June 23, 2021- Large-scale Russian Pacific exercise draws rapid US navy/ air response



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Report: Bennett and Biden on Collision Course Over Dividing Jerusalem

US President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign promise to reopen the US consulate in East Jerusalem that was closed down during the former US President Donald Trump era. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett opposes the move reports Channel 12 correspondent Amit Segal. The East Jerusalem consulate, which was initially established to serve the ‘Palestinian’ population exclusively, would erase Trump’s historic accomplishment of recognizing a united Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. A consulate in East Jerusalem would put relations between Washington and Jerusalem eight years back to the Obama era when Washington recognized Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem, as Israel’s capital. After Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Biden now needs Israel’s consent to reopen the consulate. But according to the report, Bennett also would rather avoid embarrassing Biden. The issue is currently under discussion between the two parties.
June 22, 2021

Hamas Chief Warns U.N. Envoy: Israel Will Face Renewed Violence if Qatari Millions Not Transferred

Gaza terrorist groups call on Palestinians to ‘prepare for escalation’

Hamas terror chief Yahya Sinwar warned United Nations envoy Tor Wennesland on Monday the terror group would resume violence if Israel failed to allow $30 million in Qatari donations to be transferred to Gaza, Israel’s public broadcaster reported. The report by Kan came hours after Sinwar told reporters that talks with U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Wennesland about upholding the ceasefire with Israel had broken down. “This was a bad meeting and it was totally not positive,” Sinwar said. “The meeting with the U.N. delegation was thorough and they listened to us. But unfortunately, there are no indications of intentions to solve the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip,” he continued. He added he would convene a meeting of all Palestinian factions later in the day. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday warned Hamas that Israel’s “patience has run out.” “Our enemies will get to know the rules: We will not tolerate violence and a slow drip [of rockets],” Bennett said. “Our patience has run out.” “The residents of the Gaza periphery are not second-class citizens,” he said. He also added Israel sought no harm against Palestinians living under Hamas’ rule in Gaza. “There is no intention to harm those who do not rise up to kill us, and we do not hate those who are held hostage by a cruel and violent terrorist organization,” Bennett said.
June 23, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Drone attack said to target US forces in Iraq

A “bomb-laden drone” attacked US forces at a base near Baghdad International Airport, according to sources in Iraq. This area is called Victory Base and has been targeted in the past. Officials disputed the pro-Iranian claims, saying news of the attack was disinformation. The area allegedly targeted is called “Victory Base” by pro-Iranian groups and media, and has been targeted in the past. In fact Camp Victory closed down in December 2011 when Operation Iraqi Freedom ended. What is now at the Baghdad airport is the Department of State operated Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center (BDSC). Hundreds of US and coalition troops are co located at the BDSC. “Sabereen News, a Telegram news channel associated with the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units, better known as Hashd al-Shaabi, reported that two fixed-wing combat drones laden with explosives had struck targets inside Victory base early on Tuesday,” Iran’s Press TV reported.  That Iran reported the attack via this channel means Tehran is likely behind the attack, and the report is a confirmation that it happened or that Iran approved it. How official sources said no attack actually took place and that the reports are disinformation. “The development came less than two days after an unnamed Iraqi security force said a Katyusha rocket had landed at Ain al-Asad Airbase in Iraq’s western province of Anbar, located about 160 km. west of the capital Baghdad, without causing casualties,” the report said.
June 23, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran’s new president says ballistic program non-negotiable, but restoring ties with Riyadh possible

Analysis: New Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi Dangerous for Israel

Iran says US websites seizure unhelpful for nuclear talks

Iran’s president-elect said Monday there are “no obstacles” to restoring ties with Saudi Arabia, but said he is not willing to negotiate over Tehran’s ballistic missiles or support for regional militia. Ebrahim Raisi made the comment Monday in a news conference with journalists, his first since winning Friday’s election in a landslide. “There are no obstacles from Iran’s side to re-opening embassies… there are no obstacles to ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said
He called himself “a defender of human rights” after being asked directly about his involvement in the 1988 mass executions of some 5,000 people.
“The US is obliged to lift all oppressive sanctions against Iran,” he said. Raisi was part of a so-called “death panel” that sentenced political prisoners to death at the end of the 1980s Iran-Iraq war. Raisi said his country’s foreign policy will not be limited by the 2015 nuclear agreement, in his first news conference since his victory in Friday’s election. “Our foreign policy will not be limited to the nuclear deal,” Raisi said in Tehran. “We will have interaction with the world.” Meanwhile, Tehran warned Wednesday that Washington’s seizure of 33 websites run by Iran-linked media was “not constructive” for ongoing talks on bringing the United States back into a landmark nuclear deal. The US Justice Department said it had seized 33 Iranian government-controlled media websites, as well as three of the Iraqi group Kataeb Hezbollah, which it said were hosted on US-owned domains in violation of sanctions.
June 23, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Large-scale Russian Pacific exercise draws rapid US navy/ air response

Just a week after the Biden-Putin summit in Geneva, Moscow on Tuesday, June 22, provided details of Russia’s largest Pacific sea and air maneuver in decades. US air and sea units were rapidly scrambled in response. The Russian maneuver, opposite US shores, was described by the Russian Defense Ministry as “practicing the tasks of destroying an aircraft carrier strike group of a mock enemy.” Admir Viktor Kravchenko said that the Russian navy had not conducted a maneuver on this scale since 1991. Taking part were 20 warships, including submarines and logistic support vessels and a similar number of fighters and bombers. A simulated cruise missile attack was carried by one of the Russian naval strike groups operating 480km from a second in the role of the enemy. The US Navy responded by scrambling the USS Vinson carrier and the USS Dewey destroyer into the waters off Hawaii for close surveillance of the Russian maneuver. Also deployed were were F-22 fighters. Marines, counter-submarine units and the Coast Guard. The air and naval base at Pearl Harbor was placed on alert. Both during the Russian war game and when it ended, US Air Force bombers and F-22 fighters were lofted opposite the Russian planes whenever they came anywhere near the American coast. Incidents were barely avoided twice on June 14 and June 18.
June 23, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Deadly tornado hits Mascouche in southern Quebec, Canada

Destructive storms bring giant hail, tornado and flooding to parts of France

A tornado killed one person in Mascouche near Montreal in southern Quebec, Canada, the deputy premier and minister of public safety confirmed Monday, June 21, 2021. Several dozen buildings were damaged and many others were injured. Dozens of people were cleaning up debris from their damaged homes in the aftermath of a tornado in Mascouche on Monday. On some residential streets between Route 125 and Highway 25, shingles were missing from roofs, power lines were downed, trees split down the middle, and trampolines suspended on sheds as firefighters worked to block off downed lines. Meanwhile, Severe storms pummeled parts of France over the weekend into Monday, June 21, 2021, bringing flooding rain, giant hailstones, and a tornado that resulted in damages and one person missing. Around 44 000 lightning strikes were recorded. In Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil, a tornado inflicted damage to a chuch in Indre-et-Loire village. Fallen stoneworks collapsed into cars underneath, smashing windscreens. Trees and vines were also ravaged. No injuries were reported. In Vercel-Villedieu-le-Camp, hailstones the size of tennis balls wrecked through car windows. Heavy rains triggered flooding while strong winds caused material damage in Essonne in Ile-de-France, and in Reims, Grand Est. Widespread flooding submerged roads in the northeastern city of Reims as downpours continued. Power outages also occurred in some areas.
June 22, 2021

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