July 11, 2022 More last day signs


You can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


 Unlike any other religious text the Bible is the only book that is proven through discoveries in archaeology. You can add this next report to the growing list of proof that the Bible is true.

New Israeli Archaeological Discoveries Confirm Ancient Connection of the Land to the Jewish People

The following is a list of the top 10 archaeological discoveries from June 2021 until today: 1. Mosaic Depicting Deborah and Yael Defeating Canaanite King Sisera Discovered at the site of a 5th-century synagogue in the Galilean town of Huqoq, …


Luke 21: There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Record-breaking Tonga volcano generated the fastest atmospheric waves ever seen

The massive eruption from the underwater Tonga volcano in the Pacific earlier this year generated a blast so powerful, it sent massive pressure waves rippling through the atmosphere and around the globe. These waves were the fastest ever observed within Earth’s atmosphere, reaching speeds of 720 miles (1,158 kilometers) per hour, a new study finds. “This was a genuinely huge explosion, and truly unique in terms of what’s been observed by science to date,”


June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry

AVOID AT ALL COSTS: “Thor Love and Thunder” – Unless You Like Woke Movies Where Even the Rock People are Gay and Having Babies and The Queen is a “King”

The Disney movie is woke from beginning to end, mocks Christianity, everyone is gay, and the queen is called “king.”

 Suburb of Bethesda, Maryland; Same Church and Nearby Methodist Church Attacked Night Before

The pro-abortion left’s attacks on churches, pro-life centers and Supreme Court Justices continued this weekend with attacks on churches in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Bethesda, Maryland. An arson fire was set at Saint Jane De Chantel Catholic Church early Sunday. There were no injuries in the overnight fire that damaged pews and caused a reported $50,000 in damages. St. Jane’s had been vandalized the previous night.

Arson Fire Set at Catholic Church in DC

Biden administration has been flying migrant minors out of Texas for abortions
The Biden regime is reportedly flying underage illegal immigrants away from the Texas border to states where they can access abortion.

Tomorrow’s Democrat Party Leader: Young Demon Screams “We Love Killing Babies” at Pro-Abortion Rally in Front of White House

Democrat Party faithful held a march and rally in Washington DC on Saturday in support of unrestricted abortions at any stage of a pregnancy.


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“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11).

 33 million people under Heat Alerts on Sunday

Nearly 33 million people are under Heat Alerts Sunday as the oppressive heat grips the South, Southwest, and Plains.




 Severe storms likely in Chicagoland, Midwest Monday

A storm system moving through the northern part of the country has the potential to produce strong to severe storms on Monday from Dodge City, Kansas to Chicago and Detroit.

  Tropical Storm Darby strengthens in Eastern Pacific; Cool waters, upper-level winds likely to protect Hawaii

Tropical Storm Darby formed in the Eastern Pacific Saturday and forecasters believe it should reach hurricane strength by Monday.

 Front to trigger tropical downpours across South into workweek

A slow-moving front across the South will mean the chance of storms and heavy rainfall, which could produce localized flooding through midweek.

National Hurricane Center: New system expected to develop in the Gulf of Mexico; What this means for Florida

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring a new low pressure system that is expected to form in a couple of days over the northern Gulf of Mexico. Forecasters say it is partially related to a decaying frontal boundary currently located over the southeastern United States. As of Monday morning, it has a 30% chance of development over the next five days.




Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8


 While NATO Maps Out Its Plans for World War III — Russian State Space Corporation Releases Coordinates of Western Targets and Mock Joe Biden

Western leaders met in Madrid, Spain last week to map out their war strategy against the Russian Federation.

 If There Is A Nuclear War Between The U.S. And Russia, Most Americans Will Die By Starving To Death

Can you imagine what it would be like to literally starve to death?  Most Americans believe that if a nuclear war with Russia actually happens the vast majority of the U.S. population will be instantly wiped out.  But that is not what the science says.  What the studies have shown is that only about 20 percent of the U.S. population will be instantly killed during a nuclear exchange.  If you live near a military base or some other highly strategic target you will probably be among that 20 percent.  Otherwise, it is likely that you will starve to death during the horrifying “nuclear winter” that follows.



  These Doctors Risked It All To Save Lives During The COVID ‘Plandemic’, Now They Are Demanding A ‘Cease Fire’ Of ‘Poison Death Shots’ 

The predator class — World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Biden administration and billionaire “philanthropists” — are hellbent on perpetuating a pandemic to institute population control.

 MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses New Study That Shows Pfizer’s Covid mRNA Vaccines Can MODIFY DNA in the Human Genome (VIDEO)

Researchers in Sweden recently published a new alarming study showing that Pfizer’s experimental mRNA Covid vaccine can modify DNA within the human genome.

 Australian Covid Data Biases and Manipulation – If This “Vaccine” Is So Great, Why Do You Need To “Fix” The Data?

New South Wales (“NSW”) is the most populated state in Australia comprising some 8 million inhabitants, about a third of the population. It is now world-famous for its vaccine mandates that were imposed by Brad Hazzard, their health minister who does not have a medical degree yet prescribed (arguably illegally via mandate) a provisionally approved (restricted use) genomic therapy on the population. So, how did that go?

 Exclusive Investigation of Confidential Pfizer Documents finds COVID Vaccination is going to cause Mass Depopulation

Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation. This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder.

  Now An Outbreak Of The Marburg Virus Has Begun

it is being reported that there is an outbreak of the Marburg Virus in Africa. We have already lost our opportunity to contain monkeypox, and that is really bad news. But if authorities are not able to successfully contain this new Marburg outbreak, we could potentially be facing a scenario that is downright apocalyptic. The incubation period (interval from infection to onset of symptoms) varies from 2 to 21 days.

People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will be headed up by the Antichrist.  Both the book of Daniel and Revelation show us that his Antichrist will rise to power and he will try and force everyone to obey him. Since the USA is a super power we know that something has to happen to the U.S to bring her down so this man of sin can rise to his role as world leader. One sure way America can fall is have her economic system crash as we are beginning to see now.

 The Façade Of California’s Economy Is About To Crumble


There is an old mantra when it comes to warfare, which is to never buy into your own propaganda. That is to say, never buy into the lie that you are “winning” if you are actually losing. The economic and political news coming out of California is consistently dismal these days, and yet state politicians and bureaucrats continuously insist that things have never been better. Furthermore, they really know how to spin their data.



 In revelation chapter 13 we know there will be a reset that will give power to the antichrist as stated in the revelation we are seen in the world academy the footsteps bringing us to the door steps of this property.

Revelation chapter 13

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  Documents reveal Dutch Government is working with World Economic Forum to implement ‘The Great Reset

Documents released in response to an FOI request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives show that the Dutch Government is colluding with the World Economic Forum to implement The Great Reset.


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