July 19, 2021- The Temple Mount Heats Up



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Arabs clash with police on Temple Mount during Tisha B’Av

Bennett, Arab lawmakers spar over Temple Mount access

Biden set to welcome Jordan’s King Abdullah in DC today – a day after Jordanian complaint over Jewish prayers on Temple Mount

Arabs hurled stones at Israeli security forces and shouted nationalist slogans on the Temple Mount on Sunday, hours before Jews began to visit the site to mark the fast day of Tisha B’Av. The burst of violence, which according to Israel’s s Channel 12 began at around 5 a.m., was quickly dispersed by Border Police. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held an assessment of the situation on Sunday together with top security officials, following which he instructed that Jewish visits to the Temple Mount be allowed to continue. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) subsequently issued a ‘clarification’ on Monday, stating that the “status quo” remains in place, according to which Jews only have the right to visit their holiest site but not to pray there. While the prime minister gave no reason for backing down on his statement Sunday, some pundits suggest it was in reaction to the vehement objections to the visits raised by its Islamist coalition partner, Ra’am, as well as by Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile, Jordan’s King Abdullah is set to become the first leader of an Arab nation to meet with U.S. President Joe Biden since the president’s inauguration in January. The meeting comes after weeks of rapprochement between Israel and Jordan – but also on the heels of an official Jordanian complaint over Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount on Sunday.
July 19, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Militia officials: US drone destroys militia truck in Syria

A U.S. drone attack targeted a truck for an Iran-backed militia in eastern Syria on Sunday, destroying the vehicle without causing any casualties, two Iraqi militia officials said. The Iraqi militia officials refused to say what the truck was carrying. They said the U.S. drone first fired a warning shot, after which the driver jumped out, and a missile hit the vehicle shortly afterward. They said the truck belonged to Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada, which is active along the Iraq-Syria border. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. There was no immediate comment from the U.S. military. Syrian state TV reported the attack saying it was carried out by American drones. It said the truck was carrying food and there were no human losses. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, said the truck was carrying weapons and ammunition for an Iraqi militia and was hit shortly after crossing the border from Iraq. It claimed that the driver was killed.
July 18, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

CDC Scrambles After Rare Case Of Monkeypox Turns Up In Texas

CDC health officials are now working vigorously to trace contacts of anyone directly exposed to a Dallas resident who recently returned to the US on a trip to Nigeria. The man is now in isolation at a Dallas hospital after testing positive for an extremely rare disease known as Monkeypox – said to be the first ever case of its kind in Texas. It’s also the first case seen inside the United States in two decades, with the last significant outbreak in 2003 including 47 reported human cases. The infected person flew into Atlanta international airport on July 8, and then on to Dallas Love Field the next day. Dallas health officials have declared there’s “no cause for alarm” given monkeypox has a lower fatality rate than smallpox. The two diseases are similar in that they can cause a severe rash which lasts for about a month. But the rash causing large swollen bumps all over the body appear particularly nasty and painful-looking in the case of Monkeypox. However monkeypox may not be as easily spreadable given it’s carried by rodents or other animals and human-to-human transmission is through bodily fluids and respiratory droplets.
July 18, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

The Worst European Floods in 100 Years Have Left 120 Dead, 1,300 Missing

Unseasonal rains hit Oman, causing severe floods

Marlborough hit by its largest-ever recorded flood, New Zealand

At least 25 killed as landslides hit Mumbai, India

At least 120 people have died and around 1,300 people are still missing across western Europe in the wake of extreme rainfall, bursting rivers, and heavy flooding that devastated parts of Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The bulk of the casualties were in the German states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, where authorities say some mobile networks are still out of service, making it impossible to contact people on the ground. Some 114,000 people remained without power Friday. Most of the 1,300 people unaccounted for are in the northern part of Rhineland-Palatinate. “In some areas, we have not seen this much rainfall in 100 years,” Andreas Friedrich, a German weather service spokesman, told CNN. He also said that “in some areas we’ve seen more than double the amount of rainfall which has caused flooding and unfortunately some building structures to collapse.” Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said this “could be the most catastrophic flooding our country has ever seen” and has declared July 20 a national day of mourning even as the toll of the disaster is still becoming clear.
July 18, 2021

5.6 earthquake recorded in Iraq’s Basra

A magnitude earthquake struck the Iranian southern city of Bushehr on Sunday, 250 kilometers from the Iraqi border, the Iraqi General Authority for Meteorology and Seismic Monitoring announced. The authority said the tremor recorded 5.6 on the Richter scale, and was felt by residents in Basra, Iraqi News Agency reported. The quake struck at a depth of 11 kilometers, with the epicenter near the town of Khesht, at around 7 PM (1430 GMT). Several weaker aftershocks followed, according to Iran’s seismological center. The United States Geological Survey put the initial tremor at 5.4-magnitude. There were no reports of casualties or damage, about two hours after the quake. Rescue and survey teams were sent to the area and hospitals put on alert, Fars province’s head of crisis management Rahim Azadi told state television.
July 18, 2021

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