July 25, 2021 Message from a stranger who is no longer a stranger to me



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For the past week I have had a real hard time. Today I got up and took a walk in the woods. Before I left I was talking to the Lord  asking him who I can talk to about him. On the trail I came across a young man who after talking with him I learned he has had some major problems which Jesus brought him out of.  After the week I just had I needed a lift . I thought I was going to left someone up but instead Jesus allowed me to run into Gary who brought sun shine into my life.  Watch video below and see part of the sun shine Gary brought me.

After talking with Gary I went on to finish my walk. However, I was lead by the Lord to go back and film what Gary had created so others can see what he did. I am sure others who see this video will want to say something to Gary to let him know what he is doing by leaving these types of messages has also touched you.  You can leave your comment here at my site. Thanks


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