Jesus’ warning of troubled times & fearful sights-May 16, 2008


Signs of the Times: Luke 21:25 (Storms) Luke 21:11 (fearful sights).   In a recent report entitled, “Experts: Twisters Getting Larger, Deadlier” we are told, “As communities rebuild after deadly tornadoes bulldozed their way from Oklahoma to Georgia and North Carolina over the weekend, experts say that this tornado season is bigger and deadlier than last year’s, with little relief in sight. Seventy-seven tornadoes tore through the country the past few days, according to preliminary reports at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Storm Prediction Center. In Georgia, more than 180,000 people were left without power, while 15 fatalities were reported in Missouri.”  Jesus warned us about these fearful sights. If you ask the people in Oklahoma, Georgia, or North Carolina if these 77 torandeos were fearful to them, I am sure they could relate to what Jesus said.  We are starting to see these fearful sights more and more.  Up-date Friday evening. China has after shock hitting 5.5 .

The people who live Chile have also witnessed one of these fearful sights when their volcano blew off, now there are concerns it may erupt again.  Not only are the people dealing with the volcano ash that has fallen but now they are also dealing with heavy flooding.  May 15 (Reuters) – Chile’s Chaiten volcano groaned, rumbled and shuddered on Thursday, raising new concerns among authorities, as lightning bolts pierced the huge clouds of hot ash hovering ominously above its crater. Chile’s National Emergency Office, ONEMI, said heavy ash kept shooting from the volcano in southern Chile as it generated small tremors. On the ground, heavy flooding hit the area around Chaiten as falling ash swelled rivers, overflowing their banks”  Warning signs are all around us.

In Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned that in the end times kingdom would be against kingdom, or (civil war).  Here is a good example of the birth pain Jesus talked about. In 1975 Lebanon was in a civil war.  It seemed things had calmed down there for a whole but this week another civil war in Lebanon broke out again. According to the press this is the worse violence since the last civil war which lasted from 1975-1990. I believe this war will be much worse because the Hezbollah wants to take over Lebanon.  Was they have full control of Lebanon it will be much easier to attack Israel when the time comes.  That is the main reason why this new civil war began.  Here is a short section from today’s news. “The Arab League intervention was prompted by the worst sectarian violence since the 1975-1990 civil war, marked by the takeover by opposition fighters from Hezbollah and its allies such as the Amal of large swaths of west Beirut”.

Here is another sign of rumors of war. Bush vowed that Washington would stand with Israel in opposing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, saying it would be "unforgivable" if Tehran were allowed to get the bomb.”  Bush and Israel came to an understanding that Iran can not be unchecked and something has to happen to stop them from getting their nuclear power plant finished.  “"We are on the same page. We both see the threat … And we both understand that tangible action is required to prevent the Iranians from moving forward on a nuclear weapon," Olmert spokesman Mark Regev said on Friday.”  Right now this is fulfilling the prophecy sign of rumors of war, but soon this there will be an attack on Israel as recorded in the 38-39 chapter of the book of Ezekiel.  If either Israel or the U.S attacks Iran, Iran will in turn attack Israel, but the Word tells us Iran won’t attack alone. They will come with millions of men, allies of many men from many nations including Russia.  Almost every day you can read in the news somewhere that a new war is coming soon in the Middle East against Israel  A new tape from Osama bin Laden once again warned he would continue until Israel was defeated.  The headline to this next report is, “Holy war until Palestine”  “liberated’Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden said in a new audio message released Friday that the terrorist organization will continue its holy war against Israel and its allies until it liberates Palestine” (May 16, 2008). Chapter 7 and Revelation 17 tell us the Old Roman Empire will return in the last days. America is falling and the European Union ( the reborn Roman Empire) is getting stronger.  Here is just one small sign of the power shift.  News out of London showed us, "The dollar is looking slightly weaker on the back of yesterday’s manufacturing data but there hasn’t been too significant a slump in the greenback so far," said James Hughes, an analyst at CMC Markets in London.”. For months I have warned oil and gas prices will keep going up. Yesterday I issued the same warning again.  Today oil prices broke another record and hit $1.27 a barrel for the first time.  Also in today’s news out of N.Y. a ( report stated, “Retail gas prices hit record highs for the ninth day in a row, auto group AAA’s Web site showed Friday.”  I know if you are new to this site and, you aren’t familiar with bible prophecy you may not understand the full scope of what I am saying.  Please go to chapter 2 and read it.  You will see the proof that the European Union is that revived Roman Empire which Jesus talked about.—- In Chapter two of my book I show you how the antichrist may take center stage.  We know from Daniel 9:27 that he will confirm a peace agreement with Israel for 7 years when he come but, it may also show up at a time when the world is looking for a new leader to take care of all the troubles our planet is now facing, including a troubled world economy. Now that all the nations of the world are so tied together in this global market, what effects one nation will effect the rest as well.  Here is proof of what I am speaking about. Today in the news,  “The U.N. economists said the deepening credit crisis in major market economies triggered by the U.S.-led slump in housing prices, the declining value of the U.S. dollar, persistent global imbalances and soaring oil and commodity prices pose considerable risks to economic growth in both developed and developing countries.” I believe this is in part the troubles Jesus referred to in Mark 13.

In Mark 13:8 we see the end times signs of famines and troubles  Since 11 days ago millions of people have gone with out food and water, because of what happened in the China earthquake and the Burma cyclone.  These are troubled times!  Today we are told, “through (Reuters) that,”Japan could find itself dining on rice, pickles and potatoes if global food supplies keep tightening and imports are cut off, the government warned on Friday. Just 39 percent of food in Japan is produced at home, the lowest percentage among the major industrialized countries, raising alarm among officials over food security as supplies fall and prices soar.”  In the coming months you will see more people begin to suffer. Why?  Because many nations  that grow food will see flooding,  many will see droughts, and many will see crops being eaten by bugs. These are all signs listed in Matthew 24,  Mark 13, and Luke chapter 21.  I wanted to tell you this now so that when you see them you will know these warnings came from the bible and God.  Right now the following nations are asking for food assistance.  Afghanistan, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and Sudan. Jesus in Mark 13:8 says when you see these things “these are the beginnings of sorrows.” The word sorrows in the Greek is birthpangs.

On my Feb. 15 post I warned you to keep your eyes on the price of Wheat, Gold, Silver and food.  I explained why these prices are going to rise to levels we have never seen.  You will have to read the post to fully understand but Jesus showed us that the as He was destroying the evil world system the people would be crying over the loss of their preious items.  During the 7 year tribulation food will be almost completely gone, food prices will be so high then a man will work all day just for a very small amount of food, just for one day.  We see people crying over the loss of Gold, Silver, and other items such as flour and wheat.  Read this section from the morningstar news today and you will see the signs are in our face.  “US Commodities: Gold Climbs As Crude Oil Surges, Dollar Slips

The report said the recent sharp rise in commodity prices and the continued rise in oil prices are key factors spurring inflation along with higher wages” “June gold rose $16.10 to settle at $874.10 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.”"Crude oil is going bananas again, and that tends to be naturally inflationary and tends to be supportive of the metals," said Sterling Smith, vice president with FuturesOne.” The price of oil is driving everything up including the very items Jesus put on His list in Rev. chapter 18.  The signs of the times are as I said, “are in our face”.

In closing out this weeks prophecy up-dates I ask you consider the facts you have read this week. Consider that the Lord has given you everything in detail before the events even were seen. Consider that Jesus is pulling at you to come to Him, before the Church is raptured to God.    By your own choice you will either the door to heaven or the door to hell. What door are you going to go through? Jesus said,Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” Revelation 3:20. If God wills I will post more signs on Monday.  Keep watching the news! Keep watching for the Kings of Kings!

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Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:

Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.

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