June 17, 2015 The Rapture Question


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 16, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Now that you have watched my video above and saw the information about the rapture of the Church I want to bring this video on the rapture to your attention because there are some major problems with the doctrine in the video below.  Watch the video first and then read what we see as problems.



I listened to John Shorey’s description of the Book of Revelation again.  Now I remember what it was that he said that was not correct.


No where does it say that there must be a one-world government for the Anti-Christ to take over.


No where does it say that the Temple has to be built for the Anti-Christ to take over.


No where does it say that the 10 Kingdoms have to be in place for the Anti-Christ to take over.


He goes on and on about the head wound of the Anti-Christ.  That does not have to happen until later in his reign.

No where does it say that the Anti-Christ will have power over the Christians immediately.  the Anti-Christ comes in peace (Rev. 6) and he does not go after everyone until the midpoint of the tribulation (Rev. 12).  The Book fo Daniel also proves this: ( 9:27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven. In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”)


The events above will happen, but he is saying all of the events have to happen either before the Anti-Christ comes out, or at the exact time the Anti-Christ comes out.



If you read in Revelation, you see these events happen over the 7 years.  In fact, the Anti-Christ does not go after the Jews & Christians until Revelation 12.  That means that there will be 3.5 years of strife on the earth (earthquakes, disaster, etc.,) but no persecution from the Anti-Christ.  The trouble that is coming is all focused the unbelieving, the quasi-Christians who were left behind and the Jews.  It is God’s heart to reach the lost Jews and this is the last opportunity for them to get saved.


I see it like this…  We Christians who do faithfully love and follow God cannot be here when the Anti-Christ takes over.


Jesus knows that the anti-Christ will be so smart and convincing, that if we are here on the earth during the tribulation, we would all be deceived and we would lose our salvation. (Mark 13:22 for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect.)


Also… Besides being deceived, we would be forced to take the mark of the beast and we would lose our salvation.  Why would God make all the Christians damned?  Is this what God wants for His chosen people?  Would He want us to go through this?  That would not be fair.  God has to rescue the true believers from that deceit. (Revelation 13:16 – It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,)


God’s wrath is going to fall upon the unsaved, or as the Book of Revelation states, the “inhabitants of the earth”. If you look in the Book of Revelation, you will see this term is used 6 times.  Remember, Christians are not citizens of earth, we are citizens of Heaven.


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    • Elizabeth G on June 17, 2015 at 11:15 pm
    • Reply

    This is one of the best teachings on the Rapture I have heard!. Excellent job, Frank. When the church argues about when it is going up and out, all it does is take away from the Kingdom’s work. The Apostle’s were willing to go out into the world and preach until they could preach no more, then WE SHOULD DO THE SAME. Preach the message until you physically can no longer do it. Let God worry about the timing of the Rapture.

  1. Hi Frank us there a bank deposit number for me to go to my bank to help thanks noeleen

  2. Thank you Frank much clearer now

  3. I listened to John Shorey’s video.Alot of things do not add up.He didn’t mention about the restrainer being removed before the antichrist is revealed.Frank makes this very clear.Nothing was said about the 24 elders who are the raptured church in Rev 4 and 5.Alot of people have supposed revelations from God but the bottom line is all the scriptures have to be studied.I believe we will be taken just before the antichrist takes centre stage as 11Thes 2:6 says.

  4. Hi Frank Thanks for this I decided to read your comments once again and you sure make sense John sees things a bit different; and some on the Jim Bakker show are saying stock up with plenty of food etc now thats not a bad thing but 7 years of it? I cannot do that number one is space and number 2 is money I would rather give it to people like you who help people get the gospel out to people who need it and head its message. Yes we might need food; even in a disaster I am going the way of George Muller who totally trusted in our Lord Jesus Christ to support not only him but also his three orphanages; my God can save me like in the Book of Daniel saved me from the lion’s den and from a hot furnace my God’s got my back – Please do not forget to give me a bank number for spreading your book thanks Noeleen

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