January 23, 2020- Pence calls on global leaders to confront Iran


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Headline: Pence invites Netanyahu, Gantz to Washington to discuss peace prospects

Headline: Bennett: We will not allow creation of Palestinian state

US Vice President Mike Pence invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz to the White House next week to discuss "regional prospects and prospects for peace." During their meeting, which took place at the US embassy in Jerusalem, Netanyahu praised US President Donald Trump for moving the embassy to Jerusalem. He said that now he is seeking to give Israel the peace and security it deserves. He noted that he thinks Gantz should be invited to the peace plan roll out event, because, "I think it's important that we do not lose this historic opportunity," Netanyahu said.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Abbas to Macron: We look forward to France recognizing Palestinian state

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday called on France to recognize a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 lines with east Jerusalem as its capital. “We are looking forward to France’s recognition of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, as the only way to salvage the European-backed two-state solution. That will give hope to our people about the prospects of achieving peace and stability,” Abbas said. Abbas also told the French president that he was serious about holding new presidential and parliamentary elections. Abbas urged France and European Union countries to put pressure on Israel to allow residents of east Jerusalem to participate in the vote. He expressed hope that the elections would take place as soon as possible.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Jordan’s FM warns annexation would end chances for Israeli-Palestinian peace

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi warned on Thursday that Israeli annexation of the Jordan Valley would spell the death of the two-state solution and terminate all opportunities to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians. “Israel annexing the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea in the occupied Palestinian territories will totally undermine the foundations of the peace process, kill the two-state solution and end all chances to achieve peace,” Safadi told the Jordanian state-run Petra news agency.
January 23, 2020


Headline: 36,000 flee in northern Syria after more than a dozen airstrikes

Tens of thousands of Syrians fled their homes and made toward the Turkish border after multiple government attacks in Idlib province, officials said. Syria's Response Coordination Group said the civilians abandoned their homes over the course of two days this week to escape what's supposed to be a designated de-escalation area in Syria. Group director Mohammad Hallaj said nearly 12,000 families are homeless because of the ongoing violence between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebel forces.
January 23, 2020


Headline: US 'likely' to deploy anti-missile system to protect American troops in Iraq

Headline: ISIS resurgence possible if US pulls out of Iraq: General

The Pentagon is likely deploying a missile-defense system to Iraq in response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack on an Iraqi base housing American troops earlier this month, U.S. defense officials tell Fox News. The move comes after U.S. troops were sent to a medical facility in Germany after complaining of head injuries following the Iranian missile attack. Trump threatened sanctions on Iraq earlier this month if the government went forward with potential plans to expel the 5,000 U.S. troops currently deployed in Iraq.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Shi'ite Militia Leaders Ramp Up Calls For Anti-U.S. March

On January 23, 2020, Shi'ite cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr issued a new statement aimed at mobilizing more people to participate in Friday's planned one-million-man march to end the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq. Under the title "A Thought," Al-Sadr's message asked Iraqi men, women and children to answer "the call of the homeland… the time to reform Iraq's system and to evict invaders is now… Hasten to support the beloved [homeland], as it is calling to you, and do not renege on your vow."
January 23, 2020



Headline: Commander of Iranian militia shot dead

Gunmen in Iran shot dead a commander of the hardline Basij militia who was an ally of Qassem Soleimani, the senior Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a US drone strike in Iraq, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing Iran’s official news agency IRNA. Abdolhossein Mojaddami, a Basij commander in the city of Darkhovin in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, was shot on Tuesday in front of his home by two men riding a motorcycle, said IRNAThere was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, IRNA said. It described Mojaddami as one of the “defenders of the shrine”, a reference used to describe members of security forces who have fought in recent conflicts in Iraq or Syria.
January 23, 2020


Headline: Iran threatens Europe with 'consequences' after move to hold country accountable for violating nuclear deal

Headline: Pence calls on global leaders to confront Iran

Iran is asking European countries to stay in the 2015 nuclear deal despite already violating the agreement. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened Western powers on Wednesday while pledging that Tehran would not pursue a nuclear bomb with or without a deal in place, according to Reuters"Do you want to make the same mistake?" Rouhani asked, referring to President Trump withdrawing the United States from the deal and reinstating sanctions on Iran. "I am emphasizing that if the Europeans make a mistake and violate the deal, they will be responsible for the consequences of their actions." Britain, France, and Germany triggered the agreement’s dispute mechanism on Jan. 14, a first step toward potentially scrapping the deal and reinstating United Nations sanctions on Tehran. The U.S. pulled out of the deal in 2018, and Iran has openly flaunted the deal’s restrictions since.
January 23, 2020




Headline:  Deadly Attack Near Abyei Leaves Over 30 Dead

An attack on a village near the Sudan-South Sudan border has killed at least 15 people, according to officials in the disputed Abyei reigon. Daniel Adekera, spokesperson for the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, said UNIFSA counted 15 people dead following the attack on the village of Kolom, about 12 kilometers north of Abyei. "The number we have confirmed by our troops is 15 people dead, 3 children missing, 25 wounded and 19 houses burnt down,” Adekera told VOA's South Sudan in Focus. Adekera said Wednesday’s attack was likely a reprisal. "From all indications the perpetrators are from the Misseriya tribe because three days ago there was a similar incident in the same place where three Misseriyas were killed, purportedly by the Dinka. So this seems to have been a reprisal attack from the Misseriya tribe,” Adekera told VOA.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Brexit deal officially becomes UK law

The bill implementing Britain's exit deal with the European Union officially became law on Thursday ahead of the country's departure from the bloc next week. The legislation passed its final parliamentary stage on Wednesday, after more than three years of bitter wrangling over how, when and even if Brexit should take place. Queen Elizabeth has now given it Royal Assent, the leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, said on Twitter. Britain is due to leave the bloc at 23:00 GMT on Jan. 31. A consent vote in the EU Parliament will take place on Jan 29. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to formally sign the Withdrawal Agreement in the coming days.
January 23, 2020



Jan 21, 2020- Tens of thousands of fish die near Dubbo New South Wales


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