May 22, 2020- Loan Defaults Hit 6 Years High as Mortgage delinquencies surge by 1.6M



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Clashes erupt between settlers and Palestinians in Yitzhar

The IDF was called to the area of Yitzhar near Nablus as clashes erupted between settlers and Palestinians from the neighboring village of Hawara, Ynet reported Thursday evening. Stones have reportedly been thrown by both sides, with no casualties being reported as of yet. According to N12, several dozens of hilltop youths from the settlement of Yitzhar attacked Palestinians on the freeway leading to Hawara. Border Police Forces were called to the area. Police was reportedly warned about the mob moving toward the road, yet it did not respond to the incident before the clashes broke out. The incident comes the day after a shooting attack against an Israeli vehicle was attempted in the area. No casualties were reported and the suspect fled the scene.
May 21, 2020

 Palestinian Authority withdraws forces as end to Israel coordination begins

 PA removes police stationed near Jerusalem, as Gaza said to freeze ties too

In clearest sign that coordination with Israel is over, Palestinians end contacts with CIA and withdraw forces from Abu Dis. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has begun implementing its announcement to end all agreements and understandings with Israel and the United States, including those on security, as a result of Israel’s intent to annex parts of the West Bank. The Arab48 news website quoted Israeli sources as saying that Palestinian security forces withdrew from the town of Abu Dis, near Jerusalem, on Friday morning. The Times of Israel also said on Friday that Israeli sources had confirmed that the PA had stopped all facets of coordination with Israel in the past 24 hours.
May 22, 2020


   Jordan warns it will review ties with Israel over annexation

Jordan threatened Thursday to review its relationship with Israel if the Jewish state goes ahead with controversial plans to annex parts of the West Bank. “We will not accept unilateral Israeli moves to annex Palestinian lands and we would be forced to review all aspects of our relations with Israel,” Prime Minister Omar al-Razzaz told the official Petra news agency. A coalition deal underlying Israel’s new unity government, sworn in on Sunday, allows it from July 1 to initiate moves to implement US President Donald Trump’s controversial peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
May 22, 2020

Lebanon PM marks 100 days in office as protesters storm ministry

Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab on Thursday marked 100 days in office by touting his government’s achievements during a speech at the Grand Serail – the seat of government power in Beirut. But a few blocks away, the mood was decidedly uncelebratory, as protesters once again took to the streets to vent their frustrations with a broken apparatus of a state that is not reforming fast enough to quell their anger. As Diab festooned his government in heroic metaphors, outside protesters were storming the country’s energy ministry to express anger with chronic power cuts that have become more frequent over the past week. The small eastern Mediterranean nation of just six million people is in the throes of an economic meltdown that has crushed businesses, thrown tens of thousands of people out of work and led the currency to dramatically depreciate. Those hardships have only intensified in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
May 22, 2020


    Iran’s Khamenei Calls Israel ‘Cancerous Tumor’ that Must Be Eliminated

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei commanded Muslims on Friday to continue waging all out war against Israel, repeating his suggestion the Israeli government is a “tumor” that should be excised as an “Islamic duty.” “The uprising by Palestinians should continue … fight to liberate Palestine is an obligation and an Islamic jihad … The Zionist regime (Israel) is a cancerous tumor in the region.” Iran’s top religious authority Khamenei said in an online speech. “Today, the world is counting one by one every victim of the coronavirus across the globe, but nobody has asked who is responsible for the hundreds of thousands of martyrdoms, imprisonments and disappearances in Palestine and in countries where the U.S. and Europe have waged wars?,” he said. “The long-lasting virus of Zionists will be eliminated.” He said Israel – which Tehran refuses to recognize – was created by the West in a conspiracy between Jewish plutocrats and banking interests.
May 21, 2020


  China to impose sweeping national security law in Hong Kong, bypassing city’s legislature

Pro-Democracy Protests Against China Security Law Slated For Weekend

China’s Communist Party will impose a sweeping national security law in Hong Kong by fiat during the annual meeting of its top political body, officials said Thursday, criminalizing “foreign interference” along with secessionist activities and subversion of state power. The move is the boldest yet from Beijing to undercut Hong Kong’s autonomy and bring the global financial hub under its full control, as it works to rewrite the “one country, two systems” framework that has allowed the territory to enjoy a level of autonomy for the past 23 years. After steadily eroding Hong Kong’s political freedoms, Beijing signaled that the national security law will be a new tool that allows it to directly tackle the political dissent that erupted on Hong Kong’s streets last year. The months-long and sometimes violent protests began last June and fizzled out only over public health concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak. The new tactic marks an escalation in Beijing’s crackdown in the former British colony and the clearest indication that it views Hong Kong as a restive region to be brought to heel after last year’s protests.
May 22, 2020


   Loan Defaults Hit 6 Years High

Mortgage delinquencies surge by 1.6M in April, the biggest monthly jump ever

Two weeks ago, when looking at the recent flurry of chapter 11 filings and a striking correlation between the unemployment rate and loan delinquencies, we said that a “biblical” wave of bankruptcies is about to flood the US economy. It now appears that the wave is starting to coming because according to Fitch, the monthly tally of defaults in the U.S. leveraged loan market has hit a six-year high, as companies are either missing payments or filing for bankruptcy because of the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. According to the latest Fitch Leveraged Loan Default Index data, the total amount of defaults in this high-risk, high-yielding area of the debt markets at $12.6 billion in May so far, the highest since April 2014, bringing the leveraged loan default total for the year to date is $33.3 billion. While many expect the US shale sector to lead in the coming default spike, US retailers have accounted for the bulk of defaults over the past two months, as they were forced to temporarily close stores in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For now, energy remains in 5th spot after the telecom, services, and manufacturing sectors.
May 22, 2020


  Dutch National Bank to lead way in digital euro development

China to Build ‘Digital Central Bank’ Infrastructure, Striving to Become the World’s Leader in Digital Currency Development

Just as there is expectation of the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in China, Sweden, the UK and elsewhere in the years to come, a digital euro is also thought to be on the cards. The European Central Bank has been examining launching a CBDC, with indications that it would follow the direct-to-consumer or ‘retail’ model. The central bank has set up a task force to lead the analytical investigations into creating such a currency, though this may prove more complicated that it does elsewhere. With the euro being the official currency of 19 European Union countries, a project to develop a CBDC would require a collaborative approach between the ECB and the various central banks in the member states. Different countries have put themselves forward to play a leading role.
May 21, 2020


  Church refuses to close during lockdown, angering locals. Now it has been burned to the ground. 

A Mississippi church whose leadership refused to close the church’s doors during the state’s COVID-19 lockdown is now no more. An as-yet identified suspect reportedly burned the church down Wednesday morning.  The First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized, which caused an explosion to the rear of the facility. Authorities are investigating the vandalism as a criminal act of arson. One message spray painted on the church property read, “I bet you stay home now you hypokrits”.  Pastor Jerry Waldrop promised that the church would be rebuilt. “We are going to keep the faith, and we’re going to keep doing what we have always done, and maybe not on this location,” Waldrop said. “I’ll get with our faithful people, and maybe we’ll rent a building or whatever we need to do for the time being.”
May 21, 2020

Trump Declares Places of Faith Essential: Governors Should Let Churches Reopen This Weekend

President Donald Trump on Friday said governors across the nation should let churches and other houses of worship reopen this weekend if they haven’t already done so. “I call upon governors to allow our churches and places of worship to open right now,” Trump told reporters at the White House in Washington. Governors are free to call the president with any questions but challenges are not going to succeed, the president said. “The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important, essential places of faith to open right now. For this weekend. If they do not do it, I will override the governors. In America we need more prayer, not less,” he said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is issuing guidance for communities of faith at Trump’s direction. “It’s not right” that some governors have declared liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship, according to the president, calling it an “injustice.”
May 22, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)

CDC admits to giving misleading COVID-19 testing data

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted that it is combining viral and antibody tests when reporting its overall testing totals, a decision which scientists say paints an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic in America. The test mix was first reported by NPR’s WRLN station in Miami after a nationwide analysis found major discrepancies between state reports on testing and CDC reports. “It’s apples to oranges. The two tests measure two different things,” said Mary Jo Trepka, a professor of epidemiology at Florida International University. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, in a report by The Atlantic. “How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.” The Atlantic report also found that the CDC is not alone in making the mistake — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas, Vermont and other states have also been conflating the results of the two different types of tests. Virginia and Maine only recently stopped.
May 22, 2020


  More than 500 earthquakes rattle western Nevada after 6.5 hit less than a week ago

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake rocked a remote region 35 miles west of Tonopah on May 15 and hundreds of aftershocks have followed — an event this corner of the county hasn’t seen in over half a century. A dozen aftershocks of 4.5 and above — and 500 quakes of 2.5 and above — have been recorded near Tonopah since the 6.5 quake. As recently as Wednesday morning, a 5.0 temblor struck. “This is your classic shock-aftershock sequence,” said Dr. Graham Kent, director of the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. “This is similar to what you’d expect in the aftermath of the big quake.” The 6.5 quake and following aftershocks occurred in the Walker Lane Seismic Region, a fault zone that roughly aligns with the Nevada-California border from Death Valley to Pyramid Lake. The western United States as a whole has generally been seismically quiet since the 1990s but Kent said this is changing. He pointed to a 5.7 near Salt Lake City and a 6.5 in Idaho in March, as well as several earthquakes in the 5.0 range near Mono Lake in California.
May 20, 2020

Rare tornado hits Sumatra, killing 2 people and damaging 245 homes

A rare tornado tore through several villages on Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. At least two fatalities, 6 people injured, and 245 damaged homes were confirmed on Thursday, May 21. The storm hit the Tulang Bawang district of Lampung Province. National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesperson Raditya Caste said animals also perished, including a cow that was fatally knocked over. Two people lost their lives while six others sustained serious injuries, who have since been admitted to the hospital. Jati added that power was disrupted to most areas in three affected villages. On Thursday, officials were still evacuating villagers to clean up debris.
May 22, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






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