January 2, 2017- 2016 a record-breaking year for earthquakes & natural disasters

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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; please be sure to CLICK on the photos for all Bible verses pertaining to each news story~

 Burdensome stone

Headline:        British leader Theresa May breaks with John Kerry’s condemnation of Israel

British Prime Minister Theresa May condemned a blunt speech this week by Secretary of State John F. Kerry on the state of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an unusual move that boosted Britain’s relations with the incoming Trump administration at the expense of President Obama. The rare diplomatic spat between Britain and the United States, which was met with surprise by the State Department, highlighted the fast-collapsing influence of the lame-duck White House. It also pointed to a vast reordering of international affairs expected after Donald Trump takes office in three weeks, as U.S. allies position themselves to curry favor in the new order. The transatlantic split was particularly unexpected given that May’s government acted as a key broker between U.S. and Palestinian interests ahead of a U.N. Security Council vote last week to declare Israeli settlement construction “illegal.” British diplomats worked as go-betweens in shaping the measure to ensure that the language was acceptable to the United States, Britain’s Guardian and Israel’s Haaretz newspapers reported this week. Kerry on Wednesday offered a harsh assessment of the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that “his current coalition is the most right-wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme elements.” He criticized persistent Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank as a threat to the “two-state solution” under which Israel and a new Palestinian state would coexist side by side.
Dec. 30, 2016


Headline:   Former Australian PM: Cut aid to Palestinian Authority

In an article published in The Spectator Australia, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott called on the government to “join any move by the Trump administration to move its embassy to Jerusalem” and suggested Australia move its own embassy to Jerusalem as well. “Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and we should respect that by putting our embassy where they choose to have their capital,” he wrote. He also called on the government to offer “unswerving support for Israel as the region’s only liberal, pluralist democracy” and said, “Australia should cut our $40 million a year in aid to the Palestinian Authority while it keeps paying pensions to terrorists and their families.”
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:       Investigators arrive at Prime Minister Netanyahu’s residence

Investigators arrive to question Netanyahu despite his insisting there is nothing to the latest suspicions against him, telling the media and the opposition: ‘You will continue making wild allegations and we will continue leading the State of Israel’; Herzog doesn’t see reason to celebrate: ‘This isn’t a happy day. This is a hard day for the State of Israel’; Lapid calls on all sides not to drag out investigation. A team of investigators arrvived at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence on Monday evening to question him over suspicion of bribery.  Speaking earlier in the day, Netanyahu told the media and opposition to “hold off on the partying” ahead of his police questioning later in the day. “We notice reports in the media,” Netanyahu said during a Likud faction meeting. “We hear the celebrations and sense the way the wind blows in TV studios and in the halls of the opposition—hold off on the partying, don’t jump the gun. I told you and I repeat: Nothing will happen, because there is nothing. You will continue making wild allegations and we will continue leading the State of Israel.”
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:         ‘The time for sovereignty is now’

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel said in an interview with Arutz Sheva today that the annexation of Ma’ale Adumim would be a very important step for Israel to take at this juncture. “I had the privilege of being the first settler in the nucleus of Ma’ale Adumim in 1975.” Minister Ariel said. “41 years have passed, and we are now moving towards annexation. I am happy that the Jewish Home is leading the move, and I expect it to be a sign [of things to come] for all of Judea and Samaria, and for [the establishment] of equal rights for all citizens.” When you hear voices from the right, such as Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, saying that we need to wait for the next US administration, do you accept that? “I don’t think like Tzachi Hanegbi. It is important to coordinate with the US administration, but not as a condition. We did it with Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and the time has come for sovereignty in Judea and Samaria ” Ariel said. What are your thoughts on the scandals associated with the name of the Prime Minister and the expected investigation? “We should investigate carefully, and I trust the police.” he answered. “Together with that, there is an [issue of] public persecution which does not leave anything be, even things [which turn out to be] nonsense. We go through that as well. I wish for the Prime Minister to continue in this government with us for the good of the people of Israel and the State of Israel.”
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:        Hamas leader floats idea of West Bank-Gaza Strip federation

Headline:   Bodies of Hamas terrorists won’t be returned, ministers decide

A senior Hamas official said on Friday that a federation between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip could be a feasible solution to the ongoing division between Hamas and Fatah.
“A federation between the West Bank and Gaza Strip may be better than the ongoing division,” Mousa Abu Marzouk, the vice president of the Hamas Politburo, told Al-Ghad, a London-based Arabic satellite channel. A federation is defined as a political entity made up of partially self-governing regions. The division between Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and Fatah, which dominates the West Bank, has lasted for more than nine years. Arab and international parties have undertaken numerous efforts to end the division, overseeing agreements between the two parties, which ultimately have gone unimplemented. Abu Marzouk added that other countries have used the model of a federation to unite their countries, regardless of their geographical size.
Jan. 2, 2017





Headline:         Hezbollah Rejects Moscow-Ankara-Brokered Syria Ceasefire Deal Over Turkish Demand for Withdrawal of All Foreign Fighters

Sources in Lebanon told the London-based pan-Arab daily Al-Arab that Hezbollah has rejected the Russia-Turkey-mediated ceasefire agreement for the Syrian civil war, the Hebrew news site nrg reported on Sunday. According to these sources, the Iranian-backed, Lebanon-based terrorist organization that has been fighting on behalf of President Bashar Assad is furious about Ankara’s clause in the agreement requiring all foreign forces to withdraw from Syria, before a diplomatic solution is reached or even discussed. To make matters worse, the report said, the sources also claimed that Moscow informed Tehran about this clause — something that angered Hezbollah, which has been fighting alongside both. A Hezbollah official publicly declared: “We are not in Syria by Turkish decree, and we will not leave it by Turkish decree.” A Lebanese commentator told Al-Arab that a withdrawal of Hezbollah forces from Syria would have dangerous consequences, because — he claimed — it will make it difficult for Iran to prove that it is still a strong player in the region.
Jan. 1, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:     Yemeni army, resistance forces advance in Saada

Yemen’s army and resistance forces are quickly advancing toward Saada after gaining control of several strategic areas nearby. Factions from the army and resistance forces were able to regain control on Monday the command center of Brigade 101, the al-Thar and Habsh mountains. Saada has been under siege from Houthi militias and was the city where a missile was launched targeting holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia last October. Meanwhile, coalition airstrikes targeted Houthi positions in the districts of Bani Amir and Maqbana in Taiz province amid reports of heaving fighting on the front of Nihm. Coalition planes also bombarded telecommunication towers and two weapons-laden trucks of the militias south of Amran city and Lahij province. According to local sources, Houthi leader in Bayhan Ahmed Abdul Kader al-Haj al-Sayid was killed as the result of injuries he suffered in the battle o regain control of the town, which was recaptured by the Resistance. The advancements come a day after 25 Houthi militias, among them a senior leader, were killed near Najran’s border region. Abu Shehab al-Hamzi was a senior militia leader among the Houthis ranks in Yemen.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:     Egyptian security forces disperse protest against Tiran and Sanafir agreement in Cairo

Headline:   Two Egyptian soldiers killed in the Sinai peninsula

Security forces dispersed on Monday afternoon a protest in Cairo against the approval of the Egypt-Saudi Arabian demarcation deal by the Egyptian cabinet last week. A group called Ardy (My Land) called earlier on a Facebook event for the march on Monday from the Journalists Syndicate to the parliament to reject the agreement’s approval and referral to parliament. “This agreement no longer exists after it was voided by the administrative judiciary, but the government insists to implement it and deliver the islands to Saudi Arabia, against the popular will,” the Facebook event read. The event further called on Egyptians to join them to defend Egyptian lands and “put the regime on trial.”  Meanwhile, at least two Egyptian soldiers have been killed as the vehicle they were traveling in was targeted in a bomb attack in the restive Sinai Peninsula, PressTV reported. Another soldier was critically injured in the Saturday incident, which took place in the city of El-Arish as a remotely-detonated bomb went off next to the specialized security vehicle that was being used to locate explosive devices, the report continued.
Jan. 2, 2017





Headline:         Daesh claims bomb attack in Syria’s Tartous

Daesh militants said they have carried out a bomb attack on the Syrian coastal city of Tartous that Syrian state media said killed two security officers. Daesh said in an online statement claiming the attack that two of its members detonated car bombs. It did not say whether they were suicide attackers or provide any further details. Syrian state media said the attack, first reported early on Sunday, was carried out by two suicide bombers wearing explosives.

Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:   Hundreds flee fighting near Syria’s capital Damascus despite truce

Hundreds of civilians fled a mountainous region outside the Syrian capital on Sunday, where government forces were battling several insurgent groups, including an al-Qaeda-linked outfit excluded from a recent nationwide cease-fire. The Syrian military said some 1,300 people fled the Barada Valley region since Saturday. The region has been the target of days of airstrikes and shelling despite the truce, which was brokered by Russia and Turkey and appears to be holding in other parts of the country, despite some reports of fighting. The truce went into effect early Friday, and the government and the opposition are expected to meet for talks in Kazakhstan later this month. Russia, a key military ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Turkey, a leading sponsor of the rebels, are acting as guarantors of the agreement, which excludes the al-Qaeda-linked Fatah al-Sham Front and the Islamic State group. On Saturday, The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution supporting efforts by Russia and Turkey to end the nearly six-year conflict in Syria and jump-start peace negotiations.
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:   Syrian War Update – Al-Raqqa Offensive-VIDEO

Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      Daesh kills 24 in Sadr City Baghdad car bombing, cuts road to Mosul

Headline:   Two suicide bombers attack police station in Iraq’s Samarra (Saladin province)

Headline:     Iraq Baghdad: 28 dead as twin bombs rip through market (Dec. 31st)

A Daeshcar bomb killed 24 people in a busy square in Baghdad’s sprawling Sadr City district on Monday, and the militants cut a key road north from the capital to Mosul, their last major stronghold in the country. An online statement distributed by Amaq news agency, which supports the Daesh group, said the ultra-hard-line Sunni group had targeted a gathering of Shiites. Sixty-seven people were wounded in the blast. Three bombs killed 29 people across the capital on Saturday, and an attack near the southern city of Najaf on Sunday left seven policemen dead. Monday’s blast in Sadr City hit a square where day laborers typically gather. Nine of the victims were women in a passing minibus. Their charred bodies were visible inside the burnt-out remains of the vehicle. Blood stained the ground nearby. “The terrorists will attempt to attack civilians in order to make up for their losses, but we assure the Iraqi people and the world that we are able to end terrorism and shorten its life,” Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi told reporters after meeting with visiting French President Francois Hollande. Meanwhile, At least seven people are dead after two suicide bombers stormed and attacked a police station in the Iraqi city of Samarra. At least two men are said to have detonated themselves inside the al-Mutawakel police station in the city of Samarra located in the govern ate of Saladin. Other attackers are reportedly engaged in a shootout with the security forces. A citywide curfew has been imposed as a result of the attack.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:   US military hits Islamic State mortar team near Mosul school

Yesterday, US Central Command announced that Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve launched an airstrike against an Islamic State mortar team while it was positioned “in between two empty school buildings.” The announcement is part of a US military effort to stay ahead of criticism from media and international non-governmental organizations for striking jihadists as they use protected sites to attack allied forces. The US military is sensitive to hitting protected targets such as hospitals and schools; an accidental strike on a Médecins Sans Frontières-run hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan in Oct. 2015 killed 42 people and sparked international condemnation. The CENTCOM announcement is not without precedence. On Dec. 8, CENTCOM released a statement that it struck Islamic State forces at a Mosul hospital who were launching attacks on Iraqi troops. According to CENTCOM, the Islamic State was using the hospital as “a base of operations and command and control headquarters.”
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:       Daesh claims responsibility for Istanbul attack

Headline:   Istanbul new year Reina nightclub attack ‘leaves 39 dead’

Headline:   Turkey pays dear for Erdogan overreach into Syria

Daesh claimed responsibility on Monday for a New Year’s Day mass shooting in a packed Istanbul nightclub that killed 39 people, an attack carried out by a lone gunman who remains at large.
It described the Reina nightclub, where many foreigners as well as Turks were killed, as a gathering point for Christians celebrating their “apostate holiday.” The attack, it said, was revenge for Turkish military involvement in Syria. “The apostate Turkish government should know that the blood of Muslims shed with airplanes and artillery fire will, with God’s permission, ignite a fire in their own land,” the Islamic State declaration said. There was no immediate comment from Turkish officials. The jihadist group has been blamed for at least half a dozen attacks on civilian targets in Turkey over the past 18 months but, other than targeted assassinations, this is the first time it has directly claimed any of them. It made the statement on one of its Telegram channels, a method used after attacks elsewhere.
Jan. 2, 2017





Headline:       No preconditions for attending Astana Syria meet: Iran

Headline:   Turkmenistan halts gas flow to Iran in arrears row

Turkey, Russia and Iran are the only countries expected to take part in a scheduled meeting in Kazakhstan later this month devoted to recent peace efforts for Syria, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said Monday. Asked if Iran had set any preconditions on its attendance of the meeting — set for mid-January in Kazakh capital Astana — ministry spokesman Bahram Kasimi said: “Dictating views is out of the question… We do not have any special conditions.” Asked about a recent Reuters report claiming that Turkey, Iran and Russia were mulling the possibility of dividing post-war Syria into “zones of influence”, Kasimi described the assertion as “irrelevant and wrong”. “We respect the territorial integrity of Syria,” he said. “Changing borders and violating the national sovereignty of countries is wrong.” Following last week’s Syria ceasefire deal brokered by Turkey and Russia, the Astana meeting comes as part of ongoing efforts by the two countries to promote a political process in war-torn Syria.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:       Taliban ramp up attacks in southwestern Afghanistan as NATO casualties hit a low

The Taliban have continued their assault on Afghanistan’s southwestern Helmand province with fresh attacks in two key districts, Afghan security forces said, as NATO announced that its forces last year suffered the fewest casualties since the U.S. invasion in 2001. The latest round of fighting began Dec. 31 in Sangin and Marjah districts, a provincial spokesman said. The Marine Corps suffered significant casualties while fighting to liberate both areas in 2009-11. The fact that the Taliban are conducting operations in winter is at variance with their usual practice of retreating to western areas of Pakistan to regroup before returning in the spring, when the weather is more suitable for carrying out operations.

Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      South Sudan’s Government Calls for Peace Dialogue

Headline:     Sudan gunmen kill 8 people in Darfur

South Sudan’s government says it wants to bring peace and stability in the country this year, after three years of fighting. The government is putting its hopes on the recently launched national dialogue. South Sudan ended 2016 with more clashes between government forces and opposition fighters allied to Riek Machar. As officials try to put together a team to lead the national dialogue, tension remains high in the countryside and clashes are a common occurrence. A senior member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition, Peter Adwok Nyaba, says the country’s future lies in implementing the peace agreement that President Salva Kiir and Machar signed in August 2015.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:          Deputy leader of Libya’s U.N.-backed government resigns

A deputy leader of Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA) announced his resignation on Monday, saying the U.N.-backed administration had failed to tackle urgent problems arising from years of conflict and political disarray. The resignation of Musa al-Koni casts doubt on the future of the government in its current form, just over a year after it was launched under a U.N.-mediated deal that had only partial support from Libya’s rival factions. Western powers backed the GNA to tackle Islamic State, boost Libya’s oil production, and help stem the flow of sub-Saharan migrants from Libya to Europe. But though Islamic State has been ousted from its former stronghold of Sirte and oil production has recovered slightly, the GNA has largely failed to exert its authority over a country that slid into lawlessness after the 2011 uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi.

Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:        Tunisia blames Israel for Hamas scientist’s death

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi on Sunday said that his government suspects Israel of being behind the assassination of Hamas engineer Mohamed Zaouari, Haaretz reported. Zaouari, an aviation scientist, was shot to death outside his home in Sfax, Tunisia, on December 15. Hamas said two days after his death that he was a member of the organization’s military wing and one of the leaders of its drone program. The group at the time also blamed Israel for his death. The investigation into the attack is continuing, Essebsi said, according to Haaretz. He rejected criticism that the Tunisian government was not doing enough to advance the investigation, adding that the government would not hesitate to turn to the international community once it had collected sufficient evidence. Essebsi’s statement was the highest-level indication that Israel was suspected of involvement in Zaouari’s death. Tunisia’s Interior Minister had previously said Zaouari’s murder had been planned abroad by foreigners, though he admitted that “we do not yet have any tangible proof” and did not name any specific country.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      Africans Attempting to Migrate to Europe Clash With Police in Northern Africa

At least 800 sub-Saharan African migrants stormed a border fence Sunday between Morocco and Ceuta, an autonomous Spanish city on the northern coast of Africa, according to Spanish and Moroccan officials. Five Spanish and 50 Moroccan police were injured, ten seriously, as they clashed with migrants who tried to break through the fence using rocks and metal bars. The Spanish government said two of the migrants were allowed to enter Ceuta for treatment at a local hospital. The rest were returned to Morocco. Ceuta and Melilla, another Spanish city in northern Africa, are frequently used as entry points into Europe for African migrants, who are in search of a better life. Most who try to cross the border are apprehended and returned to Morocco. Those who succeed in making it over the fences are repatriated or let go. Thousands of others try to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea, often in small boats unfit for the open sea. Human rights groups have criticized Spain for returning migrants to Morocco. They have argued that bypassing the longer deportation procedures, migrants are deprived the chance to claim asylum. The International Organization for Migration said there were nearly 5,000 deaths in the Mediterranean in 2016, making it the deadliest year ever for migrants.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:          Armenia Violates Karabakh Ceasefire 35 Times Over Last 24 Hours

The Armenian military has violated the ceasefire along the contact line in Azerbaijan’s breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh 35 times over the past 24 hours, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said Saturday. “The Defense Ministry says that Armenian armed forces, using heavy machine guns, violated the ceasefire 35 times along various stretches of the frontline in last 24 hours,” the ministry’s press service said. Azerbaijan does not recognize the ethnically Armenian self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) and considers the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army to be a part of the Armed Forces of Armenia. The violence in Nagorno-Karabakh escalated on April 2. Baku and Yerevan have accused each other of provoking hostilities that led to multiple deaths on each side. A ceasefire was agreed on several days later on April 5, yet hostilities continued.
Jan. 2, 2017









Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:        Suicide car bomber outside Mogadishu airport kills 3

A Somali police officer says a suicide car bomber detonated an explosives-laden vehicle at a security checkpoint near Mogadishu’s international airport, killing at least three people. Capt. Mohamed Hussein says the car bomber detonated the bomb Monday as security forces were searching cars at the checkpoint, few hundred meters (yards) from the main base of the African Union mission. The checkpoint is close to United Nations offices and the Peace Hotel, which is often frequented by foreigners and officials. The powerful blast blew roofs off nearby buildings. A second blast and heavy gunfire could also be heard at the checkpoint after the attack, but there were no immediate details. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. However, the al-Qaeda linked Islamic extremist group al-Shabab often carries out such attacks.
Jan. 2, 2017


Headline:   Amid Political Crisis, Gambian Authorities Shutter Radio Station

Headline:   Gambia Leader Accuses West African Bloc of Declaring War

Authorities in Gambia have shut down a private radio station, amid rising political tension as president Yahya Jammeh continues to deny his defeat in recent elections. Teranga FM, which translates news from Gambian papers into local languages, was ordered shut by national security officers on Sunday for unspecified reasons. Four National Intelligence Agency operatives and one police officer in uniform came to the radio station Sunday and told us to stop broadcasting, a staff member told the French Press Agency on the condition of anonymity. Teranga FM has been taken off the air four times in recent years, and its managing director was charged with sedition in 2015 and has remained imprisoned since then. A second station near the capital, Hilltop radio, was also reportedly closed Monday.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:   Burundi Minister Shot Dead in Capital

Police in Burundi say the country’s environment minister was shot dead in the capital early Sunday. Police spokesman Pierre Nkurikiye said in a tweet that Emmanuel Niyonkuru, who was 54, was killed in Bujumbura while on his way home. The shooting is the first of a senior government official since Burundi fell into political turmoil nearly two years ago over President Pierre Nkurunziza’s controversial bid for a third term. Human rights groups have warned that the tiny African country is at risk of genocide, calling for international action. They recently released a report that documents widespread abuses under the government of Nkurunziza. The report describes killings, tortures, rapes and disappearances in Burundi since popular protests erupted in 2015 against the president’s third-term bid. The report also says more than 1,000 people have died, hundreds have gone missing and thousands more are being detained or fleeing the country. It says many of the abuses were committed by youth militias and government security forces.
Jan. 1, 2017


Headline:     Pakistan: Six injured in a roadside explosion in Quetta

As many as four security personnel and two civilians were injured when the roadside bomb targeted the vehicle of the Frontier Corps personnel who were on a routine patrol. The injured were rushed to a local hospital, Dawn online reported. Heavy contingents of police and rescue workers reached the spot and the blast site was cordoned off. An investigation has been initiated into the matter.
Jan. 2, 2017



Headline:      North Korea’s Kim says close to test launch of ICBM

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said on Sunday that the isolated, nuclear-capable country was close to test-launching an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). North Korea tested ballistic missiles at an unprecedented rate during 2016, although some experts have said it is years away from developing an ICBM fitted with a nuclear warhead capable of reaching the United States. “Research and development of cutting edge arms equipment is actively progressing and ICBM rocket test launch preparation is in its last stage,” Kim said during a televised New Year’s Day speech.  The country has been under UN sanctions since 2006 over its nuclear and ballistic missile tests. The sanctions were tightened last month after Pyongyang conducted its fifth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 9.
Jan. 1, 2017



Headline:      California ‘progressives’ pass law said to legalize child prostitution

A law decriminalizing child prostitution in California will take effect on Jan. 1. The action was immediately slammed by critics as a reward to the “darker side” of human nature. According to Senate Bill 1322, which was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, police officers in the state will be banned from arresting any person under the age of 18 for soliciting or loitering with intent. “[T]eenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution,” Travis Allen, a Republican lawmaker representing the 72nd Assembly District in the California legislature, wrote in a column published by the Washington Examiner. Allen warned of the fallout from what he called “terribly destructive legislation [that] was written and passed by the progressive Democrats who control California’s state government. The reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side,” Allen wrote.
Dec. 30, 2016



Headline:           Black Lives Matter offshoot embraces anti-Semitism, engages with terrorists

Headline:   1 of Chicago’s bloodiest years ends with 762 homicides

Over the Christmas weekend, Chicago surpassed the 750-murder mark for 2016. But as blacks lay dying on the streets of Chicago’s South and West Sides, a Black Lives Matter offshoot is more interested in traveling overseas to learn “resistance” from terrorists. The Dream Defenders bills itself as “an uprising of communities in struggle, shifting culture through transformational organizing.” But an investigation conducted by the Haym Salomon Center reveals the group’s embrace of anti-Semitism and collaboration with a State Department-designated terror group. In August, Black Lives Matter singled out Israel for condemnation, declaring it an “apartheid” state engaged in “genocide.” These accusations angered Jewish leaders, many of whom had steadfastly supported the BLM cause.  Nonetheless, despite what can only be described as a total lack of relevance to its own agenda, BLM did not back down.
Jan. 2, 2017




Headline:     Indonesia records highest number of natural disasters in 2016

Indonesia was battered by 2,342 natural disasters in 2016, the highest in the past 14 years, making it one of the most violent years in recent memory. According to data from the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the number of natural disasters increased by 35 percent during 2016 from 1,732 in the previous year, with flooding, landslides and whirlwinds still dominating.
As many as 522 people were killed, and some three million others were affected or displaced in the disasters, which also damaged at least 70 thousand houses. The nation lost tens of trillions of rupiahs due to the catastrophes. Ninety-two percent of the natural disasters that hit Indonesia during the year were hydro-meteorological in nature — floods, landslides, and whirlwinds. The country was stricken by 766 floods (up 52 percent from 2015), 612 landslides (up 19 percent), and 669 whirlwinds (up 15 percent). Flooding claimed 147 lives and affected 2.72 million people. Landslides killed 188 people, an increase from 135 in 2015. “Natural disasters have caused a lot of suffering, mostly among the poor,” Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, a spokesman of BNPB said in a statement issued on Dec 29, 2016.
Dec. 31, 2016


Headline:     2016 a record-breaking year for earthquakes in New Zealand

In 2016, New Zealand experienced a quake on average every 15-20 minutes. But one singular quake in November may have caused more damaged than all the others combined. The year 2016 will go down in history as the year the earth never seemed to stop shaking – in New Zealand. With nearly 33,000 recorded earthquakes, including two in excess of 7.0, one part or another of New Zealand was atremble, on average, every 15-20 minutes. The country’s seismologists have dubbed 2016 “the Groundbreaker,” according to Sara McBride who writes a blog for GeoNet, the country’s geological hazard information center. “Let me sum up: we had geysers, eruptions, landslides, tsunami and a whole lotta earthquakes. The ground broke under our feet, and that is why we are calling this year the ‘groundbreaker’,'” McBride wrote in a blog post on Sunday. And, she added, “It should also be known as the ‘record breaker.'”
Jan. 2, 2017


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album ***beginning November 29, 2016, earthquakes of a 5.0 magnitude and higher will be posted


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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