July 14, 2021- Over 60 Wildfires Raging Across the U.S.; South Africa & Haiti Stir Political Pressure



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Lapid declares support for two-state solution before EU counterparts

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid addressed his 26 European counterparts during a speech to the EU Foreign Affairs Council, the first Israeli cabinet member to do so since Tzipi Livni in 2008. In his remarks, Lapid said it is “no secret” that he supports a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, but he noted that the conditions are not currently in place for a peace agreement. “A future Palestinian state must be a democracy that seeks peace with Israel,” he said. Lapid said he supported all humanitarian activities in favor of the Palestinians and any efforts made to improve their economic situation. He also declared that Israel is seeking to open a new chapter in its relations with the EU, emphasizing the liberal values shared by Israel and European states.
July 12, 2021

Why is PA’s Abbas helping Israel, Turkey patch things up?

In a surprising discovery, the person who arranged the phone call between President Isaac Herzog and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday was Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel Hayom learned Tuesday from sources privy to the matter. Abbas met with Erdogan last week during a three-day diplomatic visit to Ankara. And while speaking to the media, the PA leader claimed that “Israeli aggression in Jerusalem continues,” it seems that behind the scenes, he was trying to revive the relationship between Israel and Turkey that were once close regional partners. While it is not clear what motivated Abbas, it was most likely an attempt to keep Erdogan from working with Hamas.
July 13, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Afghanistan: Taliban flag raised above border crossing with Pakistan

Responding to SOS, Afghan commandos caught in fierce Taliban attack

The Taliban are reported to have raised their flag above a key border post between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and claim it is now under their control. Videos being shared on social media show the white flag fluttering above the Spin Boldak crossing near Kandahar.Afghan officials have denied the post has fallen, although pictures on social media show the militants chatting to Pakistani border guards. The BBC has been told the Taliban took the border crossing with no resistance. In recent weeks, the militants have made rapid advances across the country, seizing a series of border posts from Afghan forces, including crossings with Iran, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It comes as the US withdraws its forces from Afghanistan ahead of an 11 September deadline set by President Joe Biden. The border post dividing the Afghan town of Spin Boldak in Kandahar province on one side and the Pakistani town of Chaman on the other, is the second busiest crossing between the countries. It links the city of Kandahar to Pakistan’s ports, and sees some 900 trucks pass through each day. The crossing would be a major prize.
July 14, 2021

Ethiopia PM Vows To Repel ‘Enemies’ After Tigray Rebel Assault

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Wednesday vowed to repel attacks by Ethiopia’s “enemies” after rebels in Tigray launched a fresh offensive to regain territory in the war-torn region. Tigrayan forces this week claimed a series of battlefield gains in a renewed assault that comes two weeks after the federal government declared a unilateral ceasefire in the face of rebel advances. The latest rebel push followed the stunning recapture of the regional capital Mekele last month from federal forces, a turning point in a brutal eight-month conflict that has killed thousands of people and left many hundreds of thousands facing famine. Abiy said he remained committed to peace — even if it came at a “cost” — but these latest attacks would not go unanswered. A spokesman for the Tigray Defence Forces (TDF) told AFP on Tuesday they had seized Alamata, the main town in southern Tigray, and pushed into the western part of the region where fertile farmlands have long been contested.
July 14, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

South Africa Zuma riots: Looting and unrest leaves 72 dead

The death toll in South Africa has risen to 72 as violence continues across the country following the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma. Crowds looting and setting alight shopping centres clashed with police in several cities on Tuesday. A day earlier, 10 people were killed in a stampede during looting at a shopping centre in Soweto. The military have been deployed to help police overstretched since the unrest began last week. South African police said in a statement they had identified 12 people suspected of provoking the riots, and that a total of 1,234 people had been arrested. President Cyril Ramaphosa has called it some of the worst violence witnessed in South Africa since the 1990s, before the end of apartheid. The catalyst was the arrest last week of Zuma, with his supporters blockading major roads – the economic arteries of the nation – as they demanded the release of their political hero. Low income levels and unemployment – standing at a record high of 32.6% among the workforce and even higher at 46.3% among young people – are seen as the ticking bombs that have exploded. Many South Africans have been shaken by the riots that have swept through Zuma’s political heartland of KwaZulu-Natal and the economic hub of Gauteng. And many feel that his successor as president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has failed to provide decisive leadership – either to calm anger over Zuma’s imprisonment or to reassure South Africans that they will be safe.
July 14, 2021

Cuban American protesters shut down expressway in Miami

Cuba, Haiti stir fresh political pressures for US president

Cuba leader denies repression, says blackouts and US embargo led to massive protests

Hundreds of Cuban American protesters blocked a major expressway in Miami on Tuesday demanding President Biden do more to support the people of Cuba. “We need Biden’s support,” one man with a Cuban flag draped over his back told Fox News. “We haven’t gotten support from the president. So, we are trying to fight, to finish with the communism.” Heavy rains did not stop many who police turned away when they reached the highway. The crowd chanted “SOS Cuba” as a line of cars forced to a standstill honked their horns. Anti-government protests broke out in Cuba on Sunday as the communist island nation faces an economic crisis. At least 100 demonstrators, including activists and journalists, have been detained, Reuters reported. “Biden, you should listen to the people here, the elected officials that are Cubans and know what is best for the people in Cuba,” a woman with a sweatshirt covering her head from the rain told Fox News in Miami. “So just hear us out and try to come together to see what we can do.” Biden praised Cuban protesters Monday. “We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime,” Biden said in a statement. Biden’s statement followed allegations from Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel that the U.S. is funding the demonstrators.
July 14, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Hunger Hits 15-Year High As Global Crisis Unfolds

Inflation Continues Rapid Surge in June – Rises at Fastest Pace in 13 Years

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 (SOFI 2021) report warns food insecurity and malnutrition have hit 15-year highs and are likely to worsen. Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was on track to minimize hunger and malnutrition by 2030. But the virus pandemic disrupted economic flows around the globe, unleashing supply chain hell, compounded by disruptive weather, along with overstimulation by central banks and governments, helping to induce inflation, which has put the world at a critical juncture. A staggering 811 million people went hungry in 2020, or about 10% of the entire world population. The decade ending in 2014 saw the number of undernourished people fall to 607 million and base through 2019 around 650 million. But as soon as the pandemic hit, food insecurity soared by more than 150 million people to 811 million. None of this should come as a surprise to readers as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) global food price index recently hit a new high. The non-governmental organization warned surging food prices may induce a “potential crisis” in lower-income countries: “Rising food imports as a share of all imports can be an early warning indicator for potential crises in some areas.” As a reminder, ahead of the rapid rise in food prices, SocGen’s market skeptic Albert Edwards in December shared his thoughts about why he started to panic about soaring food prices. And since then, food supply chains remain broken, trillions in fiscal stimulus spent, and exploding commodity costs, we can only imagine the situation is getting worse by the month.
July 13, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

FDA adds warning of rare nerve syndrome to J&J COVID-19 vaccine

UK drug regulator adds heart inflammation warning to Pfizer, Moderna vaccines

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday added a warning to the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine, saying the shot can lead to an increased risk of a rare neurological condition. The Food and Drug Administration announced the new warning, flagging reports of Guillain-Barre syndrome, an immune system disorder that can causes muscle weakness and occasionally paralysis. Health officials described the side effect as a “small possible risk” for those getting the shot. The action comes after the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reviewed reports of about 100 people developing the syndrome after receiving the one-dose vaccine. Almost all of were hospitalized and one person died, the FDA said. Guillain-Barre syndrome occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks some of its nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis that typically is temporary. An estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop the syndrome each year, according to the CDC.
July 13, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

67 large wildfires burning across the United States

More than 14 000 firefighters and support personnel are battling 67 large wildfires raging across the United States. An undermined number of homes have been lost and thousands more are threatened. 67 large fires have so far burned more than 371 000 ha (917 000 acres) of land in the United States, The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports. Of those, 13 are burning in Idaho, 13 in Arizona, 12 in Montana, 8 in California, 6 in Alaska, 6 in Oregon, 3 in Washington, 2 in Wyoming, and one each in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Minnesota. New large fires were reported in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon on July 13. Type 1 and Type 2 Incident Management Teams are assigned to 24 large fires or complexes, with more than 14 200 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to incidents, NIFC said. “As record temperatures continue across many states, it’s important to remember that we all play a valuable role in wildfire prevention. The national average of human-caused wildfires comprises 87% of all wildfire occurrences every year. Most of these fires can be prevented. Please Recreate Responsibly while enjoying your public lands.” The U.S. has seen a total of 33 953 wildfires from January 1 to July 13, 2021, with a total area burned 834 078 ha (2 061 054 acres). The 10-year average (2010 – 2020) to date is 29 837 wildfires and 1 190 067 ha (2 940 721 aces).
July 14, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Dense clouds of Saharan dust spreading over Europe and Atlantic Ocean

Earth-observing satellites are picking up two dense clouds of Saharan dust — one moving NE over the Mediterranean Sea into Europe and the other W over the Atlantic Ocean. The European cloud has already reached southern Spain, Corsica, and most of Italy and is spreading further NE toward central Europe, Slovenia, Croatia, and the rest of the Balkan Peninsula and Greece on July 13. On July 14 and 15 parts of it will spread further into NE Europe and Scandinavia. The second cloud is spreading west into the Atlantic Ocean, heavily affecting all islands west of Morocco and Western Sahara. Waves of dust picked up over the past couple of days have already reached the Caribbean and spread through the region. This new wave should reach it by July 18 or 19.
July 13, 2021

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