June 25, 2023 talk again of separating the temple mount in east Jerusalem as the prophecy warns




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In my book dated June 10, 2022 on page 454 I issued a warning concerning what to expect to happen on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem. I point to prophecy that shows us the Third Jewish Temple will be built on the Temple Mount next to the Dome of the Rock. The link to that June 10, 2022 book is below. 


    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 10 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

I have issued many warnings what will happen on the Temple Mount and one of those warnings came in the form of my Youtube channel from Dec. 8, 2021 which you see below.  Why am I giving you these past warnings? Because what I warned about one of the leaders in Israel is talking about building the Jewish Third Temple next to the Muslims holy site.  Keep in mind, I am warning you this because it was the Lord who revealed this information to us and I wanted to make sure you had the chance to see the warning before the Temple is built. Keep in mind, that Third Temple will be a major prophecy sign that the Antichrist is here.



Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Coming soonEzekiel 43:8 In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.


Now for today’s news of June 25, 2023.

Knesset member Amit Halevi floated the idea earlier this month of recognizing separate areas on the Temple Mount for the two faiths.By David Isaac, JNS

A Likud lawmaker’s plan to divide the Temple Mount between Jews and Muslims has drawn outrage from Muslim political, religious and terrorist corners. The real outrage, say Temple Mount activists, is that Jews don’t have equal rights to Judaism’s holiest site.

Knesset member Amit Halevi floated the idea earlier this month of recognizing separate areas on the Temple Mount for the two faiths. He noted that there was plenty of room for Jews and Muslims: 144 dunams, or 35 acres.

According to Halevi’s plan, Jews would receive the central and northern parts, where the First and Second Temples once stood (the gold-plated Dome of the Rock now stands on the site, but as Halevi noted, it is not a mosque). Muslims would receive the southern part, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is currently located.

“It will be a historical, religious and national statement,” Halevi told Zman Israel, a Hebrew-language news site. The Muslims have created a “narrative” about the Temple Mount and claim complete ownership over it, according to Halevi. “Just because they pray there, that does not make the entire Temple Mount a holy place for Muslims,” he said.



Yisrael Medad, a Temple Mount activist for over 50 years, who made his first trip to the site in October 1970, told JNS that Halevi’s plan isn’t so far out.

“It parallels the situation at Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs, which basically works on that principle,” he said. There, certain days are reserved for Muslim prayer and other days for Jewish prayer.

“According to Amit Halevi’s proposal, the area reserved for Jews would put them mostly out of sight of the Arabs. In other words, it’s a very large place and therefore, can be very easily divided,” said Medad, noting that he and others had proposed interim plans in the past to provide areas for Jewish prayer without upsetting Muslim sensibilities. https://worldisraelnews.com/separate-areas-for-muslims-and-jews-on-temple-mount/

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