July 1, 2021- And You Think Jesus is not coming soon? Have you seen the news lately?



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In my ministry over these many years  I have tried to warn you what you would see concerning the food prices skyrocketing.  My warnings come from Christ Jesus, I am only repeating what He had to us was going to happen just before He returns. Of course rising food costs are part of the last days signs.




Surging food prices force restaurants to increase cost of menu items

(Natural NewsFood prices are surging in grocery stores and restaurants, hitting small businesses very hard.

“They haven’t gone up. They’ve almost doubled,” said Nick Rando, owner of an Italian restaurant in Natick, Massachusetts. Rando said that in January, red meat and steak cost him $7.35 a pound. “Last week, it was $13.20 a pound.”

People in Massachusetts have been complaining about the rising costs of other food products like produce, meat and prepared foods. But this phenomenon isn’t just happening in one state. According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, the price of cereal and bakery items have risen by five percent. Fruit and vegetable prices have risen by one percent and dairy products are up by 0.6 percent.


‘Prices That We’ve Never Seen Before’: Rising Food Costs Hitting Restaurants Hard


Global food prices have reached their highest point in almost a decade


Half the country is facing an apocalyptic summer


Half the country is facing an apocalyptic summer

Researchers say oxygen levels have dropped in hundreds of lakes across the United States and Europe over the last 40 years.

A new study suggests the oxygen loss can lead to more fish dying and increased algae growth.

Scientists examined the temperature and the amount of dissolved oxygen in nearly 400 lakes. Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen gas contained in water. They discovered widespread drops in oxygen levels.

The study recently appeared in the publication Nature. It found that dissolved oxygen decreased an average of 5.5 percent in the surface water of the lakes and 18.6 percent in the deep water.

The researchers say their findings suggest that warming temperatures and decreased water clarity from human activity are causing oxygen levels to fall.



UK High Tax on Meat and Dairy Products Coming – Mass Food Shortages, Food Riots



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