Jerusalem center of troubles/ Peace and safety/Wars/Flooding news/ Increase in knowledge/ April 1, 2010







I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.  I know I have people waiting for a printed copy.  I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …



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Prophecy Sign: Once again I must report to you news surrounding the problem of the Middle East peace talks and the issue of East Jerusalem where the Jews want to soon rebuild their third Temple.  Zechariah 12:3 informs us in the last days Jerusalem whould be a major problem for all the nations and anyone who comes against this Holy City  will be wiped out or as the scriptures say, Cut into pieces.  Keep in mind Paul also warned when they are calling for (Peace and safety this is the time sudden destruction would come.  As you can see by the current events Jerusalem has become a major problem and the peace talks are in trouble over this Holy City of Jerusalem.  Here are a few reports backing up what God has warned us.

I quote, “According to a report by the Israeli newspaper ‘Haaretz,’ US President Barack Obama has asked Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu to freeze construction in the eastern part of Jerusalem, beyond the 1967 Green Line, for a period of four months in order to renew peace talks with the Palestinians. Washington hopes such a deal could persuade Palestinians to accept direct negotiations rather than indirect talks, as had been planned, ‘Haaretz’ wrote, citing an unnamed Israeli political source. Netanyahu’s office made no official comment on the matter. “

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah has accused Israel of plotting to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem, in an interview with Al-Manar television on Wednesday. The Hezbollah leader also said that is responsible for the blame put on Hezbollah for the death of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik al-Hariri,. "Well known sources in Lebanon blamed Syria, as did Arab and international officials,' Nasrallah told Al-Manar, adding that "then Israeli officials and the Israeli media said that the Hezbollah is behind the assassination."

“The head of the Likud Party's foreign relations department gave a massive boost to the claims of Islam – Israel's most implacable enemy – Tuesday when he inferred that Jerusalem's Temple Mount was not sacred to the Jewish people.  The Temple Mount is the Jewish people's holiest site. Arab and other Muslim leaders and clerics, who assert that the hill is Islam's third holiest site, have long and fiercely maintained that the Jews have no historical connection or claim to the outcrop the Bible calls God's "holy hill."  While secular Jews often appear content to limit their "right" to the Western Wall, Israelis who have the fear of the Lord and who know that their nation's First and Second Temples were built on top of the mount will not agree to relinquishing it to the followers of another god.”

Is the sudden destruction Paul warned us about coming?  We have the signs it is and here is one of them. “The Israel Defense Forces on Thursday denied Palestinian reports that its troops had disseminated notices over a residential area of the Gaza Strip warning of an upcoming military strike. Palestinians reported that Israel dropped thousands of leaflets overnight, warning residents to "wait for the response tomorrow."

”Israel is planning the destruction of the Al-Aksa Mosque, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah alleged in an interview with the movement's Al-Manar TV station aired on Wednesday night. Nasrallah stated that while "the Israelis disagree on many things, they are united on two matters: the Jewish state and Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel."  There is no question both Paul’s warning about war coming at a time Israel is calling for Peace and safety, and Zechariah’s warning about Jerusalem are being fulfilled in this last generation.  I warned you before that you would hear more news about both these prophecies and that it what is taking place.  I am not a Prophet!  However, I know what the Lord’s prophets warned us and we are witnessing their words coming to pass.  Stay tuned because the birth pains are getting worse and we will see the Middle East explode just the way it has been written.

The Arabs think they are going to get control over Jerusalem and are preparing for this to happen.  Fact is they are in Washington now hashing out the details, but we know from Zechariah 12:3 that anyone who messes with Jerusalem will be cut into pieces.  Here is the report on the meeting in Washington.  I quote, “Palestinian Interior Minister Saeed Abu Ali has left for Washington together with the commander of the Palestinian Preventive Security Service, Ziyad Hab al-Rih, for security consultations. The meetings are aimed at examining the Palestinian Authority's preparedness for taking full security control of additional territories in the West Bank, which now belong to Areas B and C and will become part of Area A. The two officials will be joined by additional Palestinians officers later on. -According to different reports, the Palestinians are expected to gain control of communities in the Jerusalem area, including the town of Abu-Dis.”,2506,L-3870669,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I covered Luke 21:25 where Luke warns us of the roaring sea and waves.  We know massive storms move the waves and cause flooding and here is an up-date on the recorded breaking flooding in the Northeast of the United States. “Large-scale flooding disrupted swaths of New England after rains soaked the region for three days, shutting businesses and sending people from their homes. Record rainfall has swollen rivers and affected communities from Connecticut to Maine. In Rhode Island, residents were asked to conserve water and electricity because of flooded sewage systems and electrical substations. In southern Massachusetts, 1,000 residents in Freetown were stranded when a bridge became impassable.”

A message from one of my readers: "I live in the NorthEast, NJ.  I can’t believe how much damage is happening not too far from where we live.  My mother in law lives about 20 minutes from us, and she said 2 weeks ago, one of our biggest malls was shutdown for 3 days due to horrendous flooding.   This morning I heard on one of our local state news channels that Rhode Island said the amount of rain and flooding breaks all the records.  Never before have they seen anything like this.
Last week in Church, our Pastor mentioned that the horrendous storm we got a few weeks ago, massive wind and torrential rain was the same weekend that Hillary Clinton gave Benjamin Nentanyahu a tongue-lashing regarding Israel telling Joe Biden they were going to continue the construction of the 1,600 new homes.  She told us that if anyone thinks it’s a “coincidence”, they better re-read the Scriptures…as there is no coincidences when it comes to God.   One member of our congregation questioned “Isn’t these things all supposed to happen before the 2nd coming of the Lord”, and our Pastor replied that yes, they are but we don’t have to sit around and do nothing, get the word out, pray for Israel and pray for our Leaders.

One of the things help pushing these massive floods is the El Nino phenomenon.  According to this next report, “Weather experts said Tuesday that El Nino, the weather anomaly that wreaks havoc around the Pacific and east Africa, has peaked and would disappear by mid-year.”  In the mean time we should see some pretty big storms.  I will keep you posted."

Prophecy Sign: In Daniel 12:4 we read that the last generation would be known for their increased in knowledge.  Here is an example of this in a report that tells us a drug is coming soon that slows ageing.

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