March 7, 2018 Will President Trump Actually Go After the Deep State People?

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According to the video below President Donald Trump will make his move against what is called the Deep State on March 11, 2018. March 19, 2017 the LA Times reported on what they call the deep state.
“Leaks to reporters. Supposed wiretaps of Donald Trump during the presidential campaign. Federal court rulings against the ban on travel and refugee resettlement.
For allies of Trump — aides, politicians and right-wing news sites — these are evidence of the existence of a “deep state,” a secretive, coordinated network inside the government dedicated to undermining the administration.
Asked by reporters recently whether the deep state exists, Sean Spicer, the president’s press secretary, offered this observation: “I don’t think it should come as any surprise that there are people burrowed into government during eight years of the last administration and may have believed in that agenda and want to continue to seek it.”
But whether it goes beyond that is a topic of debate. Here’s some background on the deep state:
For starters, what does the term mean?
The Oxford dictionary defines a “deep state” like this: “A body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.” (end quotes).
The LA Times report goes deeper and I suggest you read that report. Why? Because at this point who can say for sure that when March 11, 2018 rolls in Trump won’t make the move to eradicate members of a hidden deep state? I do know this, Jesus warned in the last days kingdom would come against kingdom. At the current time what do you see? I can tell you what I see! The liberals have taken to the streets and have become move violent then in the past years. Major protests have been seen on the main stream media over and over again all pointing to the same goal. What is that goal? To get rid of President Trump at all costs because he is working to break down a deep state organization.
Growing up I was taught by my dad who was a die hard Democratic that liberal or conservative the American goal was to take care of its own people. This is no longer the case. Today the liberal party has put those who break our laws in front of true Americans, (real citizens) who have either been born in America through families who where themselves real U.S. citizens or who came into the the U.S. legally! Watching the news every night one can truly see there are leaders in government who are trying to break down the U.S. way of life. Take California for example. Governor Brown instead of up holding the U.S. law has put real Americans behind Illegal immigrants.
Here is another example, on Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions had stern words for the mayor of Oakland, California, who recently warned local illegal aliens that ICE officers were planning a major sweep in their area. Reportedly 864 illegals, including violent criminals, avoided capture.
Mayor Libby Schaaf like Governor Brown have taken upon themselves to violate the law by allowing those who have come into the U.S. illegally to stay in the U.S. It’s wide open right in front of us these liberals in office aren’t even hiding what they are doing. Putting up sanctuary cities is helping break down American law and once you have a break down in the law what follows? Violence in the form of those who want to keep the U.S. laws in place against those who are working against U.S. law.
No matter how you look at this picture most of you on either side have a sense that something major is brewing and it is scary. Will what is happening be the beginning of the kingdom of America fighting against themselves as we have seen in so many other nations in the past 5 years? I think at this point it is very possible. If Donald Trump on March 11th does do what the video below says it could set off a revolt by those of the deep state and, they could use the main stream media to push their agenda. Keep in mind the main stream news has already called Trump a dictator! I am sure there will be millions who will really believe this lie. Here is the bottom line. Either you want to keep our U.S. laws intact and keep America safe and strong or, you take sides against the U.S. and work to cripple the American way of life. No nation can keep standing if that nation is allowed to pick and choose what laws they want to follow.