July 15, 2020 Wow, so many last days signs in the news



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The first news article I am presenting today has to do with an Israeli Oracle. In the headline of the article it states “Delivers Big Message from God”.  When you read the headline to that report you will also see they stated the “Messiah is Here!”.  One of the major signs of the last days has to do with false prophets and false teachers.  Matthew 24:24 says the following. “24For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” 2 Timothy 3:4 “3For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

If you to to the link of that report it will bring you to a YouTube video which shows you what was supposed to be said from God. There are a few things I want to bring to your attention that differ from what God teaches us in the scriptures.  First of all the Oracle says the Moshiach is here already.  You may not know what a Moshiach is so let me explain. This is what the Jews believe. The Messianic Redemption will be ushered in by a person, a human leader, a descendant of Kings David and Solomon, who will reinstate the Davidic royal dynasty. According to tradition, Moshiach will be wiser than Solomon, and a prophet around the level of Moses.

First off the bible never teaches that Jesus Christ was on any level with Moses.

Moses was a great prophet, indeed, but he was not the greatest prophet. Moses foretold that God would raise up a prophet greater than himself:“But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled. … Moses said, ‘The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you. And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people.'[Deut 18:15] And all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came after him, also proclaimed these days.” (Acts 3:1822-24 Here, Moses refers to the greater prophet to come—Jesus. Moses was a great prophet, but Jesus would be the truer and greater prophet. Consider the following ways: 

The truth is the Jews did see their Messiah come and they rejected Him as that messiah that was foretold to come from the scriptures. Jesus Christ fulfilled all the prophecies concerning the Lord’s first coming to Earth and, He is going to finish the rest of the prophecies that teach about His second coming.

Keep in mind, if you listen to someone teach you claiming they had gotten a word from God, that message better not contradict what the scriptures teach us. In this message from the Oracle the following is stated. “So I ask, I beg the people of Israel, come home! Come home! Moshaich is here and he’s waiting but Hashem is not giving him the sign to be revealed.”  What the message of this Oracle is saying is contradicting the message of salvation which was given to us when Jesus Christ came the first time died on the cross for our sins and showed us He was God by raising himself from the dead just as Jesus stated He was going to do in John 2:19 when He said the following: “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” .

My friends the revealing of the Jewish Messiah has already taken place and yes it was in the form of a man who was sinless. However, most Jews still are blind to the fact that Jesus Christ is the their savior.  Here is the bottom line. In the message from the Oracle we see some truth and then some false teachings.  One of the truths that is found in the message from the Oracle is Jews being called back to Israel from different parts of the world.  However, this is an old prophecy that was given to us by God way before He came to Earth in the form of Jesus Christ.  We did not need some Oracle to tell us the Jews should come home to Israel because God told us that was going to happen in the last days. Read the Lord’s prophecies on this subject. “

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:3).  “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:5-7). Fact is the Jews having been going back to Israel for years and just in the past few years we have witnessed record numbers of Jews returning to their Motherland. 

Those of you who read what the Oracle has said and think that a revealing of the true messiah will be unveiled shortly you will wait for a very very long time because Christ has already as I stated before been revealed to us as that Lamb of God.  In the report concerning the Oracles’s Big Message it said that there would be many tears shed which I agree with but the reason for the tears I disagree with and I will tell you why.  The Prophet Zechariah tells us that the Jews when they see Jesus coming back the second time they will cry because then they will know Jesus has always been their messiah that they rejected. Zech. 12:10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn.”  Right now the Jews are blind in part to who their real messiah is but, in the near future they will have those blinders taken off and when they see the True Messiah with the marks made from hanging on the cross then the Jews will understand they made a huge mistake in rejecting the Good New message Jesus gave us. 

The last thing I want to cover is this statement from the Oracle. “This is the place to be, and the place to receive the Moshiach.”  Is this what Jesus Christ taught us? Not at all. The Lord’s Jesus teaching that anyone who calls on His name will be saved. You do not have to go to Israel to be saved.   If a message is full of half truths then that message did not come from God. 

‘Israel’s Oracle’ Delivers Big Message from God: “Messiah is Here!”

According to Rabbi Brody, the essence of Daniel’s message, that Jews urgently need to leave the diaspora and get to Israel, is hardly controversial. “Assuming Galit Dorit is the real thing and she’s faithfully quoting his words, I don’t think Daniel’s message is dramatic at all.” “We don’t posken (rule according to Jewish law) based on the autistics, [but] I’ve told plenty of families to make aliyah. If you don’t make aliyah right now, the door is closing,” he warned. “We’re already beginning to feel what is happening in the world. The world we live in today has become harsh. We live in a world that is now ruled by the most wicked people that ever lived, incarnations of the most wicked people of all of the generations that lived in the past.”



Image result for heavy rain storm gif At least 15 dead, 4 000 affected as flash floods sweep through South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Severe flash floods hit Indonesia’s South Sulawesi Province on July 13 and 14, leaving at least 15 people dead and a number of people missing, North Luwu district official Indah Putri Indriani reported Tuesday, July 14, 2020. More than 4 000 residents have been affected in six subdistricts of the regency.

Image result for heavy rain storm gif More than 1 million people flee as second wave of flooding hits Bangladesh, 7 million already affected
More than 1 million residents have fled their homes as the second wave of severe flooding hit wide swaths of Bangladesh, officials said Tuesday, July 14, 2020. As many as seven million people are already affected, with water levels at major rivers rising at about two dozen points in 20 districts.

Image result for heavy rain storm gif Monsoon-related natural disasters leave more than 144 dead or missing in just one month, Nepal
More than 100 people have died due to monsoon-related natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, and lightning strikes in a month period in Nepal as of Monday, July 13, 2020, according to the data compiled by the Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA). The organization noted that this season is the deadliest monsoon in the past 11 years, in terms of the devastation in the arrival period.


Food Security Continues to Decline as Crises Mount
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has published its State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020, which warns that even without accounting for problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, food security has continued to decline around the world. The last three editions of the FAO’s report have all warned that hunger is rising, after several decades of decline. Severe undernourishment has increased in all continents except Europe and North America


Intense HeatImage result for flames gif

“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).  “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11).

Drought Conditions Expected to Worsen
Drought conditions are already persisting in parts of Illinois and things are only anticipated to get worse as the National Weather Service predicts long periods of hot and dry weather throughout July and August. Meteorologist Chris Miller says he is monitoring the number of 90-degree days ahead along with any rainfall coming our way.

Ten million face acute food shortages in Yemen
Nearly 10 million people are facing acute food shortages in Yemen and urgent action is needed to avert a famine, the UN’s World Food Programme said on Friday. “We must act now. If we wait for famine to be declared, it will already be too late as people will already be dying.”

‘Hunger crimes’ on the rise in crisis-hit Lebanon
…Omar…recalled the terrifying and tragic encounter that started when a man in his 40s crept up behind him as he walked alone at night through Beirut’s Hamra commercial district. “He told me that he didn’t want to hurt me. He asked me to give him money or take him to a grocery store to buy some food,” Omar recounted. “He said his children back home were crying from hunger.”


Ez Ezekiel chapter 38 is a prophecy about a future war against Isreal by the names of nations you see in the photo above.

Iran’s Ghaani says ‘Zionist regime’ has difficult days ahead
Iran’s head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force Esmail Ghaani slammed the US and Israel and said both countries would be punished and that only “difficult” days were ahead. He praised a fire aboard a US ship, the Bonhomee Richard as divine punishment. “America lit a fire and today is on fire.”

Proposed China-Iran deal is bad news for Israel
With Iran and China working on a multibillion-dollar 25-year economic and security deal, Israel has many reasons to be concerned and even alarmed. The proposed agreement, leaked to The New York Times, which reported on it on Saturday, would lead to a closer military relationship between Tehran and Beijing, including joint military exercises, research and weapons development and intelligence sharing. It would also increase Chinese investments in Iranian banking, telecommunications and transportation, such as airports and railways. China would reportedly get a discounted supply of Iranian oil in return.

CENTCOM chief: A war with Israel would not end well for Hezbollah
CENTCOM head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said it would be a great mistake for Hezbollah to try to carry out operations against Israel. “I can’t see that having a good ending,” he said at a briefing during a major trip to the Middle East this week. McKenzie has visited Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait. The US general also acknowledged continuing tensions in Syria and with Iran across the region.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim ‘bank of targets’ in Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE
An intelligence officer for the Houthi separatists in Yemen…claimed the group has amassed a “bank of vital and important targets” in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates… Abdullah Yahya al-Hakim, the head of the Houthis’ Intelligence and Reconnaissance Authority, told the…..newspaper the…militia…had successfully conducted intelligence operations deep into Saudi and UAE territory.



Prophecy Sign: 200,000,000 Million-Man Army from the East

“It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.’  And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.  The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million.  I heard their number” (Revelation 9:14-16).

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East” (Revelation 16:12).

Hong Kong: China vows to retaliate after Trump ends special economic status
China has vowed to retaliate after the US ended Hong Kong’s preferential trade status and imposed sanctions on officials who crack down on rights. President Donald Trump said he was acting because China had taken away Hong Kong’s freedom after it imposed a new security law. Beijing condemned Mr Trump’s decision, saying it would impose sanctions on relevant people and entities in the US.

Lebanon looks to China as US, Arabs refuse to help in crisis
Facing a worsening economic crisis and with little chance of Western or oil-rich Arab countries providing assistance without substantial reforms, Lebanon’s cash-strapped government is looking east, hoping to secure investments from China that could bring relief. But help from Beijing risks alienating the United States, which has suggested such a move could come at the cost of Lebanese-U.S. ties.

Cooltextprophecysign“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” (Luke 21:11)

Volcanic Activity Is Heating Up Around the World: More Than 39 Erupting Volcanoes and 100s of Earthquakes Hitting Near or Under Lava Craters
There are currently 26 volcanoes erupting around the world and 13 showing enhanced activity. More than 100 earthquakes have been reported near or at volcanic peaks… Well the Ring is on Fire!…Moreover, many earthquakes happen right under or near volcanoes probably announcing movement of magma or magma chamber refill.

EU ministers said seeking list of deterrents to warn Israel off annexation
Eleven European foreign ministers have reportedly asked the European Union to provide them with a list of possible actions that can be taken if Israel’s government moves ahead with plans to annex parts of the West Bank, in a bid to add heft to threats of “consequences” that members of the bloc have already brandished in front of Jerusalem.

CooltextprophecysignMatthew chapter 24 verse 7 Jesus gave us signs of the last days. One of those signs had to do with pestilence. 

The forgotten pandemic—the fight against HIV continues
WITH ATTENTION diverted to covid-19, access to HIV medications has been disrupted. Host Kenneth Cukier talks to Meg Doherty, director of HIV programmes at the World Health Organisation, about the fight against the other pandemic.

Frank11  As you will see from the bible prophecy about the last days below, you will see our generation has become the very things God warned us about. In a time when we are witnessing killings in the streets on a daily bases in many cities in the U.S. for example, 

NYC Weekend: Shooting Victims Exceed Coronavirus Deaths
More than two dozen shootings across New York City over the weekend left a one-year-old dead and at least 34 others injured, some potentially fatally, dwarfing the number of people killed there by the coronavirus during the same period.

At a time during this last days birth pains when we need to be as close to the Lord as we can many U.S. States have again shout down churches.  All I can say is Jesus is with us where ever we are! Keep praying, keep reading His word and if you can fast!

California’s Indoor Religious Worship Suspended Indefinitely, State Health Department Says
The California Department of Health clarified Tuesday to the Daily Caller News Foundation that indoor religious services in the state have been suspended with no definite end date.

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