January 11, 2016- Obama as UN General!?!?


email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com

New-ETRM-logo indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 4, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Video on Islam facts you need to know!  http://video.slimail.com/QXIcgUVVnZU

We know Jesus warns us that in the last days the Antichrist would come. Since being in the ministry all these years I have seen a host of people who people call the Antichrist and over the years all of these people turned out not to be the Antichrist.  The latest person to be added to that list is President Obama. There is a new news report pointing out that after Obama leaves office in 2016 he want to be the Head of the UN. At this point nothing can be confirmed for sure. Even if later on we see that this story is true it does not mean that Obama is in fact the Antichrist. The Antichrist of the Bible is someone who will come on the scene and the world will fall in love, a man with great powers, a wise man that we have never seen before of course that excludes Jesus because there is no person who even come close to our Lord’s wisdom!  The Bible tells us what the Antichrist is going to do so if you wait and watch the news if Obama were the Antichrist you would see that things God warned about come to pass via Obama. 

What is the first thing you should look for?  In Daniel chapter 9 God shows us the Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel and many nations for a period of 7 years.  I can’t see Obama doing any such thing as Israel disdains Obama and, as you will see from the report below Israel’s Prime Ministry has according to this report stated  vowed to counter the Obama campaign to head the UN.  So at least at this point I can’t see Israel taking any type of peace agreement with Obama in the near future.  For the past 7 years the world have watch Obama fail on the world scene. He has failed to bring in any type of peace which by the way the Bible shows that when the real Antichrist comes he will bring on peace.  Here are some reasons why I do not believe Obama that man of sin. 

The Bible has many references to Assyria playing a major role in the end times. The Antichrist is called the Assyrian by Isaiah many times and by Micah as this man coming from the land of Assyria which will be the land to be devastated during the return of Jesus Christ to save Israel from the invasion of the Assyrian (Micah 5:5-6).  This man of sin is also known to us in Isa. 14:4 as the “King of Babylon” .  The nations God points to in these prophecies are the nations that were in power in the Old Testament and they would be the same nations that the world would see the Antichrist come out of.  Many want you to believe that America is Babylon and Obama is from this modern day Babylon.  Even if that was the case which it is not Obama is not from Syria nor from Babylon as shown to us in the Old Testament.  Remember where Obama said he was from? Kenya!  That alone would x him out of the prophecy picture as seen my Micah and Isaiah.  Friends, where God speaks of Syria and Babylon that is who He means. These are the same nations of the Old Testament in the same places. The only difference is the leaders have changed over these many years.  When the Antichrist comes he will come out of the Middle East from the nations God shows us. 

In short, let us keep on the watch to see the signs Jesus left us concerning the Antichrist.  Keep in mind, any new peace plan any man makes with Israel and the many nations has to be for a period of 7 years or it would not fit the warning God gave Daniel.  As for me,  Obama just doesn’t fit those warnings God left us concerning the man of sin. 

Headline: Claims Obama Wants to Be Next UN Secretary General

Barack Obama addresses the United Nations General Assembly (Photo White House-Samantha Appleton via Wikimedia)

Al –Jarida, an Arabic language Kuwaiti magazine, published an article on Friday claiming that US President Barack Obama has set his sights on becoming the next Secretary General of the United Nations when he leaves the Oval Office in one year.

If true, and if he succeeds in this endeavor, Obama would be replacing the present Secretary General, South Korea’s Ban Ki-Moon, who is serving his second five-year term in the position. Ban’s term as Secretary General is set to end December 31, 2016, coincidentally 21 days before Obama’s second term as President ends. Al-Jarida attributed the rumor to “informed sources”.

The article also claimed that upon hearing of President Obama’s plans, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu “vowed to counter his campaign.” They quoted Netanyahu as saying, “Eight years of Obama’s judgments and marginalizing Israel was not enough? Now he wants to be in a position to cause us trouble in the international forum?”

Al-Jarida was credited with starting a wildfire of rumors in the international press when it printed a story in March, quoting an Israeli source, that Obama halted an airstrike by Israel against targets in Iran by threatening to shoot down the Israeli bombers.  The story was picked up by media around the world, but was quelled when the White House denied there was any basis to the story.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/58449/kuwaiti-news-claims-obama-wants-to-be-next-un-secretary-general-middle-east/#bUzwMkXpbA3xEEuj.99




Headline: Report: Israeli air force strikes Hezbollah in Qalamoun, Syria

Syrian opposition sources claim the Israeli air force conducted airstrikes against Hezbollah positions in the mountainous Qalamoun region, along the border with Lebanon. The alleged strikes were first reported by Syrian opposition outlet 7alpress, which claimed on Twitter that “two consecutive Israeli raids” targeted Hezbollah positions outside the town of Flita late Sunday night. A subsequent report added that ambulance sirens were heard in Yabrud, southeast of Flita, “after Israeli aircraft targeted Hezbollah’s positions.” Lebanon’s Now. news site cited several other rebel sources, some of whom said they counted as many as five strikes by aircraft on Hezbollah targets. Other Lebanese media sources also reported on “unidentified” explosions in the area. Israel is believed to have repeatedly struck Hezbollah positions and weapons convoys in Syria, as part of efforts to prevent the Iranian proxy group obtaining “game-changing” sophisticated weaponry, as well as to thwart attacks by Hezbollah and affiliated terrorist groups along the Golan Heights border with Israel. The last reported Israeli air strike in Syria eliminated arch-terrorist Samir Kuntar, a one-time Hezbollah commander who was reportedly drafted by Iranian special forces to set up anti-Israel terror cells in southern Syria. However, Israeli government officials have never commented openly about the strikes, as part of the government’s policy of ambiguity regarding operations in the civil war-torn country.
January 11, 2016


psalm onlybb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline: Jordan to form judicial committee to ‘inspect Israel’s violations’ at Temple Mount

Jordan has been selected to establish an international judicial committee to inspect Israel’s “violations” on the Temple Mount, the Amman-based daily Al-Rai reported on Sunday. This role was assigned to Jordan, which is recognized by many as the custodian of the holy places in Jerusalem, during a conference that took place recently in Egypt, assembling Arab judicial experts. Faisal Hizahi, an international judicial specialist, will chair the committee; he said it will inspect and document all the “violations” that harm the holy places in Jerusalem, and initiate criminal procedures against Israel in the International Criminal Court at The Hague. In addition, Hizahi stated that the white paper submitted by the conference emphasized the central role of Jordan’s king, Abdullah II, in inspecting the “daily violations committed by Israel in Jerusalem” and forming a united international stance toward them.
January 10, 2016



Headline: Hezbollah: Russia is arming us

Senior Hezbollah militants tell US news outlet that Russia is providing the terrorist group with weapons including long-range missiles and laser-guided rockets. Furthermore, one adds, Russia has placed no restrictions on their weapons being used against Israel. The militants, who spoke with reporters from US media outlet The Daily Beast, said that they are receiving the arms with “no strings attached” and that as far as the Syrian civil war goes, the Assad regime, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia are operating in complete concert with one another. According to The Daily Beast, they met the Hezbollah commanders in Beirut’s Dahiya suburb on two separate occasions – once at the end of December and again at the beginning of 2016. The pair, who were apparently not authorized to speak to the media and therefore did not provide their names, said that Russia is arming Hezbollah with “long-range tactical missiles, laser guided rockets, and anti-tank weapons.” One of the field commanders, who dubbed himself Commander Bakr, told The Daily Beast: “We are strategic allies in the Middle East right now – the Russians are our allies and give us weapons. “The intervention of the Russians made it much easier (for us),” he continued. “Without their air force we can’t advance and they couldn’t give us air support without our information from the ground.” Russian officials did not respond to The Daily Beast’s request for a comment.
January 11, 2016


Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline:     Saudi protesters fire-bomb intelligence building in Qatif

A group of masked men threw firebombs at an intelligence service compound in the city of Qatif in eastern Saudi Arabia, activists said on Monday, in an alleged revenge attack for the execution of a prominent Shia cleric by Saudi authorities at the beginning of January. According to Reuters, a Saudi Interior Ministry spokesman said “there was a failed terrorist attempt to burn the building with Molotov cocktails” and that one of the assailants was captured. An activist told Middle East Eye that three people have been arrested in relation to the attack on the intelligence building. Baher al-Mahroos, 20, remains in detention while the two other men who were not identified were released. “The attack took place Sunday early morning between 3:30-4:00am,” the activist, who wished to remain anonymous, said. One resident expressed his concern that such attacks would further escalate matters, leading to a crackdown by Saudi authorities. “Protesters are very worried about this. They want to keep everything peaceful,” the resident said. “The attack happened near a march [on Sunday], which was peaceful. We don’t want people to start being violent.” Tensions have remained high in the Shia-populated Qatif region over the past two weeks following the execution of prominent Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr.
January 11, 2016



Headline:   Arab League Accuses Iran of ‘Provocations’

Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi accused Tehran of “provocative acts” as top Arab diplomats met on Jan. 10 for talks on Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic row with Iran. Arabi was addressing Arab League foreign ministers gathered in Cairo for emergency talks requested by Riyadh on the dispute, which erupted after Saudi Arabia executed prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr. Arabi called on diplomats meeting at the group’s Cairo headquarters to “adopt a strong and clear common position calling on Iran to stop all forms of interference in the affairs of Arab nations.” Nimr’s execution earlier this month touched off anti-Saudi demonstrations in many Shiite countries including in Iran where demonstrators sacked and set fire to the Saudi embassy. Riyadh cut diplomatic ties with Shiite-dominated Tehran the day after the attack and was followed by a number of its Sunni Arab allies including Bahrain and Sudan. Other Arab countries downgraded ties or recalled their envoys to Tehran. The dispute between the Middle East’s dominant Sunni and Shiite powers has raised fears of greater regional instability and concerns for peace efforts in Syria and Yemen, where Saudi Arabia and Iran support opposing sides.
January 10, 2016


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Headline:    Doctors Without Borders hospital in Yemen hit by missile; four people killed

Headline: Yemenis kill 3 Saudis in fresh reprisal attack

Doctors Without Borders said Sunday a missile struck one of its hospitals in northern Yemen, killing at least four people. At least 10 people were injured in the attack, which the organization, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres, said was directed at the Shiara Hospital in Saada province’s Razeh district. While the origin of the attack could not be confirmed, MSF employees on the ground said aircraft were flying over the facility at the time. The BBC reported three MSF staff members were injured, two critically. MSF, which describes itself as an “international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare,” has operated at the facility since November 2015.
January 11, 2016




Headline: Egypt attack: Three tourists stabbed at Hurghada hotel

Three foreign tourists have been stabbed by two suspected Islamic State militants who stormed into a hotel in Egypt’s Red Sea resort of Hurghada. The attackers, armed with knives, were shot by police at the Bella Vista hotel after they attacked two Austrian guests and a Swede, officials say. One assailant was killed and the other injured, officials say. The attackers were aiming to kidnap tourists, officials told the BBC. Reports say they raised the IS flag. Security forces are still searching for possible further attackers. Officials earlier reported that both the attackers had been killed. The BBC’s Sally Nabil in Cairo says Hurghada remains on high alert with all roads in and out closed off.
January 9, 2016


             Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Maarat al Numan

Syria Headline:       Airstrikes in Syria Kill Dozens in Rebel-held Town

Monitors said airstrikes on a rebel-held town in northwestern Syria killed dozens of people Saturday, including civilians, fighters and prisoners. But the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights did not say whether the strikes in Idlib province were carried out by Syrian or allied Russian warplanes, which have both bombed the area in recent weeks. The observatory said at least 39 people were killed in the strikes, which hit a courthouse and an adjoining prison under the control of al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra militants in Maarat al-Numan. Early accounts said dozens more were wounded, and that the targeted facilities included the group’s religious court and a jail. Western news reports said the buildings were struck by four missiles and the number of fatalities was likely to rise.
January 9, 2016



Syria Headline:     Russian airstrikes in Syria kill 12 children

The Russian military is being blamed for an attack on a Syrian school that killed at least 12 children Monday. Three adults were also killed in the airstrike Monday on a school in rebel-held territory in Ain Jara, about 10 miles north of the city of Aleppo, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. The agency added that in a separate incident, three children died in rocket fire on an Aleppo district held by the Syrian government. Russian airstrikes on Islamic State and Syrian anti-government targets have been responsible for the deaths of 1,730 civilians since Russian military involvement in Syria began in September, the Syrian National Coalition said. Nearly 100 were killed in airstrikes on the town of Maraat al-Numan on Saturday in Syria’s Idlib province. While Russia says its attacks are aimed at the Islamic State, its planes regularly bomb targets in areas not controlled by IS, prompting observers to suggest Russia’s mission in Syria is more directed at enemies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s government. “Nearly 94 percent of the 12,000 sorties the Russian air force has so far flown in Syria targeted civilians and the Free Syrian Army,” the SNC said in a statement.
January 11, 2016


Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

https://www.facebook.com/syriahroe http://syriahr.com/en/category/news

Iraq Headline:    ISIS claims responsibility for Baghdad mall siege that left 18 dead

The Islamic State group is claiming responsibility for the Baghdad mall attack that killed 18 people on Monday. Gunmen stormed into the Jawhara Mall after setting off a car bomb and launching a suicide attack at its entrance. Iraqi officials say the attack which lasted over an hour, killed at least 18 people and wounded 50 in the city’s mainly Shiite east. The IS statement, posted online shortly after the attack, said a car bomb and four IS fighters carried out the attack, targeting an area where many Shiite Muslims are known to gather and warned of “worse” to come. Iraqi officials say the attack was carried out by seven men, one of whom died when he detonated his explosive vest at the start of the Iraqi officials initially described the attack as a hostage situation, estimating that 50 people were trapped inside the complex. But Iraqi forces soon surrounded the building and landed troops on the roof. They clashed with the attackers inside, killing two of them, and arresting the other four. At least four police officers were among those killed in the assault, which lasted around an hour and a half, according to police and medical officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters. Following the attack, authorities shut down the city’s highly fortified Green Zone, home to a number of foreign embassies and most of the country’s political elite. A number of major roads, shopping malls and bridges around the Iraqi capital were also closed for fear of follow-up attacks.

Also on Monday evening, a car bomb in southeast Baghdad in a crowded market area killed five and wounded 12, according to hospital and police officials. Another deadly attack was carried out in the town of Muqdadiyah, about 60 miles north of Baghdad in Diyala province. A double suicide bombing at a cafe killed 24 and wounded 52, according to hospital and police officials. Police officials say the cafe was frequented by militia fighters under the government-sanctioned Popular Mobilization Forces and many fighters are among the dead.
January 11, 2016



Kurdish Headline:  Turkey waging brutal battle in siege on Kurdish stronghold

Turkey is continuing to press its brutal siege on the Kurdish de facto capital. Kurds represent about 20 percent of Turkey’s population, and Kurdish fighters have been the only successful fighting force against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). The months-long battle for Diyarbakir, a walled city on the Tigris River, has claimed hundreds of lives and observers see no end in sight. Kurdish militants are said to view the battle as perhaps preserving their last chance at self rule, the Wall Street Journal reported. “This is something bigger than us,” said local businessman Sahismail Bedirhanoglu. “It has to do with Middle East dynamics.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has attempted to silence Kurdish leaders, with many of them under detention. In Diyarbakir, more than 440 Kurdish fighters have been killed since Turkey sent in 10,000 security forces last month. “We respect people’s freedom of expression, but it becomes unacceptable when it turns to armed resistance,” a Turkish official said. Since July, more than 194 civilians have been killed across southeastern Turkey, according to the International Crisis Group. Many see the siege on Diyarbakir as part of a new attempt by the Turkish government to eliminate Kurdish aspirations for autonomy.
January 11, 2016


photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline:  Iran removes core of Arak reactor, looks to sanctions relief

Iran is on the verge of finishing work to dismantle its Arak heavy water nuclear reactor, paving the way for a complete lifting of international sanctions, officials said on Monday. Iran Atomic Energy Organization spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi told the Iranian daily Etemad that the work will be completed in about a week, the semi-official Fars news agency reported. Iran agreed to take apart the controversial reactor in exchange for sanctions relief as part of the landmark nuclear agreement hammered out with world powers last year. “We have almost completed all undertakings based on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and no job has remained,” Kamalvandi said. He added that remaining work “can be carried out in less than 7 days.” A source told Fars that the central component of the reactor was removed. “The heart of Arak Heavy Water Reactor was taken out today,” the source said. “The operation was accomplished today and the core has been filled with cement.”
January 11, 2016



Headline:   US Embassy warns of reported kidnapping plot against American, Europeans in Afghanistan

Headline: Afghan forces regain control of key district in Takhar

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul warned Monday it has received reports that militants plan to kidnap an American and other Europeans working for an NGO in Afghanistan. The “emergency message” from the embassy said: “The U.S. Embassy in Kabul has received reports that as of early January 2016 an unspecified group of militants plan to kidnap an unidentified American and unidentified Europeans who are employees of an unidentified non-governmental organization (NGO) in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.” The notice did not identify the individuals who may be at risk, or the non-governmental organization (NGO) in question. The notice said the embassy does not have any further information on the “timing, target, location, or method of any planned kidnappings.” The only other detail provided is that the employees in question “reportedly travel from Kabul City, Kabul Province, Afghanistan, to Nangarhar Province at unspecified intervals and possibly serve in an advisory role to the NGO.” The message comes at a time of heightened alert in Afghanistan, where threats from the Taliban and other groups continue to rise.
January 11, 2016




Headline:    Militants hit Benghazi oil plants

A major power plant in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi was been attacked by militants, an army commander and a plant employee said on Saturday. The employee said the shelling started late on Friday evening and continued into the morning, shutting down one of the plant’s units and starting a fire that sent black smoke billowing into the sky. The fire was later extinguished, he said. Military Commander Fadhal al-Hassi told Reuters Islamic State fighters were to blame. This could not be independently confirmed, though other Islamist groups operating in Benghazi do not tend to target civilian infrastructure.
January 11, 2016


rise of ISIS

Headline: Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb threatens to attack Rome, Naples and Madrid

AL-Qaida in North Africa has continued to escalate its rhetoric against France, threatening to commit more terror attacks in Western capitals to force Paris to stop its military intervention in Mali. On January 6, the media institute of the AL-Qaida-affiliated organization released a video titled “From the Desert’s depth,” in which the Malian fighter, Abu Basir al-Bamari, who was recently released from a prison in Mali, urged the Muslims in Mali to take up arms to “fight against the French infiltrators” in order to restore Sharia law in the country. To achieve its aim – ending the French intervention in Mali – the organization threatened to attack the West: “We will strike them in Naples, in Rome, in Madrid. The blasts will be everywhere.” The video also presents images of the fighting already taking place in Mali between the al-Qaida-affiliated organization and UN peace keeping forces, which are composed mainly of French soldiers.
January 11, 2016


WarsAndRumorsOfWars Cooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline:   North Korea puts U.S., South Korea forces on highest alert

North Korea is likely to engage in additional provocations, top U.S. and South Korea military commanders said Monday. Both U.S. and South Korea forces were placed on the highest alert level Monday, and Seoul said new restrictions are to be introduced at the Kaesong Industrial Complex, a joint North-South factory park in North Korea, South Korean television network SBS reported. Curtis Scaparrotti, the commander of U.S. forces in Korea and Lee Soon-jin, chairman of South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, told combined U.S.-South Korea forces to stand ready, Yonhap reported. “I want you to maintain the highest-level readiness position with a long-term view because planned joint military exercises are ahead,” Scaparrotti said. Lee, who was conducting a joint inspection of air force units, said there is a “very high likelihood” North Korea would undertake more provocative acts, and precautions are necessary.
January 11, 2016









January 7, 2016 – 2,000 dead fish found along the banks of a river in Amalfi, Colombia

January 7, 2016 – Tens of thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in various areas of Taiwan

January 8, 2016 – Dead starfish and jellyfish wash up along Sussex and Hampshire, England

January 8, 2016 – Over 330,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Kano and Delta regions, Nigeria

January 8, 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Gulfport, Florida

January 9, 2016 – 4,000 cattle dead due to drought in Huila, Colombia

January 10, 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish and eels found in a lake in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

   frank  signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

1493257_929978987071972_5903463827838132843_n 12510240_929978873738650_2504715858367075752_n

Headline: Vanuatu on red alert as Cyclone Ula, category 4 storm, approaches

Residents of Vanuatu are taking shelter as a category four cyclone brings heavy rain and strong winds to the same area devastated by the largest cyclone in the South Pacific island nation’s history last year, aid workers said on Sunday. Disaster management authorities have issued a red alert for islands in Tafea, the southernmost of Vanuatu’s six provinces, a spokesman of CARE Australia told Reuters. “Most people are sheltering in schools and churches, the only permanent buildings on these islands,” Sam Bolitho said. “Some people are also sheltering in caves.” The eye of the storm, Ula, is not expected to pass over any islands but the ring of the cyclone was causing damage, Bolitho said in an email. Islanders are bracing for winds expected to reach up to 165 kmph (100 mph), besides flash flooding, landslides and storm surges. Last March, tropical cyclone Pam, a category 5 storm, the highest classification, wiped out more than 90 percent of Vanuatu’s crops, tore up homes and power networks, killed 11 and disrupted the lives of most of its 252,800 people.
January 10, 2016


Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook & Twitter pages; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


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