March 31, 2015- Blue Prints to the Psalm 83 War


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 25, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



In preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover, this past Wednesday (5 Nisan – 25 March) the ‘Priestly Training Academy’ established by the Temple Institute held a Passover offering practice drill that was documented by professional photographers. This was the most accurate and authentic reenactment of this service to have taken place in nearly 2,000 years. The Temple Institute is currently producing an educational documentary film which will depict the various stages of the Passover offering. A DVD is also in the works for the benefit of yeshivot, seminaries and schools, and all who wish to study the details of this important subject. The Kohanim who participated in this drill, all true descendants of Aaron, all wore authentic Priestly garments and recited the appropriate ‘blessings’ ( in practice mode) which applied to each stage of the commandment’s fulfillment. The event was accompanied by blasts from silver trumpets, and the song of the Levitical choir. Other stages of the drill included: examination of the lamb for blemishes, the priests bringing the animal to the Temple courtyard, the shechita and receiving the blood which is brought to the corner of the altar, skinning and separation of the inner parts, and the roasting of the whole lamb as required by the Divine command, in a special Passover oven designed and built for this purpose.
March 27, 2015

Headline:   Palestinians join ICC with Israelis in sights

The Palestinians formally gain membership of the International Criminal Court on Wednesday with the aim of pursuing Israelis for war crimes, despite uncertainty over the move’s wider ramifications. The accession is another step in the Palestinian diplomatic and legal international campaign, which gained steam in 2014. It has uncertain consequences, not only because it is highly unlikely Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israelis will find themselves being tried at the ICC, but also because it constitutes a new deterioration in the strained relationship. But the Palestinians are beyond caring. Exasperated after decades of failed negotiations with Israel, with no perspective for the state they have been yearning, they have decided to take their case to the international arena. On January 2, the Palestinians moved to join The Hague-based court in a process that will be finalised on April 1, setting the scene for potential legal action against Israeli officials for alleged war crimes. “Palestine has and will continue to use all legitimate tools within its means in order to defend itself against Israeli colonisation and other violations of international law,” said senior Palestinian official Saeb Erakat.
March 30, 2015

Headline:   New Gaza-bound ‘Freedom Flotilla’ expected to sail this summer

A new “Freedom Flotilla” is scheduled to embark for Gaza in two months’ time, organisers said on Tuesday. The voyage is scheduled to begin in the first half of the year, which means the flotilla could set sail within weeks, Mazen Kahel, an organiser with the European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza, told MEE. Like its 2010 predecessor, this year’s flotilla aims to challenge Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip which has been in place since 2007. Former Tunisian president Moncef Marzouki has given his “full support” to the mission. He is expected to take part and will be on one of the boats, several organisers have confirmed. “Marzouki has always been engaged with the cause and has openly supported the Palestinians in his time of power,” Kahel told MEE. Negotiations are currently underway with other political, religious and business figures, but their names have yet to be confirmed and will be announced at a later date, Kahel added. Activists from across Europe, the US and the Middle East will participate in the flotilla, organised by a string of civil society groups and NGOs working under the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. Three to four boats are currently undergoing preparation for the voyage, but several more could yet join. The boats are expected to depart from several European ports, including one in Greece and possibly Turkey, although no specific information is being released as yet.
March 31, 2015

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)



Headline:  Yemeni rebels shell Aden as Saudi coalition launches more airstrikes

Yemen’s Shiite rebels and security forces loyal to the former president launched a fresh offensive Monday against the southern city of Aden, shelling it and battling local militias, but were pushed back by at least two airstrikes on the fifth day of a Saudi-led air campaign, security officials said. The rebels, known as Houthis, meanwhile accused the Saudi-led coalition of bombing a displaced persons camp in the northern rebel stronghold of Saada, killing 40 people, including women and children. The report was carried on the rebels’ TV network. However, witnesses told The Associated Press that the camp — used to house displaced people from an earlier conflict that ended five years ago — is now occupied by Houthi forces and that most of those killed were fighters. It was not immediately possible to resolve the conflicting accounts. Yemeni security officials say the combined force of Houthis and Saleh loyalists is positioned about 19 miles east of Aden, near the southern city of Zinjibar. The rebels have used artillery to target pro-Hadi militias known as the Popular Committees. Battles are also underway near the airport. At least two airstrikes targeted the rebels, forcing them to retreat, the officials said. There was no immediate word on casualties. The account of the fighting was confirmed by four military and security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters. Emboldened by the airstrikes, the Popular Committees have largely held their ground in Aden province and still control most of the city. The death toll since the airstrikes began Thursday has reached 86, with some 600 people wounded, according to Abdel-Nasser al-Wali, head of a local medical center in Aden. Meanwhile in Sanaa, a series of airstrikes shook the city overnight and early Monday morning. The strikes have targeted militants, jets, air defense systems and Scud missile launch pads that could threaten Saudi Arabia. Later in the day, the officials said aircraft struck areas near the presidential palace in Sanaa.
March 30, 2015

Headline:     Yemen FM calls for Arab ground intervention

Headline:     Yemen’s Houthis enter base on Bab el-Mandeb strait

Yemen’s foreign minister called on Tuesday for Arab ground intervention against the Houthis “as soon as possible.” Asked in interview by Al Arabiya News Channel’s sister channel Al Hadath whether he sought Arab ground intervention, Riad Yassin said: “Yes, we are asking for that, and soon as possible, in order to save our infrastructure and save Yemenis under siege in many cities.” Yassin also revealed that Yemeni President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi will be officially asking to join the Gulf Cooperation Council within the coming days. Yassin added that the war that has plagued Yemen is the doing of the Houthi rebels. For six days, a Saudi-led coalition of ten regional countries has bombed Iran-allied Houthi fighters and army units linked to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.
March 31, 2015

Headline:   ISIS Denounces Saudi Airstrikes In Yemen

Supporters of ISIS have condemned the Saudi-led airstrikes on rebel Houthi fighters in Yemen, claiming in online forums and Twitter that the actions were a veiled attempt by the United States to interfere in the Middle East and propagate an American agenda. “We will not allow America to interfere in the Arab world by using an Arab proxy. Arabs will only succeed when they leave the control of the Americans and move outside their circle of influence and control,” a well known radical user, whose pen name is translated as “What hour?” wrote. The same user continued, arguing that the U.S. shouldn’t be involved in Middle Eastern affairs at all, that the ancient schism between Sunnis and Shiites was a conflict that ought to be fought without western influence. “The ongoing war in the area is mostly an internal one, one that is fought between people who follow the rules and justice of Allah in its most basic form, and between the traitorous and corrupted ruler,” the user wrote. “The revenge is not only against the evil Shiites, and not only against the tyrants, but against those who provide them with the weapons and the missiles they use to draw out blood.”
March 31, 2015


Headline:  Khamenei sends Iranian navy to Bab el-Mandeb Straits

Control of the Red Sea Bab el-Mandeb Straits passed Tuesday, March 31 to pro-Iranian Yemeni forces when the Yemeni Army’s 117th Brigade loyal to the former Yemeni President Ali Saleh handed positions guarding the waterway to two Houthi commando battalions trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards. This is revealed by debkafile’s military and intelligence sources. In another development Tuesday involving Iran’s spreading tentacles, debkafile’s military sources reveal that unidentified aircraft bombed Burak, a small military base in the Fezzan province of southwestern Libya, which serves Iran as a transit store for arms purchased in Sudan for the Palestinian Hamas. The weapons, which recently reached the Libyan base through Chad, were destroyed. They were scheduled to be smuggled through Egypt and Sinai and onto Gaza. Western military sources attributed responsibility for the bombardment to the Egyptian or Israeli air forces. Both Israel and Egypt have declined to comment on the report. To strengthen Iran’s grip on the key Red Sea gateway, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered two naval task forces to sail to the Red Sea. They are to fend off a Saudi-Egyptian offensive to dislodge the Houthi battalions now holding a point linking the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. The naval task forces are being sent to draw a sea shield around the Houthi forces to defend them against Saudi-Egyptian assaults. This maneuver was orchestrated by the Al Qods Brigades chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Our sources report that the 33rd task force set out on its mission Tuesday night from the Gulf port of Bandar Abbas.
March 31, 2015

Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:     Assad Regime Loses Idlib to Jabhat al-Nusra and Rebel Offensive

Rebel forces led by al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra (JN) wrested control of Idlib City from the Assad regime on March 28, 2015. Removing the regime from a second provincial capital is arguably the biggest rebel victory since the fall of al-Raqqa to JN and rebel forces in March 2013. It represents a turning point in the Syrian civil war that is likely to alter the trajectory of the conflict in coming months, with implications for how rebels wage war in 2015. JN and Islamist rebel forces have achieved shocking success in reinvigorating the rebel campaign with the seizure of Idlib City. This is likely to provide momentum to the JN-Islamist axis in Syria at the expense of moderate rebel forces, and hinder efforts to foster a political solution to the conflict.  JN and rebel forces seized the northern provincial capital during a swift four-day assault, preceded by days of indirect fire bombardment. The assault exhibited highly effective command and control, which was made possible by a newly formed “operations room” named Jaysh al-Fatah. The operations room had participation from JN; Islamist groups Jund al-Aqsa, Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya (HASI), Faylaq al-Sham, and Ajnad al-Sham; and a few other local groups. By evening on March 27, JN claimed the fall of half of the city and shortly after noon the following day, the Jaysh al-Fatah operations room declared the complete “liberation” of the city. JN immediately raised a JN flag above the governorate building, and tweeted videos purporting to show Idlib civilians celebrating the capture of the city by JN and rebel forces.
March 30, 2015

Syria Headline:   IS executes at least 37 civilians in central Syria: monitor

The Islamic State group Tuesday executed at least 37 civilians, including two children, in a raid on a regime-held village in Hama province of central Syria, a monitor said.
IS “executed at least 37 people, including women and children, by burning, beheading, and firing on them” in the village of Mabujeh, said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Syrian state television reported that 44 people were killed and 21 injured in the raid. Regime forces lost control of the city Saturday to a coalition of Islamist forces led by Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front.
March 31, 2015

Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  Iraq premier: Troops in center of Islamic State-held Tikrit

Iraqi forces battled Islamic State militants holed up in downtown Tikrit, going house to house Tuesday in search of snipers and booby traps, and the prime minister said security forces had reached the heart of the city. In a statement on Twitter, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the “liberation of Tikrit” and congratulated Iraqi security forces on their “historic milestone.” But an official statement from his office said the troops “hoisted the Iraqi flag” over the Salahuddin provincial headquarters in Tikrit and are moving to control the entire city. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi, the commander of the Salahuddin operation, said his forces fighting from the west were still 300 meters (325 yards) from the center of Tikrit.
March 31, 2015

Iraq Headline: Bomb attack kills 6 people north of Iraq capital

At least six people, including four Iranians, have reportedly been killed after a bomber targeted a bus carrying Shia pilgrims north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Police on Tuesday confirmed six people were among the dead in a terrorist attack that took place in the Iraqi town of Taji, located 20 kilometers (12 miles) north of Baghdad. The bus of Shia pilgrims was returning from the holy city of Samarra when it came under attack by a bomber, who detonated his explosives as the pilgrims were getting off the vehicle at a gas station. Samarra lies 110 kilometers north of Baghdad and is home to the shrines of the tenth and eleventh Shia Imams, Ali al-Hadi and Hassan al-Askari.
March 31, 2015

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report March 28-30, 2015

Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 

RussiaRussia   war_thumb_thumb.jpg

Headline:  Putin says Russia will fight for the right of Palestinians to their own state

Vladimir Putin has said Russia will fight for an independent Palestinian state, and called for the issues of the Middle East to be resolved through peaceful means. Despite international criticism over Russia’s own role in the Ukrainian crisis, Mr Putin was hailed last week by a St Petersburg Cossack group for his ability to “bring order and stop wars”. In an address to the Arab League summit in Egypt on Saturday, Mr Putin spoke against foreign intervention in countries’ internal disputes and spoke of the role Russia can play in diplomatic channels. While Russia openly opposes the stance of US-backed Israel on the Gaza crisis, its position in the Middle East is complicated. Mr Putin is one of Iran’s key allies, but as he spoke on Saturday the core nations of the Arab League engaged in air strikes on the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. He told the summit this weekend: “Palestinians have the right to establish an independent and habitable state with a capital in East Jerusalem. “Russia will continue to contribute to achieving this goal through bilateral and multilateral channels,” he said.
March 29, 2015

Headline:   Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas fault line

A Russian geopolitical analyst says the best way to attack the United States is to detonate nuclear weapons to trigger a supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park or along the San Andreas fault line on California’s coast. The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov said in an article for a Russian trade newspaper on Wednesday, VPK News, that Russia needed to increase its military weapons and strategies against the “West” which was “moving to the borders or Russia”. He has a conspiracy theory that NATO – a political and military alliance which counts the US, UK, Canada and many countries in western Europe as members – was amassing strength against Russia and the only way to combat that problem was to attack America’s vulnerabilities to ensure a “complete destruction of the enemy”.
March 31, 2015


Headline: Iran levels drone strike charge as nuke deal deadline looms, US denies claim

Headline:   US says enough progress made in Iran nuclear talks to extend talks to Wednesday

Headline:   Iranian aircraft buzzes Navy helicopter in Persian Gulf

In a curiously timed allegation coming on the eve of a key deadline for nuclear talks, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard on Monday claimed a U.S. drone strike killed two of its advisers in Iraq — an allegation the U.S. disputed. “We are looking into this, like we do all claims, but we don’t think we did it,” a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition based in Kuwait told Fox News, as Pentagon officials pushed back on Iran’s claims. The Guard said on its website the strike happened March 23. This would appear to be after the U.S.-led coalition began providing intelligence and surveillance assistance for the Iraqis in their campaign to retake the Islamic State-held city of Tikrit — but before the U.S., on March 25, began launching airstrikes at the Iraqi government’s request. The Guard identified the dead as Ali Yazdani and Hadi Jafari, saying they were buried Sunday. It called them advisers, without elaborating on whether Iran contacted Iraqi or U.S. forces after the strike. Officials in the Pentagon would not speculate if the claims made by Iran are linked to the Tuesday deadline over nuclear negotiations in Switzerland between Iran and six other nations including the U.S. Iran reportedly has been making new demands for concessions in the run-up to that deadline.
March 31, 2015


Headline:     Tunisia cuts down jihadi leaders over museum attack

Headline:     Jund al-Khilafah in Tunisia” Declares Itself Part of IS, Claims Bardo Attack and Threatens More

Tunisian security forces decimated the leadership of a Tunisian jihadi group linked to al-Qaida’s North African branch, including the man identified as the “operational chief” of the attack this month on the National Bardo Museum that killed 22 people, mostly foreign tourists, the interior minister said Sunday. Najem Gharsalli said Khaled Ben Hamadi Chaieb, also known as Lokman Abou Sakhr, an Algerian, handled the operational end of the March 18 attack. Two gunmen were killed in the attack. Dozens of arrests have been made, five security officials fired and an officer charged with surveying the museum jailed. Gharsalli proclaimed the “beginning of the war against terrorism,” and revealed that Tunisia has acquired new equipment, “including drones.” The announcement came as tens of thousands of Tunisians marched, joined by a handful of foreign leaders for a ceremony after the march to the National Bardo Museum. Among those present were French President Francois Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
March 29, 2015





Headline:  Turkey helped Islamists take over Idlib, Syrian military source accuses

A Syrian military source accused Turkey on Monday of helping Islamist rebels to stage an assault on Idlib, a provincial capital which fighters seized at the weekend. The source declined to comment on the situation in Idlib, citing security considerations, but a monitoring group has confirmed the Al-Qaida linked Nusra Front and allies now control Idlib and said the Syrian air force bombed the city on Monday. The fall of Idlib, 30 km (20 miles) from the Turkish border, marks only the second time in the Syrian civil war that Damascus has lost control of a provincial capital. The first was Raqqa, which the ultra-radical Islamic State group has turned into the de facto capital of its self-declared caliphate. Echoing more general comments by President Bashar al-Assad, the military source accused both Turkey and Jordan of supporting the insurgents in their Idlib offensive, saying they were “leading operations and planning them”. The insurgents were using advanced communication apparatus that had been supplied to them via Turkey, the source added. The Turkish foreign ministry declined to comment.
March 30, 2015 

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Boko Haram kills 41, prevents hundreds voting in Nigeria

Boko Haram extremists killed 41 people, including a legislator, and scared hundreds of people from polling stations in the northeast, but millions voted across Nigeria Saturday in the most closely contested presidential race in the nation’s history. In electoral violence elsewhere, three people including a soldier were shot and killed in political thuggery in southern Rivers state, and two car bombs exploded at polling stations in the southeast but no one was injured, according to police. All the Boko Haram attacks took place in northeastern Nigeria, where the military Friday announced it had cleared the Islamic extremists from all major centers, including the headquarters of their so-called Islamic caliphate. Earlier, before dawn, Boko Haram extremists invaded the town of Miringa in Borno state, torching people’s homes and then shooting them as they tried to escape the smoke. Twenty-five people died in the attack, Borno state Gov. Kashim Shettima told a news conference in the city of Maiduguri. “They had sent messages earlier warning us not to encourage democracy by participating in today’s election,” said Mallam Garba Buratai, a Miringa resident who witnessed the attack. Another 14 people were killed in extremist attacks on the town of Biri and Dukku, in Gombe state, according to police and local chief Garkuwan Dukku.
March 28, 2015






Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:   Guinea declares Ebola ‘health emergency’ in five regions

Guinean President Alpha Conde has declared a 45-day “health emergency” in five regions in the west and south-west of the country over Ebola. The restrictions include the quarantining of hospitals and clinics where new cases are detected, new rules on burials and possible lockdowns. The Ebola outbreak began in Guinea in December 2013. In January, the World Health Organization reported a steady drop in cases in the three epicentre countries. But renewed concern has been triggered by fresh setbacks in these countries – Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Mr Conde said he was declaring “a reinforced health emergency for a period of 45 days in the prefectures of Forecariah, Coyah, Dubreka, Boffa and Kindia” in a statement published in national media. The focus of the virus “has shifted to our country’s coastal areas,” he said. He added: “Wherever the need may be, throughout this period, measures of restriction and confinement will be taken.” It is a first for the country since the outbreak began, Reuters reported. On Friday, Sierra Leone began a three-day nationwide lockdown sparked by fears the virus was making a comeback in some parts of the country.
March 29, 2015

Headline:    Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria From American Cattle Become Airborne, But Is It Life-Threatening?

Airborne particulate matter wafting off American cattle yards contains antibiotics, bacteria, and antibiotic-resistant DNA, a new study finds. Environmental tests on the spread of antibiotics have been performed in the past, but this is the first time researchers have examined aerial dispersion. The work suggests airborne transmission may be contributing to an emerging global health problem, where doctors find it increasingly difficult to treat life-threatening infections. For some time now, scientists have worried that we may be entering a “post-antibiotic era,” when the drugs that once defeated potentially fatal infections are no longer effective. Simply put, the bacteria causing infections in many cases are now immune to (or “resisting”) the drugs. Since antibiotic-resistant bacterial DNA, if imbibed in water or consumed in meat, can be transferred to humans, many researchers say misuse and overuse of veterinary pharmaceuticals may be responsible, in part, for this global health threat. Large, commercial food operations rely on veterinary drugs, including antibiotics, to promote bigger growth of the animals. However, after the animals excrete the drugs, these antibiotics enter the environment via runoff, leaching, and the spread of manure.
March 30, 2015 








March 27, 2015 – Fish kills continue to wash ashore along the Derwent river in Tasmania, Australia

March 28, 2015 – Pelicans found dead ‘due to avian flu’ in the Danube Delta, Romania

March 28, 2015 – 22,000 birds dead, 80,000+ to be killed due to outbreak of avian flu in Minnesota, America

March 28, 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of dead fish wash up in Santa Marta, Colombia

March 29, 2015 – 4000kg of fish found dead in ponds in Xiangtan, China

March 30, 2015 – dead fish wash up in Sao Pedro da Aldeia, Brazil

March 30, 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of fish have died in a fish farm in South Bangka, Indonesia

March 30, 2015 – 4,000+ hens have died due to avian flu in Agra, India

March 31, 2015 – Hundreds of chickens ‘die suddenly’ in Kulon Progo, Indonesia

March 31, 2015 – 5,800 birds dead due to avian flu in Gaza Israel

no_christians_image Cooltextprophecysign Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline:     Muslim groups attack Egyptian Copts over church honoring Christians killed by ISIS

Relatives of the Coptic Christians beheaded last month by jihadists in Libya – their deaths immortalized in a gory video set against the backdrop of a Mediterranean beach – are facing new extremist-Muslim violence as they seek to build a church to honor their murdered loved ones. An angry mob in the Upper Egyptian village of Al Our – the proposed site of the church because it was home to 13 of the 21 Christians murdered in the mass “beachfront” decapitation – descended on the community’s current church after the midday Islamic prayer Friday and chanted that they’d never allow construction of the new place of worship to begin, witnesses told Egyptian activists in the U.S. Things turned far uglier after nightfall, the witnesses said, as a smaller number of individuals threw Molotov cocktails and stones at the church, injuring several people, and setting cars ablaze, including one that belonged to a relative of one of the victims of the Libyan massacre. “The police came, but after the attack,” said Mina Abdelmalak, a Coptic Christian living in Washington who is in close contact with the witnesses to the events in Al Our. “There were already cars on fire. People had been bloodied. Stones and bricks had been thrown.” Some protesters also appeared at the family home of massacre victim Samuel Alham Wilson, but, in a gesture that provided some hope, were chased off by Muslim neighbors when the protesters started throwing stones.
March 31, 2015

    Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Typhoon Maysak heads for Philippines

Super Typhoon Maysak increased strength Tuesday as it moved westward over the Pacific Ocean toward the Philippines. It struck several islands of the Federated States of Micronesia, southeast of Guam, during the weekend with over 10 inches of rain in six hours reported on the island of Chuuk. Widespread damage, including roofs torn from homes and the destruction of houses made of tin, was also reported. The Yap Islands, with a population of 12,000, were expected to receive sustained winds of 119 mph, the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, late Tuesday and early Wednesday, the U.S. National Weather Service in Guam said. Maysak is then expected to head westward and strike the Philippines on Sunday or Monday with sustained winds of about 120 mph and gusts up to 150 mph.
March 31, 2015

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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}

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