June 1, 2020- US food Prices See Historic Jump, as Rioting and Looting Spread Across the Globe



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  Pro BDS Group Links Israel to Minneapolis Police Violence, Causing Outrage

Palestinians Exploit George Floyd’s Death to Blame Israel- video

An attempt this week by the Democratic Socialists of America’s BDS national working group to tie Israel to recent incidents of US police violence against minorities has sparked outrage.  Referring to unrest on the streets of Minneapolis following the recent police killing of an unarmed African-American man, George Floyd, the group tweeted, “The police violence happening tonight in Minneapolis is straight out of the IDF playbook,” adding, “US cops train in Israel.” “The racist and brutal tactics used by Israeli military and US cops are purposefully one and the same,” it charged, citing no evidence.
May 31, 2020
**2nd link- Hananya Naftali is Benjamin Netanyahu’s deputy social media adviser

 Saudi Arabia, Israel negotiating Temple Mount control – report

Saudi Arabia and Israel are conducting negotiations to allow Saudi representatives to join the Jerusalem Waqf Islamic religious trust that controls the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa, according to a report Monday by Israel Hayom“These are sensitive and secret discussions conducted with ambiguity and low intensity with a small team of diplomats and senior security officials from Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia as park of negotiations to progress the Deal of the Century,” said senior Saudi diplomats to Israel Hayom While Jordan had strongly objected to any change in the makeup of the Waqf, in recent months their stance changed after Turkey became involved in east Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. After the clashes surrounding the Gate of Mercy complex and the attempt to install metal detectors at the Temple Mount, Jordan appointed Palestinian representatives to the Waqf. The Palestinian representatives began to allow Turkish organizations to operate on the Temple Mount by establishing foundations to which the Turkish government provides tens of millions of dollars, according to Israel Hayom.
June 1, 2020

 Report: Iran tried to poison Israelis by increasing chlorine in water

Iranian hackers intended to poison Israel’s water by increasing the amount of chlorine during a thwarted cyber attack in April, the Financial Times reported Monday, citing both Israeli and foreign sources. Last week, Israel’s national cyber chief officially acknowledged the country had thwarted a major cyber attack against its water systems, an assault widely attributed to arch-enemy Iran, calling it a “synchronized and organized attack” aimed at disrupting key national infrastructure. The Financial Times on Monday quoted a Western official as saying that the hackers planned to increase the amount of chlorine added to water that was used in Israeli homes, with an Israeli official telling the paper that the foiled attack “had opened the door to ‘an unpredictable risk scenario’.” The report says the attack “could have triggered fail-safes that would have left tens of thousand of civilians and farms parched in the middle of an Israel heatwave, as the pumping station shut down when the excess chemical was detected.”
June 1, 2020


  Egypt officials say 19 Islamic militants killed in Sinai

The Egyptian military said it has killed at least 19 militants in raids and airstrikes against an Islamic insurgency in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula, in clashes that also left at least five casualties among its troops. Col. Tamer el-Rifai said in his statement late Saturday that the raids and airstrikes took place last week in the towns of Bir al-Abed, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid. He said forces dismantled at least five explosive devices and destroyed two four-wheel drive vehicles and a storehouse. The military statement did not specify the number of soldiers killed. Other officials however said two officers, including a colonel and a lieutenant, and three conscript soldiers were killed when an explosive device hit their vehicle Saturday while taking part in a campaign against the militants in central Sinai. The officials spoke in condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to brief the media.
May 31, 2020

Air strike kills 5 in eastern Syria

An airstrike in eastern Syria on Sunday killed five non-Syrian fighters backed by Iran, a Britain-based war monitor said. The strike targeted three military vehicles belonging to Iran-backed paramilitary fighters near the Iraqi border, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The monitor did not say who was behind the attack near the border town of Albu Kamal. But Observatory head Rami Abdul Rahman said that “Israel was likely responsible.” Israel has launched hundreds of strikes in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011, targeting government troops, allied Iranian forces, and fighters from the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah. It rarely confirms details of its operations in Syria but says Iran’s presence in support of President Bashar al-Assad is a threat and has vowed to continue its strikes.
June 1, 2020


  George Floyd protests spread nationwide

 Protesters Worldwide Voice Support for US Demonstrators

 The World reacts as American cities erupt in anger over George Floyd’s death

 Pentagon ready to send troops to Minneapolis if state asks

 Rioting across the nation leaves cities reeling as hundreds arrested, National Guard called in, businesses damaged and at least 3 dead

Protesters explain why violence has erupted across the US

 Iran and Turkey seek to support riots in the US

Regimes based in Turkey and Iran both sought to exploit and support violent protests in the US over the weekend for the killing of George Floyd by a policeman in Minneapolis. Turkey is one of the world’s largest jailers of journalists and Iran’s government murdered 1,500 protesters last year, but leaders in both countries cynically sought to exploit recent protests in the US for their own ends. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei tweeted that “if you’re dark-skinned walking in the US, you can’t be sure you’ll be alive in the next few minutes.” Former Iranian president and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that the killing of Floyd, the African-American man, was “deeply disturbing and upsetting” and that it was part of a plot by world powers and the “current world order.” He even used the word “nigga” in his tweet, apparently trying to make his tweet seem relevant to Americans.
June 1, 2020


    US food prices see historic jump and are likely to stay high

As if trips to the grocery store weren’t nerve-wracking enough, U.S. shoppers lately have seen the costs of meat, eggs and even potatoes soar as the coronavirus has disrupted processing plants and distribution networks. Overall, the cost of food bought to eat at home skyrocketed by the most in 46 years, and analysts caution that meat prices in particular could remain high as slaughterhouses struggle to maintain production levels while implementing procedures intended to keep workers healthy. While price spikes for staples such as eggs and flour have eased as consumer demand has leveled off, prices remain volatile for carrots, potatoes and other produce because of transportation issues and the health of workers who pick crops and work in processing plants.
May 30, 2020


  IMF exec floats idea of exploring ‘synthetic’ CBDCs

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement – Paving the Way for Cross-Border Digital Trade

Synthetic central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could offer the best combination for central banks exploring digital currencies, according to a senior representative of the International Monetary Fund. Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli, head of the monetary capital markets division at the IMF, said public-private partnerships in developing digital currencies could be the right option for central banks exploring the tech. Mancini-Griffoli suggested that the concept of a digital currency backed by a central bank and backed solely by the bank’s reserve was no longer the only option, and may even be outdated compared to hybrid models. Building on the original concept of CBDCs, Mancini-Griffoli said synthetic CBDCs allow the private sector too to issue liabilities, which can be used to purchase assets for payment.
May 31, 2020

Airlines Call For Digital ID Tracking

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for Air Transport A Roadmap for Restarting Aviation, which outlines their strategy to open up air travel as governments begin to lift travel restrictions. Under a section titled, “The passenger experience” and “Temporary biosecurity measures,” the IATA describes their vision of post-COVID-19 flights. The organization calls for contact tracing, a controversial method of tracking the civilian population to track the spread of COVID-19. “We foresee the need to collect more detailed passenger contact information which can be used for tracing purposes,” the report states. “Where possible, the data should be collected in electronic form, and in advance of the passenger arriving at the airport including through eVisa and electronic travel authorization platforms.” Interestingly, this call for pre-boarding check-in using “electronic travel authorization platforms” coincides with the recent announcement of the Covi-Pass and the Health Pass from Clear, both of which call for a digital ID system using biometrics and storing travel, health, and identification data. The IATA also calls for temperature screening at entry points to airport terminals. They envision the airline experience involving physical distancing of 3-6 feet throughout the airport. The group believes changes to the airport buildings to allow for physical distancing may be necessary. The IATA also recommended “face coverings” for passengers and protective equipment for airline and airport staff.
June 1, 2020


  Planned Parenthood staff admit to selling aborted baby body parts in sworn depositions

After years of denying that Planned Parenthood profits from selling aborted baby body parts to biotech companies, The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life investigative group, released documents and videos showing the sworn depositions of clinic directors responding to questions about payments some affiliates received in exchange for fetal specimens. In a video compilation of depositions recorded last year at the U.S. Federal District Court of Northern California in the case of Planned Parenthood Federation of America et al v. The Center for Medical Progress et al, PPFA abortionists, department directors, and the founder of Advanced Bioscience Resources, a biotech company that once had a contract with Planned Parenthood to procure fetal specimens, were asked what they knew about the contracts and profits received by the clinics. 

Canada’s Opioid Overdoses Have Surged Since Beginning Of Coronavirus Pandemic

Opioid overdoses in Canada have surged since the coronavirus pandemic began, underscoring a worrying nationwide trend, the country’s chief public health officer said Friday according to Reuters. British Columbia, located in western Canada, had over 100 opioid-related deaths in March and April, a figure that the region had not observed in over a year, Theresa Tam said according to Reuters. While British Columbia is the epicenter of the country’s overdose crisis, the trend is also seen in Toronto, located on the other side of Canada, where paramedics reported that April had the highest number of opioid-related deaths in a month since September 2017, Reuters reports. Similarly, Calgary experienced a surge in overdose interventions.
May 29, 2020


Iran faces worst locust plague in 50 years, recent attacks unprecedented

Locust surge may turn into global plague

Iran is under its worst desert locust outbreak in the past 50 years and for the second year in a row. Compared with last year, the swarms of desert locusts are much larger, and it is safe to claim that the recent attacks are unprecedented, officials said. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) situation update on May 27, 2020, adult locusts are forming groups and small swarms in spring breeding areas along parts of Sistan-Baluchistan and the southern coast area as vegetation is drying out. FAO noted that the infestations will continue moving east to the Indo-Pakistan summer breeding areas. With the worsening situation, Iran may deploy its military to help contain the invasion in the country’s southern region.
May 29, 2020

DR Congo Reports Fresh Ebola Outbreak

DR Congo on Monday reported a fresh Ebola outbreak in the country’s northwest, just weeks before it hoped to declare the end of another epidemic in the east. The appearance of the deadly disease on the other side of the vast central African country comes as an added blow as it attempts to also battle the coronavirus pandemic. Health Minister Eteni Longondo said that “four people have already died” from Ebola in a district of the northwestern city of Mbandaka. “The National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB) has confirmed to me that samples from Mbandaka tested positive for Ebola,” Longondo told a press conference. “We will send them the vaccine and medicine very quickly,” he said, adding that he planned to visit the site of the outbreak at the end of the week. The capital of Equateur Province, Mbandaka is a transport hub on the Congo River with a population of more than a million.
June 1, 2020


 Tropical Storm “Amanda” hits Guatemala and El Salvador, leaving at least 11 people dead

Tropical Storm “Amanda” formed at 09:00 UTC on May 31, 2020, as the first named storm of the 2020 Pacific hurricane season. At the time, the storm was about 90 km (55 miles) south of Guatemala City, Guatemala. Just three hours later, Amanda made landfall in southeastern Guatemala with maximum sustained winds of 65 km/h (40 mph) and very heavy rainfall. The storm caused significant damage along coastal cities of Guatemala and El Salvador, causing rivers to overflow and sweeping away buildings.​ At least 11 people have been killed in El Salvador, as of 20:00 UTC on May 31. Amanda weakened into a depression after it made landfall, but its remnants may rotate around the larger circulation of the Central American Gyre and move out over the water in the Bay of Campeche. There is a medium possibility that the remnant circulation of Amanda may develop into a tropical cyclone in the SW Gulf when it emerges over water, NHC forecasters said.
May 31, 2020

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