January 21, 2024 Hamas sites the reason for Israel attack. They finally caught up with Pastor Frank’s warning









Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 11 2024 Edition by Frank DiMora











Frank1 Back in October 2023, when Hamas first attacked Israel to start the Israeli Hamas war, I told you why this war started. I pointed to the prophecies Jesus shows us as you see above. Jesus refilled in the last days the Jewish third temple would be built, they would begin to sacrifice animals as they did, during the time of Jesus, with their third temple built. I showed you that Hamas promised even before the war began that they would go to war with Israel and why! In today’s news the media finally caught up with what I showed you back in 2023 as they point out an Hamas official said they went to war , because of the red heifers and and the fear of Israel building the third temple. The video below is what I posted back in 2023 and below that video you will see the current statement concerning the building of the Jewish Temple.




Resistance Strikes Will Increase in Coming Days – Abu Obeida’s Speech on the 100th Day of War

“We look back 100 days to remember the educated, the complicit, and the incapacitated among the world powers governed by the law of the jungle, reminding them of an aggression that reached its peak against our path (Al-Quds) and Al-Aqsa, with the start of its actual temporal and spatial division, and the ‘bringing of red cows’ as an application of a detestable religious myth designed for aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity, and the path of its prophet (the Night Journey) and Ascension to heaven.”

“As we have been informed by various sources in the resistance fronts that they are seeking to expand their strikes against the enemy in the coming days in light of the continued aggression on Gaza, we will not tire or falter in calling all the free people of the nation to rise to support their Aqsa and the path of their prophet, which the criminal Zionists are practically advancing towards destroying and establishing their temple. This is what we have chosen with our blood in Gaza for 100 days and for which the epic of October 7th was about.



Frank1 In case you are unfamiliar with the red heifer, and why Hamas got so upset concerning these red cows as they say, here’s some information I gave you in one of my videos about the red heifers which, are now designated as pure red heifers. Keep in mind, we have been seen a pure red heifer for almost 2000 years. This is huge in prophecy.


A major last days sign has finally taken place. A sign that shows us the Third Jewish Temple will begin to be built soon.





They all will be executed by Muslims,’ Wisconsin Imam calls for the genocide of Jews
Imam Alhagie Jallow is a pillar of the community in Madison, Wisc. He has been a guest of Gov. Tony Evers and is happy to meet with non-Muslims who are interested in learning about Islam. After the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre in Israel, however, Jallow showed a different side, one that authorities in Wisconsin would do well to note carefully. Will they? Unlikely. That would be “Islamophobic.” But this is serious nevertheless. … MEMRI) on Friday posted excerpts from a hair-raising Friday sermon Jallow preached at the Madinah Community Center in Madison offered a revealing glimpse of what all too many Muslims, including Jallow himself, think the Islamic religion is all about, … Jallow went on to exhort his hearers to take up arms in the cause of Islam: “Allah said in the Quran: ‘Fight in the path of Allah those who fight against you.’”








We May Not Have Crossed Into ‘World War III’ — But Our World Is At War
We’re not currently in a World War, but we can say accurately that our world is at war. Just yesterday, while reading the newspaper, all the global hotspots and flash points that exist today struck me—article after article about all the places where there are ongoing wars, conflicts, and rumors of wars. It’s not just in the newspapers; you see it online and on all the cable news channels 24/7.



How Hamas Frustrated Iran’s Plan for Israel on Oct. 7
The original Iranian plan was for both Hezbollah and Hamas to launch a full-scale attack on Israel together with the terrorist groups in Judea and Samaria. This plan was discussed at the highest level during several meetings in Beirut, Damascus and Tehran last year.



Hezbollah’s exposed position following IDF bombardment
Israeli aircraft and artillery this week carried out what the Lebanese media described as the “densest bombardment of a single location” in southern Lebanon since the commencement of the current round of hostilities between Jerusalem and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement on October 8, 2023. The targets were located in the area of Wadi Saluki, well known to Israelis as the site of a bloody battle in the last days of the 2006 war.



Expect a Chinese show of force against Taiwan soon, says INDOPACOM head
China is likely to demonstrate “force against Taiwan in the near term” because of the recent election, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said—and they will probably blame the United States. “The pressure campaign against Taiwan continues, and we’re watching it in the wake of the elections,” Adm. John Aquilino said Tuesday at a conference hosted by the Pacific Forum.



Belarus adds nukes to its military doctrine
The Belarusian government has drafted a new military doctrine that, for the first time, accounts for the usage of nuclear weapons. The new doctrine will reflect the rapid change in Belarusian strategic thinking in recent years that has seen Minsk push ally Moscow for the deployment of those weapons on soil.



Air Force confirms B-21 flight testing underway at Edwards AFB
The B-21 Raider flew a test sortie from Edwards Air Force Base on Wednesday, marking another milestone in the development of the Pentagon’s new stealth bomber. This is the second publicly acknowledged flight for the bomber, which had its first flight in November from Palmdale, California, to Edwards. The aircraft is one of six test aircraft being built by Northrop Grumman.



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Netanyahu: We will persist until Hamas eliminated, hostages returned and Gaza safe for Israel
“The war continues and it will continue until the end, until we complete all our goals: The return of the abductees; the elimination of Hamas; and the assurance that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel. Let there be no mistake; we will persist in the fight on land, at sea, and in the air until complete victory,” the prime minister said.


Day 104: IDF reports dozens of Hamas terrorists killed in latest round of fighting in Khan Younis
According to an IDF press release on Thursday morning, approximately 40 Hamas terrorists were killed over the past day by Israeli troops during fighting in Khan Younis. Acting on IDF intelligence, the troops conducted a targeted raid on the residence of a known Hamas terrorist. Israeli forces discovered multiple weapons and military supplies in the residence, including grenades, AK-47 rifles, ammunition, equipment and technological assets.



The New World Order Really Does Not Like It When Someone Starts Shooting at Cargo Ships and Disrupting Global Trade

Since the middle of November, the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen have literally attacked dozens of commercial ships in the Red Sea, and the Houthis insist that the attacks will continue until Israeli troops pull out of Gaza.  Needless to say, that is not going to happen.  Since the Houthis are not able to attack Israel directly, they are doing their best to make themselves a relevant part of World War III by lobbing missiles at cargo ships and disrupting global trade.


5 Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders assassinated in alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria
“The Revolutionary Guards’ Syria intel chief, his deputy, and two other Guards members were martyred in the attack on Syria by Israel,” according to the Mehr news agency quoting an unnamed source. Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi blamed Israel for the strike and vowed revenge. “The Islamic Republic will not leave the Zionist regime’s crimes unanswered,”



Britain Ready To Send Troops To Die For Ukraine
I have been warning that the West desperately needs to create World War III as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement since World War II, which will inevitably result in the collapse of sovereign debt. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now gone to Kiev to sign a “defense agreement” committing British citizens to be drafted to go to Ukraine and die for our illustrious politicians who do not even have the dignity of a dog that never shits where it eats, unlike our world politicians.






Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits Southwest Indian Ridge
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit Southwest Indian Ridge at 22:09 UTC on January 20, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). This is the third M6+ earthquake of the day, after M6.1 in the Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands, and M6.5 in Amazonas, Brazil.



Deep M6.5 earthquake hits Amazonas, Brazil 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit Amazonas, Brazil at 21:31 UTC on January 20, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 629 km (390 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.7 at a depth of 615 km (382 miles).



M6.1 earthquake hits Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit the Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands at 15:48 UTC on January 20, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 195 km (121 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.


Strong M6.4 earthquake hits Tonga
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 hit Tonga at 22:12 UTC on January 18, 2024 (11:12 LT, January 19). The agency is reporting a depth of 218 km (135 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.



Quantum computing to spark ‘cybersecurity Armageddon,’ IBM says
Governments and businesses are not prepared for the havoc quantum computers will sow in cybersecurity by the end of the decade, according to an International Business Machines Corp. executive.



DeepMind’s latest AI can solve geometry problems

DeepMind, the Google AI R&D lab, believes that the key to more capable AI systems might lie in uncovering new ways to solve challenging geometry problems. “Solving Olympiad-level geometry problems is an important milestone in developing deep mathematical reasoning on the path toward more advanced and general AI systems,” … Google AI research scientists, wrote

Prelude to the mark of the beast!





WEF: Dutch Queen Demands ‘Digital IDs’ Track ‘Vaccination Status’
Queen Máxima of the Netherlands has called on globalist elites at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos summit to expand plans for global “digital IDs” to ensure they can track individuals’ “vaccination status” and other private information.




Surveillance Related News: WEF-UN calls for censorship, digital IDs and artificial intelligence everywhere
Moderna employed online surveillance partners to help censor vaccine sceptics.  Moderna is a partner of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) which as an organization promotes censorship as the way to “build trust.” At WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, the Czech Foreign Minister called for a global solution against “false content,” and the United Nations Secretary-General proposed linking people’s digital identities (“IDs”) to their bank accounts and using digital IDs to censor unapproved speech.


The storms

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;



Heavy rains, deadly landslide hit Mindanao, Philippines
Recent heavy rainfall and strong winds in parts of Mindanao, southern Philippines, have led to floods and landslides, resulting in at least seven deaths, including five children, 10 people missing, and significant damage. The disaster has affected over 187,000 people across four provinces in the Davao region, with ongoing rains halting search and rescue operations.


Deadly Arctic blast brings travel chaos: More than 7,000 flights are canceled or delayed as cars get stranded on snow-covered highways – as 150MILLION face wind chill warnings
A deadly arctic cold is sweeping the nation this week, putting millions of Americans under wind chill warnings and creating slippery conditions on the roads, causing traffic delays.



Winter storms cause over 40 deaths across nine US states 
Since January 12, 2024, a series of winter storms and an outbreak of cold air have led to at least 40 deaths across nine US states. The severe weather has caused significant disruptions, including power outages affecting over 85,000 homes and businesses in Oregon, hazardous travel conditions, and extensive road closures. The latest forecasts indicate another round of extreme cold and heavy snowfall across the central and eastern US.





Christian persecution surging, worst offender kills believers ‘outright’
Open Doors US, working under its worldwide name, Open Doors International, to provide food, medicine, trauma care, legal help, safe housing and spiritual support for Christians, has released its newest World Watch List of persecution of Christians.



Social work charity faces backlash over its policy to hire only Christians 
A Michigan-based Christian charity is reportedly under review by the state health department and the attorney general over a new hiring policy that requires employees to profess a shared belief in Christianity.





Amazon Previews Series Celebrating Demons and Lucifer One Day Before Announcing Deal with Christian Filmmakers
As Amazon Studios embarks on a new Hollywood production deal to create faith-based entertainment for Christians, the company is preparing to roll out a new animated series that celebrates Lucifer and demons.


Satanic group’s invocation opens Washoe County meeting
It’s not every day that you hear the words “Hail Satan” uttered at a local government meeting. An opening invocation given at a Washoe County Commissioners meeting raised some eyebrows Tuesday when Reno Satanic founder Jason Miller said the phrase during the meeting.






Multiple Covid injections could weaken immunity and lead to cancer and brain disorders, Thai corporate media reports 
On Sunday, the Bangkok Post published an article stating that multiple Covid injections may cause hidden diseases to surface, weaken immunity and lead to cancer and brain disorders.



99.97% of US sailors infected with covid did not die; this was known in April 2020
On Sunday, Dr. Paul Alexander published a Substack article in which he stated that the so-called covid pandemic “was a PCR-manufactured, 95% false-positive, 0.05% IFR fraud fake, ‘no asymptomatic spread’ lie of a pandemic; nothing






For years I  did an in-depth research on what the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah witnesses have been teaching. The average Jehovah witnesses will never check anything their leaders teach them so they could never know what the leaders teach has come from Satan and his angels who are suppose to be guiding the Watchtower. If you are a new Jehovah witness I promise you what you will see in my paper the Watchtower does not want you to read. In my paper I will use the Watchtowers own documents to prove Satan is behind your teaching.  Jehovah witnesses are good people who have been led away from God’s truths. Since we are running out of time in these last days it becomes very important that you as a Jehovah witness review what your leaders are hiding from you. Click the link below to see how Satan has ruled the Watchtower organization. Your soul depends on it, and where you spend eternity depends on whether you’re willing to make sure of all things.



Download Jesus wants to save Jehovah’s witnesses from their false god




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