.  However, if McCain were to pull out of the Middle East as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama say they are going to do if they get elected, then I can see a major war breaking out in the Middle East very soon.  Once the U.S. troops leave the extremists will move in again and, this time they will not only retake Iraq and Afghanistan but will try to take out Israel as well.  Seriously, if you want to know exactly how the story is going to end, you need to read chapter 10 from my book, or turn to chapters 38-39 in the book of Ezekiel, which is found in the Old Testament.  In any case, prophecy tells us the European Union (reborn Roman Empire) will be the last major superpower at the time Jesus comes again.  It is by no fluke that the Euro has taken over the dollar, and it is by no fluke that the EU is raising to the superpower status. The link below will bring you to the Yahoo report on the going use of the Euro.  Today this is what the dollar rate is against the Euro. 1 Euro (EUR) = Img_3686 1.46351 US Dollar (USD).  I wish I could give you all good news, but what I am reporting are the facts, which, Jesus told us to keep on the watch for. Here’s the good part, Christ is coming soon and when He does we who are standing ready and on the watch will be taken to heaven with the Lord.  There is only one way to God, and that is through Christ Jesus. I repeat Jesus own words, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).  Can you really escape what is to befall us?  Since Jesus never lied you can could on His Words. This is what Jesus said, Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).  I pray you will consider Christ and begin to stand with me as we watch and make ourselves ready to meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Special Note: I will keep adding  the evidence I found that proves beyond a doubt that the Watchtower Organization has been lying to their own people and us. You will want to see these documentations. See post below.

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