June 18, 2021- Temple Mount Clashes



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Houthis Launch Fundraiser to Fire Missiles at Tel Aviv

Al-Masirah TV, a Yemeni TV channel headquartered in Beirut which was founded and is owned by the Ansarullah-Houthi movement, aired a video last Tuesday titled: “From Yemen… Fire Your Rocket Towards Tel Aviv.” The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported on the video, describing it as an animated video showing money entering a collection box, which is connected by electric wires to a rocket launch-pad. A Qassam rocket is launched, overpassing Yemeni and Palestinian flags, and hits an iron-made dome marked with an Israeli flag. The dome is completely destroyed. MEMRI described the video as a fundraising campaign to support “Palestine.” The Houthis were classified as a terrorist group by the US State Department but this designation was revoked by the Biden administration one month after entering office. In March, the Biden administration restored $73 million in US aid to Houthi-controlled northern Yemen that the Trump administration suspended. It was unclear what procedures are in place that would ensure that the funds are not usurped for terrorism. The Biden administration also restored aid to the Palestinian Authority in seeming contravention of the Taylor Force Act and also authorized hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to Gaza while admitting that the money could end up being used by Hamas to attack Israel.
June 14, 2021

IDF strikes Gaza Strip after incendiary balloon fires

Israel bombs Gaza for 2nd day straight in response to cross-border attacks as shaky truce falters

The IDF struck a number of military sites belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night in response to 20 fires sparked by incendiary balloons earlier in the day. “The IDF is prepared for all scenarios, including the resumption of hostilities, in the face of continued terrorist acts from the Gaza Strip,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit in a statement. Hamas responded to the strikes on Tuesday night, calling the strikes “a failed attempt to stop our people’s solidarity and resistance with the Holy City, and to cover up the unprecedented state of confusion for the Zionist establishment in organizing the so-called ‘Flag March.'” The strikes come after dozens of Palestinians rioted and clashed with the IDF along the Gaza border on Tuesday, as tensions rose surrounding a flag march through the Old City of Jerusalem. Despite the threats, the march took place with relatively little violence. Some clashes were reported between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, but they had largely ended by Tuesday evening.
June 18, 2021

Temple Mount: Clashes break out between Israeli police, Palestinians

Clashes broke out between Border Police and Muslim worshipers at the Temple Mount on Friday, Israel Police said in a statement. Video footage taken at the compound shows Palestinians throwing rocks at a unit of Border Police officers, who in turn responded with firing off rubber bullets to quell the unrest. Nine injuries have so far been reported, and in one video a man could be seen being carried off by Red Crescent volunteers. Israel Police notes that the clashes began after Friday afternoon prayers, when several hundred worshipers made their way into the compound via the Chain Gate. After the prayers ceased, several dozen youth began to throw stones at the police officers stationed at the entrance to the compound. The Jerusalem District Commander of the Border Police force ordered officers to locate suspects involved in the disturbing the peace within the violent clashes. So far, some 14 have been apprehended and taken in for questioning, according to police.
June 18, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran Confirms 6.5 kg Stockpile of 60-Percent Enriched Uranium

Militant Judge Ebrahim RaisiProjected to Win Iranian Presidential Election

Iran announced Tuesday that it has produced and stockpiled 6.5 kilograms (14.3 pounds) of 60-percent enriched uranium, in addition to 108 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20 percent purity. Purity of 90 percent is the level of enriched uranium used in producing nuclear weapons. Uranium enriched to 60 percent purity is a just a short step from the 90 percent purity required to fuel nuclear weapons. “Under parliament’s law … the Atomic Energy Organization was supposed to produce 120 kg of 20 percent enriched uranium in a year,” said government spokesperson Ali Rabiei, according to state media quoted by Reuters. He pointed out, however, that nuclear plant workers have apparently outdone themselves. “According to the latest report we have now produced 108 kg of 20 percent uranium in the past five months,” Rabiei said. “In the area of 60 percent uranium production, in the short time that has elapsed . . . about 6.5 kg has been produced,” Rabiei added. At the conclusion of a meeting Wednesday on the sidelines of a summit in Geneva between US President Joe Biden and Russia’s President Vladimir, Biden told reporters that the two world leaders agreed to work together so that Iran does not achieve the capacity to create a nuclear weapon. he added that the two agreed to “renew the diplomatic channels between the powers.” Any chance of reviving the deal “will have to await the formation of a new Iranian government,” said Rafael Grossi, head of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), according to Reuters, quoting an interview with the Italian daily news outlet, La Repubblica.
June 18, 2021

Afghanistan: 27 Districts fall to the Taliban

Since the beginning of NATO’s official troop withdrawal from Afghanistan on May 1, the Islamist militant group has taken over at least 27 districts from Afghan forces, and the number is rapidly increasing. The Taliban are intensifying attacks across Afghanistan to gain more territory ahead of NATO’s troop withdrawal in September. The militant group now controls vast swaths of land. Heavy fighting in many districts in recent weeks has inflicted heavy losses on both Taliban and government forces. On Wednesday, more than 20 Afghan commandos were killed in the northern Faryab province as they tried to regain control of Dawlat Abad district, which Taliban militants had seized 10 days ago. The group’s attempts to take over district capitals have also resulted in civilian casualties. Many locals in these areas are fleeing for their lives to safe havens. According to authorities and residents, Taliban fighters have destroyed government buildings in some district capitals after capturing the cities for a short period of time and then withdrawing. Khan Abad, in Afghanistan’s northern Kunduz province district, fell to the Taliban in May, but the militants were subsequently pushed back by government forces.
June 17, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

US Producer Prices Soar At Record Pace In May Led By Food & Energy

Poultry prices soar to record

US Producer Prices soared 6.6% YoY in May – the fastest pace on record. This is the 13th straight month of MoM PPI increases. Over 40 percent of the May increase in the index for final demand services is attributable to margins for automobile retailing (partial), which jumped 27.3 percent. The indexes for truck transportation of freight; apparel, footwear, and accessories retailing; portfolio management; chemicals and allied products wholesaling; and hardware, building  materials, and supplies retailing also rose. Conversely, margins for food retailing fell 3.6 percent. The indexes for traveler accommodation services and for airline passenger services also decreased. Within the index for final demand goods in May, prices for nonferrous metals rose 6.9 percent. The indexes for beef and veal; diesel fuel; gasoline; hay, hayseeds, and oilseeds; and motor vehicles also advanced. In contrast, prices for fresh fruits and melons declined 1.9 percent. The indexes for primary basic organic chemicals and for asphalt also moved lower. Food & Energy costs were the biggest drivers of the surge.
June 15, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

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