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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 27, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 03438
6.9 Earthquake hits Russia. May Luke 21:11 will cross their minds now? This is the warning from Jesus that "great earthquakes will come in the last days.
A state of emergency has been introduced in Russia’s Republic of Tyva, where a strong earthquake took place overnight December 28. Rescuers have been working in the region. Temporary shelters have been established in case there are aftershock waves. According to preliminary reports, there are no casualties or serious damages.
Matthew 5:20: For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
There are many people who claim to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The way you will know who the real believers are will be how the act. As we read the Bible we get a clear picture of how the religious men who lived during Jesus time acted. Outwardly they looked like good men doing good deeds before God but what did Jesus say about such men as this? Did not Jesus call such men snakes? I put up a video of religious Priests from two sects who run the Church in Bethlehem. Watch the video and then reflect of what Christ shows us about hypocrisy below:
Hypocrisy: They taught about God but did not love God – they did not enter the kingdom of heaven themselves, nor did they let others enter. (Mat. 23:13-14)
Hypocrisy: They preached God but converted people to dead religion, thus making those converts twice as much sons of hell as they themselves were. (Mat. 23:15)
Hypocrisy: They taught that an oath sworn by the temple or altar was not binding, but that if sworn by the gold ornamentation of the temple, or by a sacrificial gift on the altar, it was binding. The gold and gifts, however, were not sacred in themselves as the temple and altar were, but derived a measure of lesser sacredness by being connected to the temple or altar. The teachers and Pharisees worshipped at the temple and offered sacrifices at the altar because they knew that the temple and altar were sacred. How then could they deny oath-binding value to what was truly sacred and accord it to objects of trivial and derived sacredness? (Mat. 23:16-22)
Hypocrisy: They taught the law but did not practice some of the most important parts of the law – justice, mercy, faithfulness to God. They obeyed the minutiae of the law such as tithing spices but not the real meat of the law. (Mat. 23:23-24)
Hypocrisy: They presented an appearance of being 'clean' (self-restrained, not involved in carnal matters), yet they were dirty inside: they seethed with hidden worldly desires, carnality. They were full of greed and self-indulgence. (Mat. 23:25-26)
Hypocrisy – They exhibited themselves as righteous on account of being scrupulous keepers of the law, but were in fact not righteous: their mask of righteousness hid a secret inner world of ungodly thoughts and feelings. They were full of wickedness. They were like whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones. (Mat. 23:27-28)
Hypocrisy: They professed a high regard for the dead prophets of old, and claimed that they would never have persecuted and murdered prophets, when in fact they were cut from the same cloth as the persecutors and murderers: they too had murderous blood in their veins. (Mat. 23:29-36)
Praying with and for the children
Praising the Lord
Praising and Worshiping the Lord at Mt. Elgon in Africa
Outdoor service with Pastor Titus Mt Elgon
` We know from chapter two of 2nd Timothy that we are to be good Christian soldiers. What do good soldiers do? They obey. And our Commander has instructed us to WATCH
(Luke 21:36, Matt. 24:42, Matt. 25:13, Matt. 26:41, Mark 13:33, Mark 13:37, Mark 14:38, Luke 12:37, Acts 20:31, 1 Cor. 16:13, 2 Tim. 4:5) 12/28/11 The World * How the Feds are Tracking Your Kids (One world government Dan.7:7, Dan.7:23 & Rev.6:1-2)Under regulations the Department of Education released this month, the department has taken a giant step toward creating a de facto national student database that will track students by their personal information from preschool through career. Although current federal law prohibits this, the department decided to ignore Congress and, in effect, rewrite the law. Student privacy and parental authority will suffer. How did it happen? Buried within the enormous 2009 stimulus bill were provisions encouraging states to develop data systems for collecting copious information on public-school kids. To qualify for stimulus money, states had to agree to build such systems according to federally dictated standards. So all 50 states either now maintain or are capable of maintaining extensive databases on public-school students.Dec. 28, 2011
*Obama administration to seek $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase (Economic collapse Rev.6:5-6 & James 5:1-3)The Obama administration will formally ask Congress later this week to raise the nation’s debt ceiling by $1.2 trillion, a Treasury Department official tells CNN. The latest request is the third of three requests authorized by the contentious debt ceiling agreement reached last August and is expected to come on December 30 – the day the debt is projected to fall within $100 billion of the current $15.194 trillion ceiling. The new request asks the ceiling be raised to $16.39 trillion.Dec. 27, 2011 *Bill for basket of essentials soars 43 per cent in ten years
(Economic collapse Rev.6:5-6 & James 5:1-3) (Famine Matt.24:7 & Revelation 6:8)Ordinary families have been crippled by the rocketing cost of essential goods over the past decade, a report has found. The price of basic purchases, such as food and fuel, soared by 43 per cent over the decade from 2000. These rising costs – far above general inflation – have already wiped out most of the gains in living standards made by families on low and modest incomes in the early 2000s, before the downturn began, according to research.Dec. 27, 2011 *Stock losses hit public pensions: U.S. Census (Economic collapse Rev.6:5-6 & James 5:1-3)The value of investments held by U.S. public pensions fell in the third quarter for the first time in a year, battered by stock losses and a plunge in international securities, the U.S. Census said on Wednesday.Dec. 28, 2011 *Anti-Christian violence concerns London (Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Rev.6:9)The British government is deeply worried about the security of the Christian community in the Middle East, the foreign secretary said. The Foreign Office, in a statement issued by British Minister for the Middle East Alistair Burt, said attacks on Christians in the Middle East were "deeply worrying."Dec. 27, 2011 *Nigerian Christians warn of religious war following Christmas day bombings (Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Rev.6:9)Northern Nigerian Christians said on Tuesday they feared that a spate of Christmas Day bombings by Islamist militants that killed over two dozen people could lead to a religious war in Africa’s most populous country.Dec. 27, 2011 *Muslim Extremists in Uganda Throw Acid on Bishop (Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Rev.6:9)Islamic extremists threw acid on a church leader on Christmas Eve shortly after a seven-day revival at his church, leaving him with severe burns that have blinded one eye and threaten sight in the other.
Dec. 28, 2011
*Mexico's cartels build own national radio system (Increase in Drugs Rev. 9:21)When convoys of soldiers or federal police move through the scrubland of northern Mexico, the Zetas drug cartel knows they are coming. The alert goes out from a taxi driver or a street vendor, equipped with a high-end handheld radio and paid to work as a lookout known as a "halcon," or hawk. The Mexican army and marines have begun attacking the system, seizing hundreds of pieces of communications equipment in at least three operations since September that offer a firsthand look at a surprisingly far-ranging and sophisticated infrastructure.Dec. 27, 2011 *2011: hottest year in France for over a century (Scorching Sun Isaiah30:26 & Rev.16:8-9)The year of 2011 is France's hottest year since the start of the 20th century with average temperatures being 1.5 degree Celsius higher than normal, local media reported on Tuesday.Dec. 27, 2011
*Sun Storms May Super-Charge Northern Lights Wednesday (Signs in Heaven Luke21:25a)Particles ejected by recent solar storms are due to slam into Earth over the next few days, possibly causing super-charged northern lights displays and temporary radio blackouts in some areas, experts sayDec. 27, 2011 ISRAEL(Zech.12:3 & 9 – The Burdensome Stone)Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Psalm 83Ezekiel War
Jordan (Edom, Moab, Ammon)Russia (Magog)
Lebanon (Gebal, Tyre)Iran (Persia)
Saudi Arabia (Ishmaelites)Iraq (Persia)
Egypt (Hagarenes, Amalek-Sinai)Afghanistan (Persia)
Syria (Assur/Assyria) Iran, Iraq, TurkeyEthiopia (Cush)
Palestinians (Philistines)Sudan (Cush)
Libya (Put)
Tunisia (Put)
Algeria (Put)
Morocco (Put)
Germany (Gomer)
Turkey (Beth Togarmah)
Armenia (Beth Togarmah)
*Palestinians mark 3rd anniversary of Gaza war, operation Cast Lead*Arab League calls for int'l efforts to end Gaza siegeThroughout popular and official activities, the Palestinians on Tuesday marked the third anniversary of the three-week war, or operation Cast Lead that Israel launched on the Gaza Strip December 27, 2008. Meanwhile, the Arab League (AL) on Tuesday called on the international community to exert efforts to end the siege on the Gaza Strip and the Islamic Hamas movement urged the international community to deal with Israel as "a terror entity", official MENA news agency reported.Dec. 27, 2011 *Israel strikes Gaza Strip for second time in hours, IDF saysThe Israel Air Force conducted a second strike of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, just hours after the Israeli army confirmed it targeted a terror operative in the coastal strip. Dec. 28, 2011 *ElBaradei: U.S., Egypt in secret talks on fate of Israel peace treatyThe United States is engaged in secret talks with Egypt's ruling military council geared at ensuring that the country's democratically elected regime will maintain its peace treaty with Israel, top Egyptian opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei said on Tuesday. Dec. 27, 2011 Persia/Islam *Iranian navy chief adds to strait tensions*US warns Iran against closing key oil passageThe head of Iran’s navy has added to fears that Tehran will restrict the shipping of oil through the Strait of Hormuz should the west impose oil sanctions on the country over its nuclear programme.Admiral Habibollah Sayyari told Iranian state television yesterday that closing the strait, through which a third of the world’s seaborne oil trade passes, would be “easier than drinking a glass of water”. But he added: “Right now, we don’t need to close it as we have the Sea of Oman under control and we can control the [oil] transit.” Meanwhile, the U.S. warned Iran on Wednesday it will not tolerate any disruption of traffic through the Strait of HormuzDec. 28, 2011 EARTHQUAKES/WEATHER (Isaiah 24:19-20 , Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8 , Luke 21:11 , Luke 21:25 – storms) *6.6-magnitude earthquake jolts Russia-MongoliaA strong earthquake struck southwestern Siberia near the border with Mongolia on late Tuesday evening, seismologists said. It was not immediately known if there was damage or if there were casualties. Dec. 27, 2011 * Violence of New Zealand tremors stuns expertsEarthquake experts were surprised by the violence of the newest tremors beneath Christchurch, with reports showing ground acceleration far greater than expected for magnitude 5 and 6 quakes. *Indonesian volcano mudslides kill threeThe volcano in Ternate on northern Maluku Island came to life earlier this month and began erupting, spewing clouds of searing ash. Cold lava mud and debris flows from Mount Gamalama in eastern Indonesia swept several villages on the slopes, killing at least three people, authorities said.
Dec. 28, 2011
*Latest Earthquakes Up to the Minute
*Latest Volcanic Activity *Latest Weather Up to the Minute
The Arab Spring in Prophecy (Perilous Times Luke 21:9 & Nation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom Matt.24:7)(Revelation 6:3-4 Revelation 6:8) Luke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. I like to call this “The Arab Spring in Prophecy” because for us it is easy to identify- that’s what the world calls it. Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions) Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom) Countries highlighted in blue (see chart above) are only those listed in the upcoming prophetical wars. I have tried to separate it into areas that sweep EAST from the point of North America. United States- The New American Revolution *Occupy Iowa protesters set to occupy campaign headquarters Anti-corporate protesters in the United States have pledged to expand their rallies as Republican presidential hopefuls step up their election campaigns. *‘Occupy LA’ Protesters To March Following Monday’s Rose Parade
Amy’s Comment: These links give updated news and live video feedDec. 28, 2011 North/Central/South America *The Occupy Canada movement *Chilean students end some school occupations but pledge to continue protestsStudents have voted to end occupations at two of the most symbolic institutes of Chile’s public education system, but have vowed to continue demonstrations after months of protests have failed to achieve significant reforms to the country highly privatized, class based education system.Dec. 28, 2011 Africa *Nigeria Boko Haram clashes: 'Thousands flee Damaturu'About 90,000 people have been displaced in clashes between militant Islamists and the security forces in Nigeria's Damaturu city, an official has said. Dec. 28, 2011
That was another major damaging by natural climates after Japan. What can we do? Just go ahead after destroy. Thanks