January 18, 2017- Palestinian parties agree to form unity government

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Headline:      Palestinian Official: Two-State Solution Just Pretext for Taking Over Israel [Video]

Headline: Palestinian parties agree to form unity government

The establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank is only a pretext for Palestinians to take over all of Israel, said an official with Mahmoud Abbas’s political party, Fatah. Azzam Al-Ahmad, a Fatah Central Committee member, told an interviewer on official Palestinian Authority (PA) state TV that a Palestinian state would simply be a stepping stone to a Vietnam-style conquest in which “Palestine” would swallow up the entire country of Israel. Meanwhile, The main Palestinian parties on Tuesday announced a deal to form a national unity government prior to the holding of elections, after three days of reconciliation talks in Moscow. “We have reached agreement under which, within 48 hours, we will call on [Palestinian leader] Mahmoud Abbas to launch consultations on the creation of a government” of national unity, senior Fateh official Azzam Al Ahmad told a press conference, speaking in Arabic. After the government is formed, the Palestinians would set up a national council, which would include Palestinians in exile, and hold elections. “Today the conditions for [such an initiative] are better than ever,” said Ahmad. The non-official talks in Moscow began on Sunday under Russian auspices with the goal of restoring “the unity of the Palestinian people”. Representatives came from Fateh, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other factions. Abbas’ secular party Fateh and the Islamist Hamas have been at loggerheads since the latter seized Gaza in a near civil war in 2007.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:   Obama Appoints Anti-Israel Adviser to Holocaust Museum Council

President Barack Obama appointed White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes to a post on the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s council, the White House Reported Tuesday. Rhodes was probed by Congress over revelations that he served in his sensitive position as the president’s most trusted advisor despite the fact that he had not qualified for security clearances based on FBI background checks in 2008. Rhodes, the son of an Episcopalian father from Texas and a Jewish mother, has been attacked by Jewish groups and media outlets over his role in selling the Iran nuclear to the American public. Rhodes admitted to misleading reporters regarding the actual timeline of US negotiations with Iran, saying he used young, inexperienced reporters to create an “echo chamber” in order to sway public opinion (and Democrats on the Hill) in favor of the deal. Rhodes recently raised many eyebrows when he enlightened reporters about the “tens of thousands” of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria: “Again, I think the question is going to be when history looks at these types of decisions, when people look back and they say, you saw tens of thousands of settlements being constructed, you saw as was addressed in the resolution, incitement to violence on the Palestinian side.” And so, in his characteristic manner, President Obama appointed a man with serious integrity issues to be on the board of an institution that deals daily with attacks on it veracity by forces looking to denigrate and deny the memory of the Holocaust.
Jan. 18, 2017


Headline:       Israeli policeman and Bedouin killed during clashes over demolitions

Headline: Israel faces Bedouin population time bomb

Headline: Israeli Arab leaders call general strike for Thursday to protest demolitions

Two people have been killed in southern Israel during a confrontation between police and Bedouin villagers over the demolition of illegally built homes. Police said an officer was killed in a car-ramming attack in Umm al-Hiran, in the Negev desert, and that the Israeli Arab driver of the car was shot dead. They alleged he was active in an Islamist group and might have been influenced by so-called Islamic State. But locals said he just lost control of his car after being shot by police. The BBC’s Yolande Knell in Jerusalem says tensions are running high in the area. Police spokesman Supt Micky Rosenfeld said a local man had driven at speed towards officers deployed during an operation to demolish 15 structures deemed to have been built without a permit on state land. “A vehicle driven by a terrorist from the Islamic Movement intended to strike a number of officers and carry out an attack,” he said in a statement. “The officers responded and the terrorist was neutralised.” The Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement was outlawed in November 2015, after the Israeli government accused it of fomenting a wave of knife, gun and vehicle-ramming attacks by Palestinians and Israeli Arabs that has killed at least 42 people in the past 16 months.
Jan. 18, 2017




Headline:      UN warns against West Bank annexation calls

The UN’s envoy for the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, warned Israel against any plans of annexing the West Bank from Palestine on Tuesday while addressing the United Nations Security Council, which met to bring a resolution to stop Israe’s illegal settlement activities. The comments by Mladenov were sparked by several high ranking Israeli ministers calling for the annexation of Palestinian lands. “Calls have been made for the annexation of parts of or the whole of Area C…Such divisive positions risk destroying the prospects for peace,” he stressed.
Jan. 18, 2017


Headline: Trump UN envoy pick slams settlements resolution as ‘the ultimate low’

President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for ambassador to the UN vowed a sharp pivot in US policy at the international body on Wednesday, questioning its bias against Israel and its inability to address the world’s most pressing crises. At her Senate confirmation hearing, Nikki Haley, who currently serves as South Carolina’s governor, slammed the Obama administration for allowing “mistreatment” of Israel in the halls of an organization with a long record of disproportionately targeted the Jewish state. She called a resolution which passed through the Security Council last month condemning Israel’s settlement enterprise– facilitated by a US abstention– “the ultimate low,” a “terrible mistake,” a “kick in the gut” and a message to the world that America’s commitments to its allies ring hollow. The resolution, numbered 2334, suggested that “being an ally of the United States doesn’t mean anything,” Haley told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “I will not go to New York and abstain when the UN seeks to create an international environment that encourages boycotts of Israel,” Haley said. “I will never abstain when the United Nations takes any action that comes in direct conflict with the interests and values of the United States.”
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:          Third Temple Grows Closer as Sanhedrin Discovers Rare Holy Wine in the Land
Last week, 30 bottles of wine were delivered to the nascent Sanhedrin, setting in place one more necessary element for the Temple service – and one which is specifically mentioned in prophecy as a precursor to the Messiah. In preparation for the Third Temple, Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, set out to find wine that is kosher for use in the Temple. Wine has special status in Judaism, as it is required for the Sabbath, holidays like Passover, and rituals like weddings and circumcisions. The requirements for wine to be considered kosher for everyday consumption are more stringent than for any food. The process, from crushing the grapes until bottling, must be performed entirely by Sabbath-observant Jews. Grapes are one of the seven species in which Israel is especially blessed. But the fruit has more biblical significance than many realize. The return of grapes to Israel, notably absent during Islamic rule, when alcohol was prohibited, is prophesied by Micah to herald the coming of the Messiah.
Jan. 18, 2017




Headline:     Israel Steps up Shadow War with Hezbollah

Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) stressed in its annual strategic assessment, released January 2nd, that Hezbollah remains the most serious threat the Jewish state faces. It urged Israel’s intelligence establishment to intensity efforts to block the transfer of advanced weapons systems to Hezbollah — a process that may already be under way with a spate of air and missiles strikes against Syria. The vast majority of the arms supplied to Hezbollah from Iran pass through Syria. Hezbollah, a key force keeping Syrian President Bashar Assad in power amid the war in the country, is reportedly building military bases and seeking to establish a presence in the disputed Golan Heights, a strategic volcanic plateau that overlooks Israel’s agricultural heartland. Iran, Hezbollah’s patron and arms supplier, is listed as the second-ranking military threat by INSS, in part because of its distance from Israel. Combined, Iran and Hezbollah, which serves as the Islamic republic’s strategic arm in the Levant, present a comprehensive threat to Israel that far exceeds any other. This ranges from Iran’s growing ballistic missile force and the nuclear weapons Israel’s military leaders are convinced it will develop in the coming years to Hezbollah’s emerging tactical capabilities. Much of that is due to advanced weaponry it amassed in recent years despite repeated Israeli air strikes against weapons convoys and targeted assassinations in Syria and Lebanon of key figures in acquiring or developing Hezbollah’s firepower. Hezbollah is estimated — largely by Israel — to possess more than 130,000 rockets and missiles, including long-range weapons capable of destroying city blocks. In recent weeks, the covert war between Israel and Hezbollah that has dragged on for five years apparently flared again, possibly this time with higher stakes.
Jan. 16, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:      Yemeni Chief: Our struggle is against Israel, not with Saudi Arabia

The president of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, Saleh al-Samad, said to al-Mayadeen television that all attempts for the Saudi-backed forces to reach the strategic Bab-al-Mandeb Strait has been resisted, and that the mercenaries are fighting with the support of Riyadh and on behalf of Israel. The battle “is not with the mercenaries, nor Saudi Arabia, it is a battle with Israel, primarily,” he claimed. He added that Saudi Arabia is too weak to launch such a wide military campaign against Yemen without Israel’s support, pointing to recent meetings between Saudi officials and a number of Israelis, PressTV reported. He then accused Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, Yemen’s former president who asked Saudi Arabia to launch war on his home country, of attempting to subjugate the Yemeni people by playing the economic card, in an apparent reference to the embargo that had been imposed on Yemen by Riyadh, the report continued.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:     Egypt Demands Hamas Hand Over Terror Suspects

Egypt has presented Hamas with a list of conditions that must be met before talks in improving relations between the two parties can take place. Egypt has given Hamas a list of 20 suspected Islamic State-affiliated (IS) terrorists it wants Hamas to hand over. Cairo has rejected Hamas’ offer to hand over 2-3 suspects, saying it insisted all of them be handed over to Egyptian authorities for questioning. In addition, Egypt is also insisting Hamas agree to tighten control of the Sinai-Gaza border, especially the network of tunnels it has dug under the border. Egypt has accused Hamas of allowing the gangs that operate the tunnels to work with Islamic State in northern Sinai. It says Islamic State uses the tunnels to smuggle activists into Gaza, and weapons from Gaza to Islamic State.
Jan. 18, 2017




Headline:         ISIS storms Deir Ezzor in new bid to capture military airport

On Wednesday morning, the Islamic State launched another powerful attack in the Deir Ezzor Governorate, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) defenses at the Panorama area and Harabish District of the provincial capital. Under heavy bombardment by the Russian Air Force, the Islamic State attempted to seize more territory north of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport in order to completely besiege this installation. Despite sending several waves of combatants towards the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses, the Islamic State was unable to make any important gains near the Panorama Roundabout or Harabish District thus far. According to a military source in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Army in Deir Ezzor has managed to push back all Islamic State militants in the Harabish District, but they are still under heavy assault in the Panorama area. The Syrian Arab Army attempted to reverse the Islamic State’s gains north of the military airport yesterday; however, they were ultimately repelled after a long battle at night.
Jan. 18, 2017


Headline:  ISIL’s counter-offensive in western Palmyra (Homs province) ends in disaster

The Islamic State (ISIL) launched a counter-offensive in the western countryside of Palmyra on Tuesday, targeting the areas the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) recently liberated near the Jihar Crossroad. ISIL began the attack by storming the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses near the Jihar Crossroad; this resulted in a fierce battle that would last for three hours on Tuesday. Despite the intensity of the Islamic State attack, the terrorist group was unable to recover any ground near the Jihar Crossroad; instead, they lost two armored vehicles and more than 20 combatants. As a result of this failed Islamic State attack, the Syrian Arab Army launched a counter-assault to advance their front-lines around the Jihar Crossroad and T-4 Pumping Station. So far, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to capture some ground near the T-4 Pumping Station this morning; however, nothing substantial.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:    Iraq military: Troops have ‘full control’ of eastern Mosul

Headline:  US forces establish 4 military bases in Mosul to oversee operations against ISIS

U.S.-backed Iraqi government troops announced on Wednesday they were in “full control” of eastern Mosul, after routing Islamic State militants from that part of the northern city almost exactly three months since the major operation started. The achievement was a “big victory,” said Iraqi Army Lt. Gen. Talib Shaghati, who commands the counter-terrorism forces, describing the success of the Iraqi forces as “unprecedented.” Shaghatai, who spoke to reporters in the town of Bartella, just east of Mosul, said plans were now being drawn up to retake the western part of the city. He did not elaborate on when that part of the operation would begin. Wednesday’s advance came after Iraqi troops over the past days intensified their push into the last IS-held neighborhoods in Mosul’s eastern sector, closing in on the Tigris River, which roughly divides the city. Stiff resistance by the militants, thousands of civilians being trapped in their houses by the fighting and bad weather had in the past slowed the advances of the troops. However, skirmishes and clashes continued in some pockets along the Tigris in eastern Mosul, according to Iraqi special forces Maj. Ali Hussein who said his unit was still pushing into the Ghabat area along the river bank. Small arms fire could be heard and at least one civilian was wounded by mortar fire.
Jan. 18, 2017












Headline:      Russia says joins forces with Turkey to bomb Syria militants

The Russian Defence Ministry said on Wednesday Russian war planes had joined forces with Turkish jets to target Islamic State militants holding the town of al-Bab around 40 km northeast of Aleppo. Lieutenant-General Sergei Rudskoi, a senior Russian Defence Ministry official, said in televised comments it was the first time the air forces of Russia and Turkey had teamed up in this way. The operation had been conducted in agreement with the Syrian government, he said. Rudskoi said the Russian air force was also providing air support to Syrian government troops who he said were trying to fight off an Islamic State assault around the town of Deir al-Zor. Russian jets were also backing a Syrian army offensive near the town of Palmyra, he said, where he warned Islamic State militants might be planning to blow up more of the ancient city’s historical monuments.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:       Iran Against U.S. Presence At Syria Peace Talks In Astana

Iran says it opposes the United States joining peace talks on Syria to be held in Kazakhstan next week. That goes against the position of the other two organizers of the talks, Russia and Turkey, which have said the new U.S. administration of Donald Trump should be represented at the Astana talks, which begin on January 23. “We have not invited them, and we are against their presence,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on January 17, according to the Tasnim news agency. “At this stage, we must keep the tripartite setup,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi told AFP on January 18. “Any enlargement could increase the risk of failure.” Russia, Iran, and Turkey pushed for the peace talks after government forces won a major victory last month in retaking eastern Aleppo, a key rebel stronghold through much of the war.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:     Afghanistan Cannot Be Abandoned To China-Pakistan-Russia Troika In 2017 – Analysis

Headline:  Trump and Afghanistan: The Unwelcome Obligation

Afghanistan seemed to have disappeared from the United States radar in the months to the run-up to US Presidential Elections resulting in a void which the China-Pakistan-Russia Troika has exploited to US disadvantage. Strategically the United States invested heavily in Afghanistan in terms of billions of dollars and thousands of US soldiers lost to Pakistan Army duplicitous double-timing the United States while professing to be a trusted ally of long-standing. In 2017, the United States would be well-advised not to let the China-Pakistan-Russia Trilateral muscle into what rightly deserves to be called United States strategic turf. The US incoming Trump Administration’s highest priority task on assumption of office on January 2017 should be not to abandon Afghanistan .On the contrary the United States should ensure that the machinations of the China-Pakistan-Russia Troika by what initially appears only as a ‘pious’ political intervention is not allowed to morph into an eventual some sort of quasi-military Troika intervention.
Jan. 18, 2017










Headline:    Mexico violence: Four killed in Cancun gunfight

Headline:  Teen shoots four, self at American school in northern Mexico

An attack on the government offices in the Mexican beach resort of Cancun has left four people dead, officials say. Police intervened after gunmen opened fire at the Quintana Roo state attorneys’ office. TV showed footage in which intense gunfire could be heard. One policeman and three suspected attackers died, governor Carlos Joaquin said. Five suspects were arrested. Mr Joaquin described the attack as a reaction by gangsters to his crackdown on organised crime. Meanwhile, A teenage student suffering from depression opened fire at a private American school in northern Mexico on Wednesday, injuring three students and a teacher then shooting himself in what state officials called an unprecedented attack that was caught on security video. Aldo Fasci, security spokesman for Nuevo Leon state, said the 15-year-old student pulled out a handgun inside a classroom at the bilingual Colegio Americano del Noreste and began shooting, leaving three of the victims and himself gravely injured.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:     Mali car bomb ‘kills at least 50 people’ in Gao

Headline:  Al Qaeda-linked Islamist group claims Mali suicide bombing

At least 50 people have been killed in northern Mali in a car bomb attack on a military base, officials say. A vehicle packed with explosives detonated at a camp housing soldiers and members of rival armed groups in the region’s main city, Gao. Mali’s northern desert region has been restive since it was captured by militant Islamists in late 2012. Despite French military intervention in 2013, the region remains tense with sporadic attacks and kidnappings. A source at the UN Mission in Mali (Minusma) is quoted by the AFP news agency as saying it was a suicide attack. The victims were involved in conducting patrols in this highly volatile area under a deal backed by the UN in a bid to stop the violence there. Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita has declared three days of national mourning in a tweet following the latest attack. The fight against extremist groups is one of the major challenges of Mr Keita’s government. But a new report by Human Rights Watch says the Malian government is not doing enough to protect civilians from the militants.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:     Gambia Declares State Of Emergency As Leader Refuses To Cede Power

Headline:  People Flee Gambia as Presidential Drama Escalates

Two days before Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is supposed to cede power, he has declared a state of emergency in the country. He has refused to step down to make way for Adama Barrow, who won last month’s election. It wasn’t immediately clear what the state of emergency entailed, but the move appeared to make a handover of power even more unlikely. Barrow, a businessman, is scheduled to take office Thursday. But Jammeh has defiantly said he won’t allow that to happen. In a televised speech on Sunday, he said he has filed an injunction to prevent Barrow from being sworn in until a Supreme Court ruling. “Until then, the status quo remains,” Jammeh said, calling on Gambians to carry on with their everyday activities. Any court decision could take months, The Associated Press reports. The chief justice has “recused himself and said he could not rule on Jammeh’s request for an injunction blocking Barrow’s inauguration.”
Jan. 18, 2017




Headline:         Fort Bliss sending 400 U.S. soldiers to Europe in NATO effort

Fort Bliss said it would deploy 400 U.S. soldiers and 24 AH-64 Apache helicopters to Europe in February for a nine-month rotation as part of NATO’s Operation Atlantic Resolve. The troops and helicopters belong to the 1st Battalion, 501st Aviation Regiment, 1st Armored Division stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas. “These soldiers will support aviation operations throughout Europe to improve inter-operability and strengthen relationships with allies and partner nations,” Fort Bliss said in a statement. The 1-501st will reinforce the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, from Fort Drum, N.Y., which was the first aviation brigade to support Operation Atlantic Resolve. “We’re looking forward to this exceptional opportunity to work with U.S. Army Europe and our Allies and partners,” Lt. Col. Chris Crotzer, commander of the 1-501st, said in a statement. “We are excited to conduct challenging training with multinational forces across several different countries and to learn about many new cultures while doing so.” In NATO’s Operation Atlantic Resolve, the United States has deployed troops in Europe that will train in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia for the next nine months as a show of force to directly respond to what the alliance sees as increased Russian aggression.
Jan. 18, 2017



Headline:       Britain to leave EU market as May sets ‘hard Brexit’ course

Headline:      World leaders find hope for globalization in Davos amid populist revolt

Headline:      Dimon Says Euro Zone May Not Survive If Concerns Are Ignored

Britain will quit the EU single market when it leaves the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday in a decisive speech that set a course for a clean break with the world’s largest trading bloc. Setting out a vision that could determine Britain’s future for generations and the shape of the EU itself, May answered criticism that she has been coy about her strategy with a 12-point plan for what has been dubbed a “hard Brexit”. May promised to seek the greatest possible access to European markets but said Britain would aim to establish its own free trade deals with countries far beyond Europe, and impose limits on immigration from the continent. For the first time, she acknowledged that those measures would require withdrawing from the market of 500 million people, founded on principles of free movement of goods and people. “I want to be clear: what I am proposing cannot mean membership of the single market,” said May, who became prime minister in the turmoil after Britain voted in June to leave the EU. “Instead, we seek the greatest possible access to it through a new comprehensive, bold and ambitious free trade agreement.”
Jan. 18, 2017





Headline:    New drought strikes millions in Ethiopia, still reeling from El Nino

Millions of Ethiopians face a hunger crisis for a second consecutive year after drought hit sub-Saharan Africa’s second most populous nation, the United Nations said on Tuesday as it appealed for more than $900 million in aid. A strong aid response to last year’s El Nino-linked drought, has almost halved the number of Ethiopians needing food aid to 5.6 million since mid-2016, but a lack of rains once again threatens the country’s ability to feed itself, it said. “Last year, (we were)… able to mount the biggest drought response operation in global history,” Mitiku Kassa, head of Ethiopia’s National Disaster Risk Management Commission, said in a statement. “Today we need that partnership once again as we face a new drought,” he said, appealing for $948 million in aid. Aid is also being ramped up in drought-hit neighbouring Kenya and Somalia. The United Nations’ humanitarian coordinator in Somalia, Peter de Clercq, warned on Tuesday of “a significant risk of further deterioration to famine”, appealing for $864 million for 3.9 million Somalis. Ethiopia’s latest rain failure has mainly hit southern livestock-herding communities, unlike last year when hunger was worst in the north and west. “The impact is expected to be most dire in early 2017 among livestock, with unusually early migrations, excess mortality rates and extreme emaciation,” the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a statement.
Jan. 17, 2017



Jan. 12, 2017- 10,000 birds dead due to avian flu in Odessa, Ukraine

Jan. 12, 2017- Dead turtles found washed ashore in Chennai, India

Jan. 12, 2017- Hundreds of tons of fish have died in Lake Toba, Indonesia

Jan. 13, 2017- Thousands of dead fish wash up along a lagoon in Patagonia Argentina

Jan. 13, 2017- Thousands of fish die in a lake in St. Petersburg, Florida

Jan. 14, 2017- Mass die off of fish in the waters of Wilhelmshausen, Germany

Jan. 14, 2017-  Bulgaria reports virulent bird flu at over 50 farms, culling 430,000 poultry

Jan. 15, 2017- Experts baffled as ten dolphins are found washed up dead along Cornish coast within a matter of days

Jan. 17, 2017- Hundreds of dead fish found in a lagoon in Petrolina, Brazil

Jan. 17, 2017- St. Petersburg mystery: Why are pelicans dying at Riviera Bay and Coffee Pot Bayou?

Jan. 17, 2017- Hundreds of dead fish wash up on Hindmarsh Island in Australia

Jan. 17, 2017-  Bird flu found in 6,000 turkey flock at East Lindsey farm close to first outbreak

Jan. 17, 2017- Biologists investigate deaths of 82 stranded dolphins in Florida


Headline:   Plague Outbreak Hits Remote Part of Madagascar

Even for Madagascar, this is no ordinary bubonic plague outbreak. The African nation has the world’s highest incidence of the bacterial infection that earned the grim name “the Black Death” after it killed an estimated 50 million people in the 14th century. The rat- and flea-borne illness hits the island nation every year from about December to April. But this year is different, says the World Health Organization’s Dr. Eric Bertherat. This latest outbreak has popped up in a completely new area. The mountainous area of Befotaka in southeastern Madagascar has seen 68 cases — of which 27 have died — since the end of last year, according to WHO estimates. Bertherat said there also are unconfirmed reports of a nearby second cluster, of some 30 cases. “This outbreak occurred in a place where they had no plague case reported since 1950,” he told VOA from Geneva, after returning from a recent visit to Madagascar to assess the situation. Even more alarming, he says, is the fact that “it occurred in a very remote and insecure place where it’s very difficult to go. And that’s the main problem, for the time being. There is no one to control the outbreak because we are still trying to organize a kind of rescue operation to go there.”
Jan. 18, 2017


Headline:      Marijuana-Related Illness Increases in Legalized States

As various states move towards the legalization of marijuana, doctors are noticing the increase of a particular illness that is associated with regular use of the drug. Emergency rooms have been seeing an influx of patients with the same symptoms – severe abdominal pain and intense vomiting – and this increase is particularly high in certain states that have already legalized the use of marijuana. While some doctors have been perplexed by these symptoms, the disease does have a name: cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS. The illness is believed to be caused by regular and long-term use of marijuana. There seems to be a direct correlation between CHS and states that have passed marijuana legalization measures. One study shows that CHS diagnoses nearly doubled at two of Colorado’s hospitals since 2009 – the year that it was decided that Colorado needed a state-regulated medical marijuana distribution system.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:     Central Italy reels from four strong earthquakes

Four earthquakes measuring above 5 on the Richter scale hit the central Italian region on Wednesday morning, an area which was devastated by a series of quakes last year and is currently suffering from heavy snow.  What we know so far : – The first three quakes came within one hour, at 10:25, 11:14 and 11:25 on Wednesday morning, each with a magnitude of above 5. A fourth major tremor was reported at around 14:33, with a magnitude estimated at 5.3. The quakes were felt in Rome along with other areas of Lazio, Abruzzo and the Marche, and as far away Umbria, Naples and Florence. No casualties or major damage has yet been reported, but there has been minor damage in Amatrice, the town at the epicentre of last August’s quake. Rome’s Metro service and the road connecting Rome and L’Aquila have been suspended
Jan. 18, 2017


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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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