March 23, 2016 Testimony



The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 22, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

email address:  My new prophecy site is


I few years ago I had a young movie producer call me and ask me to meet him in LA. He had been coming to my site and he heard one of my many stories about what Jesus did to bring people to His kingdom.  I did meet him in LA and at that meeting I told him many true accounts of what Jesus did. He was blown away by what he heard. I did tell him that I haven’t shared to many of these accounts because I didn’t think people would believe such things happened and, I didn’t think it was the right time to tell what happened. Before he left he told me that he was just breaking into the business so it may take some time to make a movie about what happened to me.  That didn’t bother me because over the years I came to learn when and if Jesus wants something done He will make sure it happens.  I was great full to the Lord that I had a chance to finally tell a person some of what Jesus did to bring me into this last days ministry.

I know this story is a powerful story about Jesus and how He moved to make sure people got saved.  I haven’t heard from that young producer since then but as I said, that is okay.  As I said, the timing of telling what Jesus did I felt was not right.  However, Jesus has begun to show me that the timing to tell the complete story is coming about and He showed me what would happen when I told this story. For example, my Sister-in-law who lives in Palm Springs called me and asked me to come down and give a home prophecy seminar to some of her friends. One of the women who came was Susan Stafford. You will see here picture below.  Many of you may remember her as the original letter turner on the Whell of Fortune.   As I was about 35 minutes into showing the documents proving the last days signs Jesus had given me Susan asked me to stop.  She told me that the documents to prove what Jesus had said was overwhelming but that she was inclined to ask me about me.  I told Susan the account  of how at first via a dream from Jesus He came to me to give me orders what I must do  for Him.  When I woke from that dream is when my life took a 180 degree turn and I would never be the same. I am not going to tell you what happened immediately after I woke up but, I will tell you what Susan said to me. She called me a prophet and said you are like someone we would read about in the book of Acts.

Let it be known that since Jesus put me in this end times ministry I have never called myself a prophet nor have I ever encouraged anyone to do so.  I was blown away from Susan”s remarks to say the least. I remember telling Susan that all I am is the man in the boat for Jesus without oars moving down stream and, when Jesus wants something done He will bring me ashore to carry out the thing He has given me to do and I do it. Like the young producer Susan told me that she was going to do something so people could hear my story but like that producer Susan never did contact me.  

What I took away from that Palm Springs account was just how powerful my testimony can be. Just recently Jesus has shown me now is the time to begin telling the testimony He has given me.  I am in a waiting mode waiting to see what Jesus is going to do and, in the meantime I have been sharing short stories to a small group of people who are attending my prophecy seminar in Lompoc.  What I am about to share with you I do so not in bragging but, with great respect for my Father Jesus Christ because, everything that has happened to me it happened to give glory to Him. I understand my role in Christ and that role is to listen to what Jesus asks of me and then just do it. Once I say yes to Christ, Jesus makes things happen that are acts like we read in the book of Acts.

Trust me, I am quick to point to Christ in all these stories. I am also quick to make sure Frank DiMora is moved out of the way so people can see the most important part of each one my stories and that is it’s all about Jesus and His great works moving people into His kingdom.  That being said, I will get back to this small group of people that are coming to my prophecy seminar. As I said before Christ is showing me the time is coming to tell what He has done.  As a result of some of the stories at this seminar the people were completely blown away just like the young producer and Susan Stafford.   I had a number of people go to the pastors at Trinity and request I tell my story to the entire Church.  I admit my testimony is a powerful one but, it is only powerful because Jesus was and will always be  the center of what took place.  All I did was carry out what I was told to do and, then I witnessed the results of me saying yes to Christ’s orders. As in the past I am excited to see what Jesus is going to do? Some times it’s hard to wait but when it finally comes all I can say is move over Satan many are going to turn away from being lost in your grip. 

I welcome anyone who came to the prophecy seminar on March 15th and the 22nd to tell how you felt and what Jesus did when you heard these stories. I want to proclaim to anyone who is reading my post today that the Holy Spirit is active, very active and He is doing great things just as He did in the early Church.  In these last days look for the the strongest Christians you can find in your Church and meet with them because you are going to want to be around these strong believers in Christ as things get worse and, they are going to get worse. Anyone who writes me that has attended my seminar I will post your comments.  Write to  If you know a pastor in the Lompoc area you may want to invite them to the next seminar, lets see how this message will affect the pastors? 


I need to take today off from posting to take a break since I have been working an average 10 and 11 hours a day none stop to prepare for my live prophecy seminars. Here is the info concerning my next seminar. The difference between my new seminars is before I start to give the documents showing how prophecy is being fulfilled I share a few stories what Jesus has done in my life to lead people to His salvation. I am blown away by what Christ has done in my life and, now that I am sharing this testimony with those who attend the seminar. In 39 years of my ministry I have never told the whole story of what Jesus did and, is still doing for me to lead many people to His salvation. As I look back and recall these events I find myself saying, “I can’t believe these things happened to me but, the fact of the matter is they really did happen and I thank Jesus for it.”  

Tinity Church of the Nazarene

  • Address: Lompoc, CA
  • Phone:(805) 736-6415
    The Seminar will begin at 6:45 PM  Tuesday April 12, 19, and 26th, 2016. All are welcome to come. There is no cost!  I will be posting again as a reminder.

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