May 20, 2020- Iran’s Khamenei calls to “arm” Palestinians, as Abbas announces end to agreements with Israel and US



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 Iran’s Khamenei calls to “arm” Palestinians

Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday called for the West Bank to be “armed” and compared the Palestinians there to Hamas in Gaza. “The only thing that can reduce Palestinian hardships is the hand of power,” he tweeted. Iran appears to be calling for Palestinian attacks on Israel. The ayatollah’s tweets, which came after midnight, included claims that compromise by the Palestinians would not reduce “cruelty,” which he alleged was being caused by Israel. He called Israel “evil” and a “wolf-like entity.” He also called the US “satanic,” one of several increasingly extremist, threatening, hateful and far-right tweets that the Iranian leader posted in recent days.
May 19, 2020

Palestinian leader Abbas announces end to agreements with Israel and US

P.L.O. Seeks Vatican Assistance in Dealing with Israel over West Bank

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced on Tuesday an end to all agreements and understandings with Israel and the United States, including security agreements, as a result of Israel’s intent to annex parts of the West Bank. Abbas said the Palestinian government was “absolved, as of today, of all the agreements and understandings with the American and Israeli governments and of all the obligations based on these understandings and agreements, including the security ones”. Speaking after an emergency meeting of the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah, the 85-year-old leader said Israeli annexation of any parts of the occupied West Bank would ruin chances for a two-state solution. “The Israeli occupation authority, as of today, has to shoulder all responsibilities and obligations in front of the international community as an occupying power over the territory of the occupied state of Palestine, with all its consequences and repercussions,” said Abbas. Abbas has made multiple previous threats to end security cooperation with Israel without ultimately following through. He did not give any details about what his latest declaration would mean in practice, AFP said.
May 20, 2020

France warns Israel against partial annexation of West Bank, works with partners ‘for prevention’

A partial annexation of the West Bank by Israel would be a serious violation, France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Wednesday. Paris is working with European partners to come up with a joint action plan for prevention and reprisal should Israel make such a move, he said at a parliament hearing. “For the past few days we have held several video conferences with European colleagues… with a view to deciding on a joint preventive action and eventually a reprisal if such a decision were taken,” Reuters quoted the minister as saying.  The UN Middle East envoy said on Wednesday Israel must abandon its threat to annex parts of the occupied West Bank, branding such a plan as a serious violation of international law. The move would “deal a devastating blow to the two-state solution, close the door to a renewal of negotiations,” Nickolay Mladenov told the Security Council.
May 20, 2020


  20 years after IDF’s withdrawal from Lebanon, Israel and Hezbollah brace for war

Twenty years after Hezbollah pushed Israel’s last troops from southern Lebanon, both sides are gearing up for a possible war that neither seems to want. Israeli troops are striking Hezbollah targets in neighboring Syria and drilling for what could be an invasion of Lebanon. Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Lebanese terror group, is beefing up its own forces and threatening to invade Israel. In recent weeks, tens of thousands of Israeli troops have been participating in a massive exercise at the Elyakim military base. On a recent day, four Israeli tanks rumbled up to the edge of a ridge and fired powerful 120-millimeter shells streaking across the valley, scoring direct hits on targets several kilometers (miles) away. Ground troops maneuvered through a mock Lebanese village. Air force, navy and cyber units joined the drill. Friedler, the Israeli commander, said if there is another war, Israel will have no choice but to cross the border to halt Hezbollah fire. He said battling an enemy entrenched in civilian areas is like “fighting with handcuffs on,” but insisted that his troops are ready.
May 20, 2020

Rocket lands near US embassy inside Baghdad’s Green Zone

A rocket has hit an empty house in the Iraqi capital’s heavily fortified Green Zone, a military statement has said. The rocket was launched from an eastern district of Baghdad, according to the statement, and was the first to land in the high-security zone in weeks. There were no reports of casualties in the attack. The blast could be heard across Baghdad and triggered security sirens at the US embassy compound, security forces told AFP news agency. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. On Sunday, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the US “will not be staying either in Iraq or Syria and must withdraw and will certainly be expelled”.
May 19, 2020


   Turkey vs. Egypt, UAE and Russia in Libya, who is winning?

E. Libyan forces pull out of parts of Tripoli as campaign to seize capital continues

Turkey is fighting a proxy war in Libya against a series of other countries, including Egypt, the UAE and Russia. This week Turkish-backed fighters aligned with the government in Tripoli took a military base called Watiya. They also captured and destroyed Pantsir Russian-made air defense trucks. This is important because it shows that despite the backing of important countries, the fighters of Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army, which is based in Benghazi, were forced to retreat. Turkish media is celebrating this a great victory. Turkey has recruited poor Syrian rebels to fight in Libya and violates an arms embargo. But Ankara gambles that might make right and western powers are weak. It brushed aside the Americans in Syria, it hosts Hamas, and it can do what it wants in Libya.
May 20, 2020


Taiwan President Vows to Bolster Defense as China Steps up Military Threats

US Stratbombers Sent to South, East China Seas as Trump’s War of Words With Beijing Escalates

China “Condemns Grave US Interference In China’s Internal Affairs”, Warns Of Consequences

 Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen vowed Wednesday to step up defense following a series of bigger-than-normal threats by her government’s longtime rival China. The People’s Liberation Army from Beijing is getting ready for amphibious military exercises in the South China Sea possibly to simulate the takeover of three tiny islets that Taiwan controls as part of a marine national park, analysts and media reports in Asia say. The islands sit in a strategic spot between northeast and southeast Asia. Taiwan’s coast guard has a garrison on one. “If they want to seize the island they could encircle the island and force Taiwan to withdraw, without a fight,” said Alexander Huang, strategic studies professor at Tamkang University in Taiwan.
May 20, 2020


  Merkel and Macron find new and ‘unnatural path’ to stave off trouble in Europe

The European Union would be allowed to raise joint debt under an unprecedented coronavirus recovery plan considered a political and fiscal no-go zone only two weeks ago. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron announced the proposal on Monday in a bid to end divisions over how to help Europe recover from the worst recession in living memory and ease simmering tensions that have stoked doubts about the bloc’s effectiveness and its long-term future. It is the first time the two countries have floated a plan to raise joint debt under the EU name, and it represents a significant weakening of Germany’s long-held hawkish fiscal views.
May 19, 2020
***Please note: this exact measure was put forward as a proposal by Italy on April 20th.  See headline below

Headline:  Italy’s Conte Calls for Joint Bonds Ahead of EU Summit Clash

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte joined a chorus of Southern European nations calling for the issuance of as much as 1.5 trillion euros ($1.6 trillion) of joint bonds to aid economies crippled by the coronavirus, setting the stage for a clash at a European Union summit this week. Conte evoked the risk of market contagion if European leaders fail to act on pressure from Italy and Spain, according to a Sunday interview with Germany’s Sueddeutsche Zeitung. His words echo a warning from French President Emmanuel Macron last week that it’s necessary for the EU to “issue common debt with a common guarantee,” and that failure to rise to the occasion would lead to the bloc’s collapse.
April 20, 2020


   Raiffeisen Bank International to Develop National Digital Currency

South Korea: Central Bank Conducts Research Into Global Adoption of CBDCs

Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), a major Austrian bank, has confirmed that it is expanding its collaboration with Billon, a Polish-British fintech. This partnership is meant to help in the development of a new type of DLT-based national currency tokenization. Private institutions and tech giants are also working on digitizing national currencies even as global authorities are progressing with the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). In that context, RBI is working hard, aiming to create a new form of national currency tokenization. Officials say that the new currency will be powered by blockchain technology. The extension of the collaboration with Billon comes after a successful test of the end-to-end digitized national currency transfers.
May 19, 2020


   Will Some Churches Be Forced To Close For The Entire Duration Of The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Isn’t it odd that Walmart stores all over the nation have remained open throughout this crisis but we are being told that it is “too risky” to hold a church service in many states?  During this crisis it has often been said that “my rights do not end where your fears begin”, but right now we are witnessing a stunning erosion of our First Amendment rights.  Churches remain closed in many states, and some churches in states that have “reopened” are now being forced to close down again. Whether the current “shelter-in-place” restrictions remain in place or not, and whether we are holding church services or not, the truth is that this virus is going to continue to spread. And it will keep spreading until the vast majority of the U.S. population has been exposed to the virus and herd immunity has been achieved. So shutting down all of our churches is not going to solve anything, but the mainstream media keeps pumping out horror stories about how Christian gatherings are helping to spread COVID-19. But why don’t we ever see any stories about how our major retail stores have become hotbeds for spreading the virus? Without a doubt, it would be much easier to catch COVID-19 in a large retail store than it would be in a church.  Thousands upon thousands of people are constantly streaming through our big stores, and many of them have got to be absolutely teeming with the virus.
May 19, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)

  The new coronavirus outbreak in northeastern China

The new coronavirus outbreak in northeastern China, originally dismissed as a minor spate of mostly foreign infections that should not distract from China’s total victory over the Wuhan virus, has grown until 108 million people are under lockdown in the region, according to Bloomberg. Government officials throughout the province have stopped buses and trains from going in and out of the region, and schools have been shut down. Tens of thousands of people are also being quarantined, according to Bloomberg News. On Monday, government officials from Shulan, a city in the province, said it would impose its strictest restrictions yet to try to contain the outbreak, including closing off residential compounds with confirmed and suspected cases. Officials would also allow only one person from each family to leave to buy essential supplies for two hours every two days, according to Bloomberg. The highest-ranking Communist Party official in Shulan was removed along with five other government officials as a result of the new outbreak.
May 20, 2020


 3 killed as super cyclone Amphan batters India’s West Bengal, Odisha

Three people were killed Wednesday after super cyclone Amphan battered India’s eastern states of West Bengal and Odisha. The super cyclone triggering winds of up to 190 kmph entered West Bengal accompanied with heavy rains, leaving a trail of destruction. Officials said the cyclone after making landfall entered into human habitations blowing away makeshift houses, uprooting electric poles and trees. “The very severe cyclonic storm lay centered at 7:30 p.m. (local time) today, over West Bengal near Latitude 22.6°N and Longitude 88.5°E, close to Kolkata. Super cyclone – Amphan crossed West Bengal – Bangladesh coasts as a very severe cyclonic storm with the speed of 155-165 kmph gusting to 185 kmph across Sunderban near Latitude 21.65°N and Longitude 88.3°E,” reads information released in the bulletin by India Metrological Department (IMD). Authorities said they have evacuated 658,000 people in West Bengal and Odisha ahead of the cyclone. Half a million people were evacuated in West Bengal, and over 158,000 were evacuated in Odisha.
May 20, 2020

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