May 11, 2023 Massive Earthquake Again

May 11, 2023 More signs of the coming Psalm 83 war

One of the last days signs Jesus warned us about would be Great earthquakes. 



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 9 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

Flag Israel Animated Flag GifAll the reports below deal with the nations that are to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war. 



‘Prepared for prolonged fighting’: Israel-Gaza ceasefire announced – followed by new wave of rockets, sirens in Tel Aviv
The ceasefire will be confirmed “only by action, not words,” a senior Israeli political official said.


By Adina Katz, World Israel News

Gaza terrorists launched rockets towards the south and center of Israel after a ceasefire was announced Wednesday evening. No casualties were reported.

The security establishment was not taken by surprise, Hebrew-language media reported. The Israeli Air Force immediately launched an attack on the Strip.

The IDF estimated that roughly 300 rocketswere fired from the Strip into Israel throughout the afternoon. One hit a home in the beleaguered southern city of Sderot; another hit a kindergarten in the region.


s Israel On The Verge Of War?: PIJ Terrorists Fire Hundreds Of Rockets Following Targeted Israeli Operation
How did this all begin? Operation Shield and Arrow is what Israel has named it. It began overnight Tuesday with a surprise attack, which is the only way to describe it. Israeli airstrikes in Gaza eliminated three top Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaders. One was the leader of Islamic Jihad operations in northern Gaza, the other was a member of the Islamic Jihad Military Council, and the third member directed Islamic Jihad activities in the West Bank. Now we call the West Bank “Judea and Samaria” because that’s what the Bible calls it. It is the Biblical heartland of Israel.

Bennett to CNN: I will not apologize for Israel’s defending its people
“Israel has an obligation to defend its people. What would you do if your kids…would you allow them to be next to rocket launchers?” Bennett replied, to which the interviewer retorted: “No I wouldn’t, but I wouldn’t target civilians, and this is my question to you.” “Nobody is targeting civilians,” Bennett clarified, and the interviewer asked, “Mr. Bennett, are you accusing children of being part of this?” “No, I’m accusing Islamic Jihad of murdering its own children by cynically shooting rockets at Israeli children but surrounding their own weapons with civilians in Gaza. There is no method that is more cowardly than what they’re doing

No ceasefire as Israel kills another Islamic Jihad commander
Egypt continued mediating a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to end Operation Shield and Arrow on Wednesday, even as the latter continued a barrage of rockets towards Israeli cities in the south and Tel Aviv area. “The campaign still isn’t over,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement to the media. “We say to the terrorists and those who sent them: We see you everywhere; you can’t hide.”

More than 470 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza, as of 11:30 pm Israel — IDF striking back
Israel at this hour is sustaining the most intense rocket attack in nearly year, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of Israel’s miraculous rebirth. As of 11:30 p.m. local time, Palestinian terrorists in Gaza have fired more than 470 rockets, according to Israel Defense Forces. The critical question is whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can restore a state of deterrence and bring the attacks to a halt, or whether the Jewish state is about to face a rapid and major escalation?

‘We, not the terrorists, will choose the time and place,’ Netanyahu says; ‘campaign is not yet over’
We are still in the midst of a campaign. At this very moment, our forces are fiercely attacking the Gaza Strip and exacting a heavy price from the terrorist organizations,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement to Israeli citizens Wednesday evening.

Is Jordan Israel’s Peace Partner, or Enemy?
A look at how relations between Israel and Jordan are completely one-sided, and that the Hashemite Kingdom might now be seen as a foe.

Palestinian Authority now fears Hamas ‘coup’ in the West Bank
This is not the first time the PA has expressed this fear. Last year, former head of PA General Intelligence, Brig.-Gen. Tawfiq Tirawi, a Fatah party official made similar claims. “They want to take control of the universities, unions, syndicates and municipal councils. They want to control all the Palestinian institutions,” Tirawi said at the time, adding that Hamas was trying to take over through elections in order to claim legitimacy.

Israel’s air strikes prove Gaza is no longer immune
Israel has succeeded in hitting very significant figures in Islamic Jihad, sending a message that anyone who tries to ignite the West Bank will pay the price, even if they do so from Gaza

Netanyahu: Israel ready for multi-front war against Iran and terror proxies
Israel is prepared for a multi-front conflict against Iran and its terrorist proxies, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday after the Jewish state launched “Operation Shield and Arrow” against Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. “It’s clear that 95% of Israel’s security problems come from Iran,” the prime minister said in a Zoom address


Religion as a Fourth Branch of Government?
Religious Knesset party quietly advances agenda to empower Chief Rabbinate and reunite religion and state.

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