May 18, 2020 Help Pastor Frank on Brighteon!!

How to watch Pastor Frank’s new videos at the site.

If you are a regular visitor to my prophecy sites you know that I have been making videos for my YouTube channel. However since YouTube has been censoring Christian material I am starting to post my videos on the web site. On I am considered a new member and such I can only upload 50 videos. I need 824 more views in order to to raise the number of videos I can upload on the Brighteon site. You can help me by going over to and watching my videos. When I make a new YouTube video I will let the people know in that video to please go to my Brighteon channel to see what I just posted.  The channel name for my videos is truth2u. You can get to my channel at Brighteon via this link:

Information on what YouTube is doing is found below.

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