At the end of Matthew, chapter 24 after Jesus gives us all of the last day signs, Jesus shows that he will come at a time when our world is like Sodom and Gomorrah and the people living in Noah’s generation which, our generation is a carbon copy and, right after he tells us this he moves into scripture concerning the rapture. What does it say? It’s a warning Christ is coming in our generation. This is why the LGBT movement is growing in strength in these last days. You can be like the people in lot’s and Noe’s generation who perished or you can turn to Christ keep on the watch cause the Lord will remove his church at the rapture.
Another example of the godless generation.
Anti-Judicial reform protests turn anti-Messiah
Protests against the judicial reform measures being proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government took on religious overtones as protesters targeted MK (Likud) Ariel Kallner’s home in Haifa on Thursday night, plastering the neighborhood with posters proclaiming, “Here lives a messianic [believer].”
Hello Frank
Here is a sample list of LGBTQ bibles;
1. The Queen James Bible
2. Call Out: Devotional for LGBTQ
3. NIV Rainbow Study Bible
4. Gay Bible
5. KJV Rainbow Study Bible
6. Colors Of Hope Devotional
7. Qheerfully and wonderfully made: A guide for LGBTQ
8. Hearts Ablaze: Parables forThe Queer Soul
9. This I Know: A simple Biblical Defense for LGBTQ Christians
10. Queer Gospel: An Alternative Telling of the Bible
Cash-Strapped Consumers Resort To ‘Dumpster Dining’ To Save On Grocery Bill
We have shown many households are in rough financial shape. Dollar Tree executives confirmed weeks ago that mid/low-tier consumers are trading down from other more expensive retailers to their stores for groceries. This means Walmart has become too expensive for some consumers.
One-Third Of Seattle Residents May Flee City Over Crime, Costs
Approximately 33% of those polled said they were ‘seriously considering’ moving out of the city, vs. 67% who said they have no plans to move. Among those who say they’re considering leaving, 37% blame rising costs, while 34% cited public safety as a primary concern.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora