Last days forming of a One World Government leading to Antichrist control /Mark of the beast/National ID’s/Fearful sights/America and the North America Union/April 21, 2010


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I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

Prophecy Sign: Antichrist warning from Jesus! In my post yesterday I wrote to you about the ten kings Jesus warned us about in Chapter 17 of the book of Revelation. Christians studying the Bible and are on the watch as instructed by Christ Himself have been looking for a group of ten kings, (leaders of nations) that will give up all their power to the Antichrist as Jesus said in Revelation 17:12-14. “12“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

I want to give you more information concerning the warning found in Rev. chapter 17.  I ask you to watch these videos warning about the U.S. forming what I see is as the final ten union, which has been named the “North American Union”.  The people you will watch are people of influence who are working in the government as your elected officials, they are not just some crazy people giving out some crazy conspiracy  theory . 

Representative Tom Tancredo, who made illegal immigration his signature issue on the Presidential campaign trail, urges Americans to learn all they can about efforts to create a “North American Union”…

Over and over again we keep hearing about the North Atlantic Trade agreement. “NAFTA is short for the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA covers Canada, the U.S. and Mexico making it the world’s largest free trade area (in terms of GDP). NAFTA was launched 15 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.”  After doing research concerning the NAFTA plans I have come to conclude that what happened to the citizens of the European Union is step by step now taking place between the US, Mexico, and Canada.  The EU had long term plans in forming a  signal nation made up of many nations. In January  2010 the Lisbon Treaty finalized their long term plans, and another huge part to bring on a One World Government was set in place.  Plans for a global governance have been set and, as you will hear for yourself, the first full time EU President even tells us this in his speech.  First watch Vicente Fox talk about the long term goals.  Pay attention to this because it is happening.  The EU press made their citizens look like nuts cases when they spoke out about being pushed into a government that was taking away their Sovereignty and freedoms.  The same thing is happening in the United States.  Every time the press sees people standing up for their rights and trying to warn people about  what is really taking place the press moves in and paints them as right wing nuts cases. 

This is what I know for sure.  The One World Government can not be stopped!  If Jesus warned us it would happen than it is going to happen.  We may be able to slow it down but Bible prophecy is 100% correct and it will happen.  The question at this point is who exactly are the ten kings in Revelation 17:12-13?  As I said yesterday I do believe their is a chance the ten union of nations may be the ones Jesus was referring to.  If you missed my post yesterday and want information on the ten unions click to the blue link below.

The links below will take you to more information on this subject. When you get to the red link you will see a list of video you can watch.  All I am asking you to do is have an open mind and review what is taking place.  Everyone is going to have to make up their own minds if they want to heed Jesus Christ's’ warning about the One World Government, which the Antichrist will control soon.  Ask yourself this question.  Do you think it is a coincidence that in the past six months leaders of nations around the round the world are now calling for a new one world economic system?  These same leaders are also trying to dump the U.S. dollar for a new one world currency, do you think this is also a coincidence?  

Many of you are asking what could drive the final nail in the box to form the North Atlantic Union?  What do you think will happen when the U.S. economy crashes?  There will be civil unrest like you have never seen in America before.  Troops will have to be called in to control the violence and of course there will have to be a new system of money put in place.  I think it is possible that it will be at this time this North American Union will be enforced!  This is one man’s opinion.  For now all we can do is watch for the signs.  Watch the U.S. economy, watch the home forecloses, watch for more people to be laid off, watch for record number of bankruptcies both in the business and private sectors.

John Voight Speaks for Freedom

Interview with Judicial Watch's Chris Farrell on sensitive SPP Documents

Congressman Tom Tancredo

Exposing Gov't Docs on NAU/SPP & the Clinton Administration

Coalition to Block the N.A.U. News Conference in New Orleans, 2008

Canadians Oppose the SPP / North American Union

Rep. Virgil Goode Opposes the North American Union – SPP

The History of NAFTA and the Council on Foreign Relations

Jerome Corsi on Conservative Round Table: Border Security

Alan Keyes: Stop Illegal Immigration, No Amnesty!

Interview with Best Selling Author, Jerome Corsi

Stop Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

The Dangers of a North American Union

Prophecy Sign: The mark of the beast and increase in knowledge.  Revelation 13:16-17 Jesus tells us the Antichrist will try to mark everyone in the world with a mark in the right hand or forehead.  Christ warns us that anyone who takes this mark will end up in the lake of fire that burns for all time.  In other words, you will end up in “Hell” with no way to ever escape.  Jesus also speaks to us about the Prophet Daniel in the Matthew chapter 24.  Daniel was the prophet who was told our generation would be known as the generation who would increase in knowledge and they would be traveling back and forth.  Our generation has fulfilled this prophecy and as you can see from the report below new technology has been developed which will allow a person to use their own hand to do a host of things.  If you click to the link below you will be able to watch a video of how it works.

One of the things I have noticed over the years is that new technologies for business transactions and security  have been centered on the hand or forehead.  I cover many of these technologies in my book, however, this is something new which I don’t have in my book yet.

See full size image“In Chris Harrison's ideal world, mobile phones would be the size of matchbooks. They'd have full-size keyboards. They'd browse the Web. They'd play videos. And, most importantly, you'd never have to touch them. Sound like too much to ask? Maybe not. Harrison, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University and a former intern at Microsoft Research, has developed a working prototype of a system called Skinput that does just that, essentially by turning a person's hand and forearm into a keyboard and screen. "People don't love the iPhone keyboard. They use them. But they don't love them," Harrison said in a interview at the recent Computer-Human Interaction conference. "If you could make the iPhone keyboard as big as an arm — that would be huge." Using Skinput, a person could tap their thumb and middle finger together to answer a call; touch their forearm to go to the next track on a music player; or flick the center of their palm to select a menu item.”

I can assure you all now that the day is coming when one of these types of new technologies will be used by the Antichrist to stop people from buying or selling anything just as Jesus warned us.  The only way you can get ready for what is about to happen it to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  If you do that Christ will save you and you will escape the wrath which will soon begin to be poured out on an unbelieving world.

See full size imageThere is some good information concerning the National ID’s, which is in the process of being forced on every American citizen. The U.S. is joining the other nations who are doing or have already done the same thing. Here is a short section of the Rutherford report.  You will be blown away if you read the entire report.

 See full size imageJohn W. Whitehead, who wrote the report is a Constitutional attorney. He is an author and founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. I quote, “As technology grows more sophisticated and the government and its corporate allies further refine their methods of keeping tabs on the American people, those of us who treasure privacy increasingly find ourselves engaged in a struggle to maintain our freedoms in the midst of the modern surveillance state. Just consider the many ways we’re already being monitored and tracked: through our Social Security numbers, bank accounts, purchases and electronic transactions; by way of our correspondence and communications devices–email, phone calls and mobile phones; through chips implanted in our vehicles, identification documents, even our clothing. Data corporations are capturing vast caches of personal information on you so that airports, retailers, police and other government authorities can instantly identify and track you. Add to this the fact that businesses, schools and other facilities are relying more and more on fingerprints and facial recognition to identify us. All the while, banks and other financial institutions must verify the identities of new customers and make such records of customer transactions available to the police and government officials upon request.”

Keep in mind, this is the only generation who would ever make something like this possible.  This is the same generation Jesus pointed to when He warns the generation who saw the rebirth of Israel would be the one to see Jesus return.  Sorry to inform you, but that now includes you!  You can not escape or hide from it unless it is done by escaping in Christ as your Lord.

 See full size imageProphecy Sign: Luke 21:11 tells us, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.  A few days ago I wrote to you about the Iceland volcano.  I warned you to keep your eyes on another volcano near the Eyjafjallajokull volcano because this one was much bigger and it could go off.  I keep thinking about what Jesus said concerning the last days birth pains from Mark 13:8.  I believe we 2010 we will see much bigger quakes and more of these fearful sights such as the volcano that just blew up in Iceland.  Today news gives a warning about the Katla volcano and I quote, “REYKJAVIK, Iceland – For all the worldwide chaos that Iceland's volcano has already created, it may just be the opening act. Scientists fear tremors at the Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH-lah-yer-kuhl) volcano could trigger an even more dangerous eruption at the nearby Katla volcano — creating a worst-case scenario for the airline industry and travelers around the globe. A Katla eruption would be 10 times stronger and shoot higher and larger plumes of ash into the air than its smaller neighbor, which has already brought European air travel to a standstill for five days and promises severe travel delays for days more.” 

From time to time I have people telling me you are always looking for disasters.  All I can say is they are correct.  But why am I doing it is the question I want more people to ask me?  That answer is simple.  Jesus took the time and made sure that Luke, Mark, John, and Matthew gave us specific signs of the last days.  These signs were signs of disasters which Christ repeatedly asks us to keep on the watch for.  These signs were to encourage the Church and to help them get ready to meet the Lord at the rapture.  Watching for these things means two things.  I am doing the will of the Father, and I am ready at all times to meet Jesus when He sounds the trump to remove His Church.  For some reason I have been chosen to help others meet Christ, and receive Him as their Lord, and to help them get ready in these trying times.  I pray that the information I am giving you will open your hearts and minds to what the Holy Spirit is showing you.

Anyone who has done his or her research can see the government is going to step in and take control of the internet.  This is going to be done in part for security but it may slip in by what is called the ACTA treaty.  What better way to stop people from hearing or reading the truth then to control what they hear or read?  You better read this report entitled, “ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights”

“Internet service providers could become copyright cops encouraged to block access to suspected pirate Web sites, according to a previously secret draft treaty made public on Wednesday. One section of the proposed digital copyright treaty says that immunity from lawsuits would be granted to Internet providers "disabling access" to pirated material and adopting a policy dealing with unauthorized "transmission of materials protected by copyright." If the ISPs choose not to do so, they could face legal liability.”  Here is another section of the same report. “The time to resist is now. If we don’t, eventually, we will all have to possess one of these cards in order to be a functioning citizen in American society. Failing to have a biometric card will render you a non-person for all intents and purposes. Your whole life will depend on this card–your ability to work, travel, buy, sell, access health care, and so on.”

This is only a short section of the report.  I encourage you to read the entire report because the day is coming when you may not be able to do so.  Satan would love something like this to happen. Think of the millions of people around the world who will be closed off to the last days signs, or the good news about Jesus Christ.

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