June 3, 2020- Large 6.8 Quake Hits Chile, as Cyclonic Storm makes historic landfall in India



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 American Jews on edge as rioters attack synagogues, Jewish stores

The riots in the United States following the killing of George Floyd have spread, with Jewish areas and synagogues being targeted and raising concerns in Jewish communities, the Forward reported. A Jewish-community activist told Yeshiva World News that as many as 75 percent of the Jewish-owned businesses on they city’s La Brea Avenue were vandalized during rioting over the weekend. The Jewish community has been torn as rioting spread. On the one hand, community members want to mobilize for the cause of justice for the black community, but in many cases they feel like they have become the target of the rioters. At least four synagogues were desecrated and vandalized in Los Angeles over the past days, with rioters taking advantage of the turmoil to spray open anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli inscriptions against them. The Beth Israel synagogue was spray-painted with “Free Palestine” and curses against Israel.
June 2, 2020

Gantz orders IDF to prepare for annexation at once

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Monday instructed Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi to accelerate preparations for the possibility that Israel will apply its laws to parts of the West Bank after he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Trump administration officials. US President Donald Trump’s peace plan would allow for Israel to apply its laws to 30% of the West Bank. The coalition agreement between Gantz’s Blue and White and Netanyahu’s Likud says the prime minister can bring annexation to a vote in the cabinet or Knesset on July 1 at the earliest. The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) plan to hold war games simulating possible responses to annexation, ranging from an increase in terrorism to a broad wave of violence, Channel 13 reported.
June 3, 2020


  IDF tanks face off against Lebanese soldiers armed with rocket-propelled grenades

IDF tankists and Lebanese soldiers armed with rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launchers aimed their weapons at each other in a face-off on the Israel-Lebanese border on Tuesday in an event described as “unusual” by Israel’s Channel 12. What makes the incident outside of the ordinary was the fact that the Lebanese soldiers were carrying weapons. Their presence in the area is routine, but they are typically unarmed. The IDF normally operates in the area as well. The two IDF tanks involved in the incident had crossed a border fence, Channel 11 reports. They were still  in Israeli territory, however, despite being on the border line. The northern border has been the site of several incidents recently.
June 2, 2020

First Russian Strikes in 3 Months Hit NW Syria

Russian air strikes have hit Syria’s last major rebel bastion for the first time since a March ceasefire came into force, a war monitor said on Wednesday. The Russian strikes on Tuesday evening and at dawn on Wednesday hit an area of the northwest where the boundaries of Hama, Idlib and Latakia provinces meet, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The Observatory said the latest strikes were intended to push jihadists away from the key M4 highway in northern Syria, where Turkish and Russian forces often conduct joint patrols as part of the truce agreement. They were also intended to push HTS and its allies further away from the Sahl al-Ghab area in the north of Hama province, where government and Russian forces are present, it added.
June 3, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

 As protests push past curfews and troops descend, CIA veterans say U.S. similar to collapsing nations

 White House softens on sending troops to states

 Police militarization amid protests spreads concern

 Law enforcement officials nationwide note coordinated assault

World Outrage Grows at Floyd’s Death; EU ‘Shocked, Appalled’

Daytime clashes between police and the public on Tuesday were largely peaceful, as a second week of protests over George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody began. Major cities continued with widespread curfews, and the National Guard attempted to prevent another night of violence and chaos. In interviews and posts on social media in recent days, current and former U.S. intelligence officials have expressed dismay at the similarity between events at home and the signs of decline or democratic regression they were trained to detect in other nations. “This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It really does unnerve me,” said Gail Helt, a former CIA analyst.
June 3, 2020


  Researchers discover unique, manmade viral manipulations of the COVID-19 strain

The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China is under worldwide scrutiny after a highly infectious strain of coronavirus began rapidly infecting Wuhan citizens late in 2019, before rapidly infecting people throughout the world. Now a new Australian study finds that the precise RNA sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus contains man-made manipulations that could have only been created in a laboratory. Australian scientists concur that the SARS-CoV-2 virus behind the COVID-19 pandemic contains unique, lab-invented properties that allow it to readily infect humans. The research, currently in the peer-review process, used computer modeling to understand how the virus infects various animals, including humans. Lead researcher Nikolai Petroysky found evidence to suggest that the coronavirus had been manipulated by the lab in Wuhan because it contains an unusual protruding spike that allows it to readily infect human cells. When in contact with human cells, the manipulated coronavirus strain contains binding strength that “far exceeds” attachment capabilities observed in other animal cells.
June 2, 2020


Earthquake fault near Tonopah still active with 6,500 aftershocks

The magnitude 6.5 Monte Cristo Earthquake near Tonopah is still rolling. Two weeks after it woke Nevadans, the Nevada Seismological Lab has tracked a phenomenal 6,500 aftershocks — four at magnitude 5.0 and greater, from the earthquake sequence. The USGS, who is partnering with the Nevada Seismological Lab to monitor the earthquake sequence, estimates that for the week through June 6, there is a 99 percent chance of a magnitude 3 or higher earthquake with as many as 22-49 such events
June 2, 2020

 Severe Cyclonic Storm “Nisarga” makes historic landfall close to Mumbai, India

Severe Cyclonic Storm “Nisarga” made historic landfall over Maharashtra, India just south of Alibagh at 07:30 UTC on June 3, 2020, with maximum sustained wind speeds up to 110 km/h (70 mph) and gusts to 120 km/h (75 mph). The landfall process will be completed during the next three hours. After the landfall, Nisarga is very likely to maintain its Cyclonic Storm intensity for about 6 hours, while moving north-northeastwards across north Madhya Maharashtra. Storm surge of about 1 – 2 m (3.3 – 6.6 feet) above astronomical tide is very likely to inundate low lying areas of Mumbai, Thane and Raigad districts and 0.5 – 1 m (1.6 – 3.3 feet) above the astronomical tide likely to inundate low lying areas of Ratnagiri district during the time of landfall. Nisarga’s center passed very close to Mumbai, a megacity and India’s commercial center with a population of 18 million, rarely impacted by tropical cyclones. In addition, this is its first time in recorded history to be struck by a tropical cyclone during the month of June.
June 3, 2020

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