Jesus warning are seen in the news! April 10, 2008-Frank video account of how ministry started.


Are the warnings I have given you coming to pass?  I should say, are you paying attention to the signs Jesus told us to look for?  After all I am just relaying what Jesus told us to look for.  Now that we have the Internet and global TV you can keep tract of everything that is happening on this planet.  In my post of April 8, 2008 I listed many things that you would soon see in the news.   I told you the dollar would drop, I warned you will see more signs our economy is sliding, I to you food wars were coming and nations would be in up heaveal over the problems, and it would cause conflicts, I told you oil and gas would keep climbing, and I warned you are going to see more signs people are becoming more brutal than ever before, and that includes our kids.  If you saw my first side presentation back in 1977 you would seen that I was warning people back then these very things were going to take place.  The birth pains Jesus said would come are already upon us, and the pains are getting stronger.  In today’s news you will again see signs of everything I warned you about on April 8.  In the book of Revelation Jesus told us that in the end times one man would come to reign over this planet. He would try and force everyone to take his mark which will be put in the right hand or forehead.  One by one every nation is moving to a national ID number. Why?  We are taking steps to get us to this one world marking system!  Bolivia was in the news today because their new national ID card looks like the Jewish Star of David. Again today, the dollar hit another new low against the euro. Are you getting the big picture here?  America is declineing and the European Union is moving to be that world empire Jesus said was coming.  The new report for the U.S. mid-year budget deficit just came out today and the report is pretty bad.  America is drowning in debt.  Oil prices went up again today and gas prices as I have been warning for 4 years now will climb again. You will find the links to every report I am talking about below, please check them out.  I told you watch the news and you will see wars break out because of the price of food.  Tonight on ABC they are doing a hour special on the global food crisis.  How do I know these things.  Read the Word of God every one of these signs can be found in God’s warnings.  I told you to watch the news and you will see more reports of how people are becoming cold hearted and brutal. Again in the news today, students in a high school beat up a teacher and this problem has been growing. I included a link reporting about this.  I wish to God I could give you better news, but for here on the birth pains will intensify. It will be just as Jesus said it would be.    You can either believe in the Word of Christ and get ready to meet our Savior, or just go about your business until it is to late to excape the wrath that is coming.

People have asked me, how do I do it?  Do what?  Live at peace and be happy during these times. The answer is easy. I have taken Christ as my Savior and I have His peace. I am excited we have been choosen to live during these days, we are the people who will see Jesus Christ’s face soon.  In Revelation 22:7 Jesus said, Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.”  You want a blessing for Christ?  He is waiting to give it to anyone who has not yet turned their life over to Him. Today is a good day to do that.  Please tell your friends about what you read, and please direct them to my site. I will be on the watch, please come back.

Bolivia raises hackles with ID  (April 10, 2008)

Euro scores record highs against dollar, sterling (April 10, 2008)

Mid-Year Budget Deficit Sets Record

Oil prices soar after hitting 112 dollars  (April 10, 2008)

Why Are So Many Fighting For Food?

1st link:

2nd link:

Link to story: Uneasy calm in Haiti after food price protests


In Egypt, long queues for bread that’s almost free

World Bank Expects More High Food Prices
… Expects More High Food Prices … Rising food prices, which have caused social unrest in several countries, … have reduced world food stocks to a level bordering on an emergency, Apr. 7, 2008 | Harry Dunphy Associated Press Writer

Mugabe Militants Target Whites Farmers"How can global leaders espouse the values of democracy, yet when they … been a major food exporter until then, but its agricultural sector … depend on international food handouts, and another third have fled abroad …
Apr. 7, 2008 | Angus Shaw Associated Press Writer

Student attacks on teachers rising:  April 18, 2005,10117,15004369-2,00.html

(April 10). Student Brutally Attacks Teacher ABC News GMA – Fri April 11, 2008. In Baltimore, a cell phone captures students beating a teacher. …Click to link: ws Video – Yahoo!Xtra

Two new videos I just made today explaining how Jesus came to me in 1977 and gave me the documents to launch my ministry. It is a true story. I had to leave out many of the details from the video due to time limits. Everything I have stated in the videos took place. I have on numerous occasions stated I would take a lie detector test just to prove what happened to me really happened. Links to videos are below.

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