Late night report/Sept. 9, 2011



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Qassam rockets on IDF display.Prophecy Sign: The road to the next war! (Psalm 83)

We know from the Word of God that the last days events will flow around Israel.  We know that the Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel wars are both focused on the tiny nation of Israel.  We see from the Book of Revelation that the last days events will end in Jerusalem when Jesus returns with His saints and He begin to rule this planet from Jerusalem.  As such, we need to keep our eyes on what happens in Israel and to Israel.  I warned you the PLO would continue to send in the  rockets into Isreal. The PLO has no entention of gaining peace with Israel. No one who wants peace orders rockets to be launched.  As I said, count on the PLO to keep sending in these rockets all the way to the time that the PLO stands before the UN and pleades their case for a PLO State during the the Feast of Trumpets. There is no question the actions currently be taking by the leadership of the PLO is pushing for a major confrontation with Israel.

"Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists in northern Gaza attacked civilian communities in southern Israel Saturday night. The terrorists launched a Qassam rocket aimed at the coastal city of Ashkelon. The Color Red air raid siren was activated in the city and in the surrounding areas as well, at about 9:30 p.m. The rocket exploded in an open field south of the city."  As long a these rockets keep falling on Israel, Israel will respond with force and this is exactly what the PLO is hoping for.

Egypt is another nation that will be attacking Israel with the PLO. Everyone should be wise by now at what is taking place between Egypt and Israel.   Here is the latest on the tensions mounting between these two nations. “Protesters broke into the Israeli Embassy in Cairo Friday and dumped documents out of the windows as hundreds more demonstrated outside, prompting the ambassador and his family to leave the country. The unrest was a further worsening of already deteriorating ties between Israel and post-Hosni Mubarak Egypt.”  My question is this. Do you really understand why these events are taking place?  Each peace to the prophecy puzzle is being set into place for the Psalm 83 war of which Egypt will be involved in.  Egypt had to change their position toward Israel if the Psalm 83 war was to be fulfilled.  If Egypt remained friendly with Israel how could they be named to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war?  The rapid change between these two countries is taking place because very soon Egypt will take her place along side the rest of the nations listed in that Psalm.  I will keep my eyes on the news for you because I can assure you, you will see the tensions between Israel and Egypt move toward the way it was just prior to the 1967 war.  I know many are holding back and still don’t believe, but I am counting on many of those that are holding out to be shocked when they see this Psalm 83 war has begun.  Maybe at that time they will understand the Lord means business.

Netanyahu 18.07.11Before you read this next report let me tell you what we should be looking for. I know Netanyahu says he will hold on the peace treaty with Egypt, but that is not going to happen.  The people who are taking over the former head of the Egyptian government hate Israel and won't stop until the city of Jerusalem is back in the hands of the Arabs.  Read the news below but keep your eyes on what you will see in the next few weeks. If God said Egypt is going to attack Israel, what chance is there the peace treaty will stay in tack.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told reporters in a statement Saturday night in Jerusalem that Israel will stand by the peace treaty with Egypt, and thanked the United States for its assistance in persuading Cairo to take action in protecting people at the Israeli embassy following an attack.

"The attack on the Israeli embassy in Egypt was a very serious thing, but could have been even worse, had they made it past the last door, and hurt our people who were trapped in the embassy," the prime minister said.

"I'm glad we were able to prevent a disaster… Israel will continue to adhere to the peace agreement with Egypt. We are working with the Egyptian government," he said. "The diplomats will return to Egypt."

Netanyahu also thanked the U.S. for its assistance in pressuring Egypt to take action. "I want to thank U.S. President Barack Obama," the prime minister said. "He said he would do all he could to help, and he did. He used America's full weight" to resolve the situation.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (Disease)


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