June 15, 2020- Turkey Threatens to Unite all Muslim Countries Against Israel; U.N. Human Rights Council debates U.S. racism



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 Turkey Threatens to Unite all Muslim Countries Against Israel

Senior Turkish Official Calls on Muslim ‘Umma’ to Free Jerusalem

Israel’s plan to extend its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, will “destroy all hopes” for lasting peace in the Middle East, Turkey’s top diplomat said on Wednesday. “If the occupying power [Israel] crosses the red line, we [Muslim countries] must show that this will have consequences,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a special meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Executive Committee, according to Turkey’s Anadolu Agency. The virtual ministerial meeting, initiated by Turkey at the request of the Palestinian Authority, was dedicated to the issue of Israel’s planned sovereignty move. Cavusoglu went on to say that “the annexation of the Jordan Valley by Israel and illegal settlements would be a violation of international law,” and warned that this would end the two-state solution and replace it with a one-state solution that would turn Israel into a “racist” state.
June 14, 2020

   UAE: Annexation could destroy Israeli normalization with Arab world

Balloon units threaten to turn Gaza envelope into ‘hell’

Israeli annexation of portions of the West Bank could destroy its normalization efforts with the Arab world, the United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the US, Yousef Al Otaiba said on Friday in an unusual appeal to the Israeli public. In an effort to directly reach out to Israelis, he published an opinion piece in the largest Hebrew daily, Yediot Aharonot. Al Otaiba followed that with a video message in the English language news service The National. “We wanted to speak directly to the Israelis. The message was all the progress that you have seen, and the attitudes that have been changing toward Israel, people becoming more accepting of Israel, and less hostile to Israel, all of that could be undermined by a decision to annex,” Al Otaiba said. “All the progress that you have seen, and exchanges and openings, could be undermined, by one simple step,” he continued. “I wanted to make sure people understood, how we saw this possibility and the risks associated with it,” he said. “There is opportunity for sure, that has potential in the coming years, as attitudes shirt toward Israel. But this could be a set back for all of those things, and especially for Israelis who are so keen on opening relationships with new Arab countries, that they don’t currently have relationships with,” Al Otaiba said. “So I wanted to make sure people understood the risks associated with this decision, beyond the immediate consequences of what happens on the Israeli-Palestinian track. Meanwhile, the Descendants of Nasser (Ahfad Al-Nasser) balloon unit in the Gaza Strip threatened Israel with renewed incendiary and explosive balloon launches on Thursday, warning that the coming days would be the “beginning of hell” for Israelis who live near the Strip.
June 12, 2020

Billionaire Haim Saban advised UAE ambassador on Israeli annexation op-ed

Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban advised UAE ambassador Yousef Al-Otaiba regarding his op-ed against Israeli annexation in the West Bank and assisted in publishing it in the Israeli press, Israeli sources told me. Why it matters: Saban was one of Hillary Clinton’s main political backers and donors. He also has communication channels with President Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner. Saban and Al-Otaiba have known each other for many years and became friends. Israeli sources told me Al-Otaiba spoke to Saban 10 days ago and asked for his advice on the best way to reach Israeli public opinion and deliver a message against the Israeli government’s West Bank annexation plans. Saban told Al-Otaiba that any such message must be conveyed in Hebrew and through a big mainstream media outlet.

  • Saban brought in his communications adviser Moshe Debi who heads one of Israel’s biggest PR firms. Debi worked with the Emiratis in the choreography and timing of this move. He recommended that the op-ed would be published in Yediot Ahronot due to its wide circulation and the fact it is read by a center right audience.
  • The whole move was kept secret and other than the editor in chief very few people inside the Israeli newspaper knew of the upcoming op-ed.
  • Al-Otaiba gave the White House a heads up the day before the op-ed ran. Most of the arguments in the op-ed were already conveyed to the White House in the weeks before as part of the private conversation between the UAE and the Trump administration on the annexation issue.

What’s next: The UAE public push against Israeli annexation is expected to continue next week.

  • UAE minister of state for foreign affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash will speak at the American Jewish Committee virtual conference next Tuesday.
  • He will be the most senior Arab official to speak at a public conference of a U.S Jewish organization.
  • He is expected to continue UAE’s call for Israel not to annex the West Bank.

Sanhedrin Decision Pertaining to Trump’s Deal of the Century

The Sanhedrin released a statement on the soon-to-be enacted peace plan proposed by President Trump, which The Palestinian Authority rejected outright.  As the Sanhedrin of Israel, we will gladly consider any program that a world leader suggests if it is in accordance with the Torah. Therefore, in the program as proposed by the President of the US, we only accept the application of Jewish sovereignty insofar as it does not oblige us to abandon our rights and obligations pertaining to the land of Israel according to the borders set out in the divine promise recorded in the Torah. Therefore, the government of Israel is obligated to accept sovereignty over all the territories of Israel within the borders described in the Torah.
June 12, 2020

Why Jewish Settlers Reject Annexation

Israel builds road to link settlements as West Bank annexation nears

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s goal of annexing a large portion of the West Bank as soon as July 1 is facing fierce opposition from an unexpected group: Jewish settlers living in the occupied territory. The very settler leaders who are supposed to benefit from annexation — and who have long backed Netanyahu — say they fear it would be accompanied by concessions to the Palestinians, including the establishment of a Palestinian state in part of the West Bank. The annexation proposal has been widely condemned, with Jordan warning it would mean an end to its peace treaty with Israel, the European Union calling the move unacceptable and the Palestinians suspending all previous agreements with Israel.
June 15, 2020


   Jordan’s Abdullah said to refuse to speak to Netanyahu over annexation plans

Jordanian King Abdullah II is refusing to communicate with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his government’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank, Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported Monday. Jordanian leadership is also eschewing overtures made by Defense Minister Benny Gantz, refusing to discuss any topic related to Israel’s proposed annexation scheme, Ma’an quoted a Jordanian official as saying.
June 15, 2020

Lebanon protests: Hundreds take to streets for second night

Hundreds of people have protested in cities across Lebanon for a second night over the handling of the country’s economic crisis. The Lebanese pound has fallen to record lows, having lost 70% of its value since October when protests began.The financial crisis has worsened during the coronavirus pandemic. Many Lebanese citizens who rely on hard currency savings have fallen into poverty due to capital controls, as banks restrict dollar withdrawals. More than a third of the population is unemployed. Protesters in the capital, Beirut, and in the northern city of Tripoli, threw stones and fireworks at police who used tear gas and rubber bullets. In Tripoli, protesters damaged the outside of several banks and shops, throwing petrol bombs at soldiers who responded with tear gas. Banks have been blamed for the country’s financial troubles.
June 13, 2020

Syria’s Leader Feels Pressure From US Sanctions Threat, Street Protests

Five days of protests have shaken Syria’s usually peaceful Druze enclave of Suweida, as rising prices and a falling domestic currency have pushed ordinary Syrians hurt by the crisis to vent their anger. Amateur video has shown scores of people demonstrating and chanting against the government. In Damascus, many shops and businesses reportedly have closed as exchange rates fluctuated wildly. Factories that produce pharmaceutical goods also have closed because of shortages of raw materials, while fuel shortages have forced the government to buy gasoline from Lebanon. Atop these developments, new U.S. economic sanctions on people and businesses trading with the Syrian government are set to take effect June 17.
June 13, 2020


   Turkish fighter jets attack PKK sites in northern Iraq

Turkish warplanes struck more than 80 Kurdish targets in northern Iraq in response to an increase in attacks on Turkish army bases, the defence ministry said on Monday. Iraq’s Joint Operations Command condemned the cross-border raid as a “provocative action” and accused Turkish forces of hitting a refugee camp. The operation, codenamed Operation Claw-Eagle, hit suspected PKK targets in several regions in Iraq’s north, including Sinjar, according to a tweet from Turkey’s military, which claimed 81 PKK targets were targeted, including shelters and caves.
June 15, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

  Video shows rioting protesters attack CNN camera crew for recording them destroying a Wendy’s

Entire Florida SWAT Team Resigns After Police Chief Takes Knee With Protesters

Atlanta police shooting: Rayshard Brooks death declared homicide

Seattle Police Set To Reclaim ‘CHAZ’ Amid Ongoing Protests

BLM-Branded ‘Kill a White on Sight’ Posters Found in Scotland

A Shocking Eye-Witness Account Of What’s Really Happening During The Seattle Riots

99.64% BLM’s Defund The Police Donations Go To Joe Biden Campaign Via ActBlue

A CNN reporter and her camera crew were attacked late Saturday as they covered escalating protests in Atlanta after police shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy’s parking lot. CNN correspondent Natasha Chen and her camera crew were videoing protesters as they broke windows and set fire to the Wendy’s where Brooks was gunned down by police on Friday night. But the rioters apparently did not want their criminal actions to be caught on video. Tensions boiled over Saturday after video of Brooks death circulated on social media. The police officer who shot and killed Brooks has already been fired. Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields has also resigned. Meanwhile, Authorities in Washington state are reportedly set to take a stand against thousands of armed protesters, who have turned six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill into an “autonomous zone.” On Friday, officials told reporters there are plans to take back “CHAZ,” an area formerly known as “12th and Pine.”
une 14, 2020

U.N. Human Rights Council resumes with debate on U.S. racism

After resuming its 43rd session that was interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic three months ago, the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday agreed to an unscheduled debate on racial inequality in the United States. The council agreed to the unscheduled debate after receiving a letter last week from several African nations. Burkina Faso diplomat Dieudonne Desire Sougouri, coordinator of the African Group, formally made the request Monday. “The death of George Floyd is unfortunately not an isolated incident,” the letter read. “The numbers of previous cases of unarmed people of African descent who met the same fate because of uncontrolled police violence are legion.” Wednesday and Thursday, the council will hold discussions on a U.N. plan of action to combat racism, discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance worldwide.
June 15, 2020


South Korea Increases Combat Readiness Amid Soaring Tensions With North, Reports Claim

North Korea Announces Military Attack on ‘Human Scum’ in South Korea

 South Korea has increased monitoring and combat readiness along its border with North Korea amid escalating tensions between Seoul and Pyongyang, the Yonhap state news agency reported on Monday. “We are closely monitoring the North Korean military’s moves and are maintaining a firm military readiness posture. As of yet, there has been no incident to give additional explanations on,” Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesperson Kim Jun-rak told a regular press briefing, as quoted by the Yonhap state news agency. The defence minister went on to detail that the military has deployed advanced weapons, such as F-35A fighter jets and Global Hawk unmanned aircraft. A statement over the weekend from Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, ratcheted up tensions by threatening to invoke military retaliation.
June 15, 2020


  This Is Why We Are Facing A 6 Week Countdown To Immense Economic Despair

Many of the emergency economic measures that were put into place to support the American people financially throughout this pandemic are about to disappear, and that means that big trouble is on the horizon.  Right now, we are in the midst of the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  Economic activity has fallen dramatically, more than 100,000 businesses have permanently closed, and more than 44 million Americans have lost a job so far in 2020.  But up to this point most Americans are not feeling too much economic pain thanks to unprecedented intervention by the federal government.  Unfortunately, that short-term boost of artificial relief is about to wear off, and that is going to cause some major problems as we approach the end of this calendar year. The US economy right now is like a jumbo jet that’s in a steady glide after both its engines flamed out. In about six weeks, it will likely crash into the side of a mountain.
June 14, 2020


  Korea’s Central Bank Forms Legal Panel to Advise on Possible Digital Currency Launch

The Bank of Korea (BOK) said Monday it had launched a legal advisory panel to review possible regulatory hurdles in issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The panel consists of six experts in the finance and IT sectors ― including professors of commercial law and lawyers specializing in fintech. One of them is from the BOK’s legal policy office. Starting Monday, the panel will be in operation at least until the end of May 2021, the central bank said. “We established the advisory group to discuss legal issues surrounding a CBDC and figure out which laws need to be revised or enacted for smooth progress in the BOK’s possible issuance of digital currency,” an official from the bank said. The launch of the panel is part of an initial step for the BOK’s 22-month-long plan to develop its own CBDC.
June 15, 2020


  Supreme Court says federal law protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination

Supreme Court Rules American Workers Can’t Be Fired For Being Gay Or Trans, Defying White House

Federal civil rights law protects gay, lesbian and transgender workers, the Supreme Court ruled Monday. The landmark ruling will extend protections to millions of workers nationwide and is a defeat for the Trump administration, which argued that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that bars discrimination based on sex did not extend to claims of gender identity and sexual orientation. The 6-3 opinion was written by Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the court’s four liberal justices. “Ours is a society of written laws. Judges are not free to overlook plain statutory commands on the strength of nothing more than suppositions about intentions or guesswork about expectations,” Gorsuch, one of the court’s conservatives, wrote in the majority opinion. “In Title VII, Congress adopted broad language making it illegal for an employer to rely on an employee’s sex when deciding to fire that employee.”
June 15, 2020


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