Jan. 20, 2021- Blinken says US to seek ‘longer and stronger’ deal with Iran



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IDF retaliates to Hamas rocket by striking guard posts

IDF tanks strike Hamas positions in response to continued rocket fire

The IDF struck various Hamas guard posts in the Gaza strip in the night between Tuessday and Wednesday, according to an IDF Spokesperson. The strikes were carried out following the launch of a rocket towards Israel in the middle of the night.
Jan. 20, 2021

Qatar Calls on Gulf States to Launch Discussions With Iran

Qatar has called for Gulf Arab countries to hold talks with Iran, the country’s foreign minister said in an interview aired Tuesday, after Doha reconciled with its neighbors following a rift. Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, who has previously called for dialogue with Iran, told Bloomberg TV he was “hopeful that this would happen and we still believe this should happen.” “This is also a desire that’s shared by other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries,” he said. It comes weeks after GCC hawks Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE reestablished ties with Qatar after breaking them off in June 2017 partly over allegations that Qatar was too close to Iran. Doha denied the accusations. Qatar and Iran share one of the world’s largest gas fields and Doha maintains cordial relations with Tehran. Doha is a close ally of Washington and has previously mediated between the US and Iran suggesting that Sheikh Mohammed’s intervention could be timed as a signal to the incoming administration of US President-elect Joe Biden.
***On Jan. 6th ETRM reported on the rapprochement with Qatar by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Egypt- three countries of which have treaties with Israel (Bahrain & UAE through the Abraham Accords)
Jan. 19, 2021

Report: Trump Officials Say Mauritania, Indonesia Were About to Normalize with Israel, but Time Ran Out

Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation, and Mauritania were in the final stages of closing a normalization deal with Israel, but time ran out as Donald Trump’s presidency drew to a close, two U.S. officials told The Times of Israel this week. Mauritania was the closest to signing an agreement, the report said. The northwest African country, a member of the Arab League, established full diplomatic ties with Israel in 1999, but severed them a decade later as a result of the 2008-2009 Gaza war. Mauritania also has close ties with Morocco, which last month became the fourth country to enter the Abraham Accords after the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan. The officials said Indonesia would have likely normalized a deal with Israel in the next month or two had Trump remained in office. A senior administration official told Bloomberg that Indonesia could receive as much as $2 billion in development aid from the U.S.
***See also from December: Trump administration attempts to lure Indonesia into recognizing Israel with $2bn in aid 
Jan. 20, 2021







US To Review Yemen Houthi Terrorist Label, End Saudi Support: Blinken

US President-elect Joe Biden’s administration will quickly revisit the designation of Yemen’s Huthi rebels as terrorists and end support to the devastating Saudi offensive on the country, his pick for secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said Tuesday. At his confirmation hearing, Blinken said he would “immediately” review the outgoing Trump administration’s labelling of the Iran-linked insurgents, fearing the move was worsening a humanitarian crisis. “At least on its surface, (the designation) seems to achieve nothing particularly practical in advancing the efforts against the Huthis and to bring them back to the negotiating table while making it even more difficult than it already is to provide humanitarian assistance to people who desperately need it,” Blinken told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “The Huthis bear significant responsibility for what’s happened in Yemen, but the way the campaign has been conducted has also contributed significantly to that situation. And so our support should end,” Blinken said.
***Please see ETRM Jan. 11 reports
Saudi Arabia & Yemen welcomes US plan to designate Houthis a terrorist organization

Houthis Vow to Respond to US Terrorist Designation
Jan. 20, 2021

Alleged US airstrike was ISIS attack on power lines: Iraqi officials

Two More US-Led Coalition Supply Convoys Attacked in Iraq

While pro-Iran media claimed the explosions were caused by US airstrikes, Iraqi officials have confirmed that the incident was an ISIS attack on infrastructure. An attack by ISIS militants on power transmission towers south of Baghdad caused the explosions mistakenly reported by regional media as US airstrikes on sites belonging to pro-Iranian militias in Jurf al-Sakhar south of Baghdad on Monday night, Iraq’s Security Media Cell confirmed on Tuesday morning. On Monday night, the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen news, as well as Al-Hurra and Al-Arabiya, reported that explosions were heard near Jurf al-Sakhar overnight after airstrikes targeted sites in the area. While Al-Mayadeen claimed that US airstrikes had targeted sites belonging to the Iraqi Armed Forces, Al-Hurra and Al-Arabiya claimed that the sites allegedly targeted belonged to the pro-Iranian Kataib Hezbollah militia, with multiple deaths and injuries reported in the alleged incident. Iraq’s Security Media Cell denied that Iraqi security forces in the area had been targeted by any strikes on Monday night, calling on the media and bloggers to be careful about transmitting information and not to broadcast rumors. A senior US defense official told Jennifer Griffin of Fox News overnight that there were no US airstrikes near Baghdad on Monday night, despite the reports. A Reuters reported confirmed that the US Central Command (CENTCOM) denied any knowledge of airstrikes in Iraq.
Jan. 20, 2021







Iran holds ground forces drill on coast of Gulf of Oman

Blinken says US to seek ‘longer and stronger’ deal with Iran

Iran’s military kicked off a ground forces drill on Tuesday along the coast of the Gulf of Oman, state TV reported, the latest in a series of snap exercises that the country is holding amid escalating tensions over its nuclear program and Washington’s pressure campaign against Tehran. Iran has recently stepped up military drills as part of an effort to pressure President-elect Joe Biden over the nuclear deal that President Donald Trump pulled out of. Biden has said the US could rejoin the multinational accord meant to contain Iran’s nuclear program. Meanwhile, the US will come back into a nuclear accord with Iran if it returns to compliance, and Washington will eventually seek a stronger deal of greater duration, secretary of state-designate Antony Blinken said Tuesday. US President-elect Joe Biden “believes that if Iran comes back into compliance, we would too,” Blinken told his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “But we would use that as a platform with our allies and partners, who would once again be on the same side with us, to seek a longer and stronger agreement,” he said.
Jan. 19, 2021

Sudan troops deployed in Darfur after clashes kill 155

Sudan’s transitional government ordered a heavy deployment of troops into the Darfur region on Tuesday to quell three days of tribal conflict in which at least 155 people died and tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes. The fighting began on Saturday between nomadic tribesmen and members of the Massalit ethnic group in El-Geneina, the capital of West Darfur. At least 100 people died, more than 130 were injured and up to 50,000 people fled areas in and around the Kerindig camp for internally displaced people. Authorities in West Darfur imposed a statewide curfew as troops arrived from Khartoum and other parts of Sudan to restore order. Separate clashes in South Darfur between the Fallata ethnic group and the Rizeigat tribe killed at least 55 people and injured 37. A heavy troop presence has also restored order there. The latest violence came after the joint UN- African Union peacekeeping mission ended its 13 years of operations in Darfur on Dec. 31, and began a phased withdrawal of its 8,000 armed and civilian staff.
Jan. 19, 2021

‘Arab Spring Anniversary’ Protests Stretch to Fifth Day in Tunisia

Tuesday saw the fifth night of violent protests in cities across Tunisia – a bout of unrest that began as a commemoration of the 2011 “Arab Spring” movement, which began when a Tunisian street vendor set himself on fire to protest against government corruption. Reuters reported on Wednesday that the protesters have revived the revolutionary chant from 2011: “The people want the fall of the regime.”  The “regime” they wish to depose today is different, as former President Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali was the first leader forced out of office by the Arab Spring movement ten years ago. Ben Ali’s 23 years in power ended with a hasty flight to Saudi Arabia, where he died in exile in 2019. The Tunisian government is still struggling to recover some $67 million that Ben Ali and his family salted away in Swiss banks. The disillusioned protesters complain that the current government of Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi is not enough of an improvement over Ben Ali’s autocracy. Some said Mechichi and his “corrupt elite” stole Tunisia away from the revolutionaries of 2011.
Jan. 20, 2021



NYPD, protesters clash in Manhattan on MLK Day with 29 arrested

Protesters carrying BLM signs vandalize CA police station

BLM protesters arrested, cited with blocking Seattle freeway on MLK Day

The New York Police Department said at least 29 people were arrested – and at least 11 officers were injured – Monday when a crowd of protesters gathered on what would civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.’s 92nd birthday in lower Manhattan. Hundreds of people who first listened to speakers outside Barclays Center in Brooklyn participated in a so-called Black Liberation March, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall, where they were met with a large presence of NYPD officers, WNBC, the NBC owned TV station in New York, reported. Videos posted online showed officers wearing masks, and holding zip-tie flex cuffs, clash with demonstrators in the street that evening. Police said officers first began moving in to make arrests “when a female using an iPhone to record protestors” in front of the David N. Dinkins Municipal Building, at 1 Centre Street, had “protesters move in to harass her,” an NYPD spokeswoman confirmed to Fox News. Officers formed a circle to protect and remove the woman and then had glass bottles thrown at them. The spokeswoman said other officers used a public address system “to give clear, audible directions for protesters to leave the roadway.” A total of 29 individuals — including 12 males and 17 females who ranged in age from 20 to 41 – were arrested between Chambers and Centre streets. All but two people reside in the five boroughs of New York City — one resides in Rhode Island, the other in New Jersey.
Jan. 20, 2021



Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary

President-elect Joe Biden has tapped Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine to be his assistant secretary of health, leaving her poised to become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. A pediatrician and former Pennsylvania physician general, Levine was appointed to her current post by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf in 2017, making her one of the few transgender people serving in elected or appointed positions nationwide. She won past confirmation by the Republican-majority Pennsylvania Senate and has emerged as the public face of the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Jan. 20, 2021





Barrage Of New Countries And Airlines To Adopt Vaccine Passports

You may need a vaccine passport to travel freely in Europe as host of countries back plan

It is being reported that the South African government is working on implementing an entire Covid-19 vaccine ‘ID system’, which will not only encompass the so called ‘passports’, but will also include “management and surveillance of the Covid-19 vaccine,” as well as “an integrated track-and-trace system,” and “a dashboard system… to capture the reasons given for vaccine refusal.” Meanwhile, in Europe, another country has indicated it will adopt the vaccination passport scheme with Ukrainian health officials announcing that all vaccinated people will be entered into an electronic health care database. While scores of countries are now slowly moving toward the implementation of vaccination passports, airlines appear to have fully embraced the idea and essentially already have them in place.
Jan. 20, 2021



January 6, 2021- Ten tons of fish dead in Sampaloc Lake in Philippines. Link

January 8, 2021- Over 13 million birds killed since due to avian flu in South Korea. Link

January 8, 2021 – Over 350,000 ducks killed since December due to avian flu in France. Link

January 9, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beach in Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. Link

January 10, 2021 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on Lake Victoria in Uganda. Link

January 10, 2021 – Dead fish found in a lake in Viechtach, Germany. Link

January 12, 2021 – Dozens of various dead birds found, ‘causing panic’ in Jharkhand, India. Link

January 13, 2021 – Tons of dead fish from fish kill in Lake Sebu in Philippines. Link

January 14, 2021 – Over 100,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Hungary. Link

January 14, 2021 – Dozens of dead seagulls found on beach in Dublin, Rep of Ireland. Link

January 15, 2021 – Dead pilot whales wash up in Newfoundland, Canada. Link

January 15, 2021 – Hundreds of dead eels and trout wash up in river in Dunedin, New Zealand. Link

January 17, 2021 – Over five million chickens killed since November due to avian flu in Japan. Link

January 18, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash ashore in Guasave, Mexico. Link

January 19, 2021 – 8,000 birds dead due to avian flu in Maharashtra, India. Link

January 19, 2021 – Dead birds found in Patiala, India. Link

January 20, 2021 – Over 63,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Iraq. Link












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