One more Soul for Jesus in Kenya/Lord’s vision to Pastor in Kenya/Feb. 27, 2012



This is a special note to anyone who chooses to read my prophecy documentary. My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the Bible where they should have been in the first place. This book, or for that matter any other book, should never come or be placed above the Holy Bible. The Last Chronicles was written only to help you see how close we are to the second coming of Christ, and how important it is for you to begin studying the Bible in preparation to meet Jesus. Millions of people know nothing about the Bible or Bible prophecy and will not be ready to meet Christ. My book will help you see exactly what the Lord has shown us about these last days via His Word.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 3, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

It is amazing how the Lord works when you are faithful to Him and not willing to give up!  I haven't been feeling myself lately and have been down, and really warn.  Today I really needed a shot of good news to strengthen my spirit.  The Lord blessed me more than I can ever say today exactly when I need it the most!  This is how the Lord worked to give me that super charge in the Holy Spirit.  Below is a email I received from Agnes B.  I am not going to give the full name nor the name of the high school to protect him. 


My name is Agnes B. from ———- High school Kenya. I received the lord in high school last year when a group of young men came and preached to us.I was going through a lot since i had lost my mother the previous year. I have never known my father and am currently living with my friend after clearing my High school last year.

Life was so hopeless and full of sorrows until these young men to our school felt a deep conviction within me and I decided to receive the lord. This was an experience that was very deep and I approached the young visitors who encouraged me and gave me the book that have been a very good friend to me. am glad I had the bible that I inherited from my mother which helps me to have hope in Him.

It was some night ago when I dreamt been given some water by some strangers was very thirsty and I felt like dying. But once they gave me the water, I felt relieved and energetic. But the stranger went before I could tell them thank you. When I woke up, I could not help but try to unravel the dream. After praying, a voice told me the water was the living word of God which was brought to me by the young men felt I need to tell them that am very thankful for God using them to reach to me.i had no contacts to them neither can I remember their name. But what I know is that they brought me the Gift of life.

This email address I got from the book page 325.thank you for helping me to learn more about the happening around us. Say thank you to the young men. (END of EMAIL)

As soon as I read the above statement about the email address I went to my book and sure enough on that book on page 325 was my email address.  Below is a portion of p. 325.

Now that you have read my book you will have enough knowledge to understand what is going to happen next as far a Bible prophecy is concerned, and what will happen to you. Keep in mind, now that you have read the warnings of our Lord you will have no excuse when you stand before the Lord on Judgment day. Christ has given you the proof, facts, and evidence to prove to you His Word is true. Now is the time for you to render your verdict. Is Jesus who He claimed to be? The evidence says, yes. I rest my case for Christ.! I thank my Father Jesus Christ for choosing me to give you this message.

Wheather you have turned to Christ for salvation, or you are still holding back, I invite you to come to my site and watch the news to see how prophecy is developing, and how close we are getting to the Lord’s second coming. My web-site link is I pray my work will lead you into the arms of the one and only true Savior of this world. Jesus is coming soon. I pray my book will help you get ready for that blessed day

All speaking engagements are free. All I ask is you get me there and back. If you want to have a prophecy seminar e-mail me at (END).

What a shot in the arm!!  The young men that brought the message of the good news to Agnes B.  was Pastor Titus and his team which have joined the Last Chronicles ministry of which Timothy Moore is a partner with me. I was blown away to have had a chance to take part in helping bring the Lord's Salvation to Agnes.  I am so grateful to Pastor Titus and his team for really doing the work of Christ in the field in Kenya.  Without Titus and his team the Lord's message and my book would have not made it into Agnes' hands.  I want to thank Jesus and ask Him to keep opening up the doors for us in Kenya as many are coming to the Lord for Salvation. Many of you might not know what joy I have been given today after reading the email from Agnes.  It is a overwhelming joy knowing I have been allowed again to be part of one more soul written in the Lord's Book of Life. It is my prayer for each of you reading this post that you would also come to know what it feels like to lead someone to Jesus Christ for Salvation. The is real wealth!!!!  This is the real prize!!!  This is the real treasure!!!!

Agnes, I am forwarding what you wrote me to Pastor Titus and ask him to make sure his team knows what you have said.  You may be hearing from Titus soon as I will pass on your email address to him.


Email from Pastor Wekesa in Kenya concerning a vision he has gotten from the Lord


 Joshua Wekesa 



Dear Frank,
Here is the Vision that God showed me about the Wedding of the Lamb of God. In that Vision God took me on the top of the high Mountain, and God show me a beatiful Church and there was a big Congregation of People and their Clothes were very dirty. And the Lord God told me in that vision, that tell this People to clean their Clothes, because Jesus is coming to take them, after few minutes, I sow everybody with white Clothes, then i saw a beatiful Wedding of the Lamb takeing place. Then Immediately i heard the voice Coming from heaven and saying that NOBODY WILL COME IN MY WEDDING WITH DIRTY CLOTHES. Immediately he show me many Pastors araund the World, and told me that this Pastors cannot come in my wedding, because they have commited FORNICATION WITH THEIR CHURCH MEMBERS. Then Jesus state to cry. And he take me in the book of Jeremiah 17:1-27, and say that their sin has written with apen of iron, and he shaw me this Pastors all of them were lame in their  Legs. Then God call me and said, Joshua,, tell all Pastors araund the World to Repent quickily before the rapture, after 2 minutes i saw 100 Pastors only who were able to repent and enter into the Wedding.
Dear Frank,, please tell your readers to repent the sin of uor Pastors.
From Joshua Wekesa.

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