July 1, 2018 Connect the dots if you can



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


How many of you who have come to my site can tell me how the reports below are connected to bible prophecy?

IDF beefs up troops on Golan Heights near Syria 
The Israeli army reinforced troops on the Golan Heights near the border with Syria, in light of a situational assessment by the Northern Command, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced Sunday. While the IDF does not expect the offensive to lead to a direct clash between Israel and the Syrian army, armored and artillery forces were deployed Sunday morning as part of the IDF’s preparedness in the face of developments on the Syrian Golan Heights.

Jewish schoolgirls interrogated over sex. Not Nazi Germany, but today’s Britain
Can you imagine them marching into an Islamic school and starting to ask the students about sex? They would never have dared, and if they had, the cries of “islamophobia” would have resounded through the land. But this? No one will care.

Syrian rebels resume peace talks with Russians after Jordan mediates 
Talks between the Syrian opposition and Russian negotiators to reach a ceasefire in a rebel-held town in southwestern Syria have resumed after mediation by Jordan that has been seeking a ceasefire, an opposition spokesman said. A string of Syrian rebel-held towns and villages were forced to accept government rule on Saturday as insurgent lines collapsed in parts of the southwest under an intense bombardment.

Carrier USS Harry S. Truman Operating in the Atlantic as Russian Submarine Activity is on the Rise
The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) has left the Mediterranean Sea and is now operating in the Atlantic Ocean, a defense official confirmed to USNI News. This week the carrier, the embarked Carrier Air Wing 1 and some of its escorts passed through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Atlantic after spending several days in port in Marseille, France.

ANALYSIS: Russian Offensive Robs Israel of Ability to Strike Iranian Forces http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/34311/Default.aspx?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=*%20Daily%20Newsletter&utm_content=4238

Recreational marijuana now legal in Vermont
As of Sunday, recreational use of marijuana is legal in Vermont — within boundaries of some clear and not-so-clear rules. Vermont becomes the ninth state to legalize marijuana and the first state to do so through its state legislature. Gov. Phil Scott signed the law in January with “mixed emotions.” The law allows adults to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana, two mature and four immature plants.




Report: Canada Will Legalize Marijuana By July 1, 2018 | The FADER

Mar 27, 2017 – Report: Canada Will Legalize Marijuana By July 1, 2018. The country’s Liberal government is set to formally unveil its proposals in early April.

Netanyahu says will handle Western Wall plan himself 
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear…that he would personally handle the Western Wall plan in an effort to mend the rift between the State of Israel and Reform and Conservative Jews over an egalitarian prayer area at the holy site…Netanyahu decided to remove Culture Minister Miri Regev as the head of the Ministerial Committee for Holy Places after she refused to approve the suggested plan for a designated area for women’s prayer at the Western Wall.

Mexico Arrests Top Gulf Cartel Leader near Texas Border
Mexican authorities arrested one of the top leaders of the Gulf Cartel in the region. The kingpin has been singled out as one of the men responsible for the escalation of violence that has taken place in this border city.

Tens of Thousands Attend Paris Gay Pride March
Tens of thousands of mainly young people flooded the streets of central Paris for the annual Gay Pride parade on Saturday, with plenty of exuberance but also calls to “carry on the struggle” against discrimination.

Author of the New Age Book ‘The Shack’ Claims That Salvation Can Happen After Death: ‘I don’t think that death is our damnation’
The book ‘The Shack’ was authored by a man named William P. Young and was recently turned into a major motion picture which portrayed God as a woman. William was recently interviewed by Eternity News, regarding his new documentary “The Heart of Man,” in which he claimed that after death, mankind is still granted the chance to be reconciled after death.

South African Jews file police complaint against 3 for ‘gross anti-Semitism’
The South African Jewish Board of Deputies on Thursday filed a police complaint against three individuals they say contributed to a recent uptick in anti-Semitic attacks and threats against Jews in the country.

Hospital Staff Caught Euthanizing Hundreds of Patients: “If a Nurse Didn’t Like You, You Were a Goner” 
More details are emerging of the scandal in which at least 450, and probably more than 650,  people’s lives were ended as a result of being given dangerous amounts of unnecessary opiates.

Is The Government Using Spy Hubs In 8 AT&T Buildings Across The Country To Intercept Our Emails, Phone Calls And Text Messages?
It is supposed to be illegal for the NSA to spy on communications that are completely domestic, but that appears to be precisely what is happening.

OUTBREAK: Sea Lice Reported On Florida’s Beaches, What We Know
An outbreak of “sea lice” has been reported on Florida’s beaches.  The lice leave the skin itchy, bumpy, and red after a quick dip in the ocean.  Here’s what we know so far about this outbreak:

Military Seizes Control Of Water Supplies As Venezuelan Infrastructure Collapses
…And as the collapse of social services has caused water supplies to dwindle, the military has recently hijacked what spigots remain, transforming access to water into a luxury that most Venezuelans can’t afford. Many of the pipes and reservoirs have fallen into disarray – or seen their supplies drastically diminished – the military is stepping in to take charge of the “equitable distribution” of what little remains.

NBC, Amazon Writer Openly Promotes White Genocide – She Hopes It “Happens Faster”
Taylor Cox is a writer for NBC, Amazon and Cartoon Network. The only she thing she likes more than writing is white genocide.

School board bans fact: ‘Biological sex’ is no more – WND
The board in the Fairfax County, Virginia, school district has decided to ban the fact that there is a “biological sex,” and instead teach all students that sex is a “fluid spectrum.”

New Swedish law recognises sex without consent as rape https://www.yahoo.com/news/swedish-law-recognises-sex-without-consent-rape-093136060.html


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