May 31, 2023 What would an interview with Satan look like? Watch video at my post and then read the news to see how Satan is working in these last days













May 31, 2023 What would an interview with Satan look like? Watch video at my post and then read the news to see how Satan is working in these last days













Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 27 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

Satan who is also known as Lucifer is as real as the Lord Jesus Christ.  There are millions upon million of people living today who don’t believe Satan is a real person. To be exact Satan is not a person he is an angel who rebelled against God. Satan is the reason why Jesus hung on the cross and died for us. Without the Lord’s death and his resurrection three days later as he promised our world and everyone on it would have no hope. Satan has been at war with God ever since he turned against the Lord. Satan’s war has turned on the people of the Earth to try and kill off as many has he can and send as many as he can to hell. Satan’s plan includes trying to make people think both he and Jesus are not real, that the bible is not the word of God, and there is no such place as hell.

For those who have received Jesus as their Lord and savior they are fully aware of how Satan is carrying out his last days plans. Satan’s plans haven’t changed much since his fall. The only thing that has changed over these many years is Satan has stepped up his attacks because he knows his time is coming to a close.  

When a true Christian reads the news they see how these attacks are being played out. What is a true Christian? A person who loves Jesus, has a real personal relationship with him and, is walking in faith with him. These are the people who pray, read his word and, live their lives for Christ. These are the people who will understand the last days and are ready for Satan’s attacks. 

If it were possible to have an interview with Lucifer this is what you may hear him say. Below is a video that shows what such an interview may look like. After you watch the video go to the news below and see for yourself how Satan’s plan is working!!!


Prophecy that shows we are in the last days.


A break

Target’s Marketing VP Also Works For Organization Pushing Transgender Agenda In Schools
According to Fox News, the vice president of brand marketing for Target, Carlos Saavedra, is also a treasurer for the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN has pushed for schools across the country to enact policies that forbid parents from being made aware of their childrens’ gender identities at school, as well as pushing schools to include explicitly sexual books in their libraries.

Target Faces Bomb Threats Amid LGBTQ Controversy
taff and customers at several Target locations were evacuated on Friday after bomb threats were made at select stores across the country as controversy continues to grow over the company’s LGBTQ+ merchandise.

REVEALED: Target tells employees only ‘extremists’ are concerned with sexualization of children
As Target faces backlash, resulting in monetary losses over its Pride collection, the company has sent an internal memo stating that those who worry about the sexualization of children are extremists. The line includes clothing and accessories for children, including shirts that read “Queer! Queer! Queer!” and onesies about how trans is beautiful.

Groom And Doom: Target Shares Mark Longest Losing Streak In Almost 5 Years
Shares of retailer Target fell as much a 3.8% on Tuesday, extending losses to an eighth session which brought the company’s share price to its lowest intraday level since August 2020.

Quebec students tear down, trample school ‘pride’ flag in protest of LGBT agenda
A crowd of students recently protesting the LGBT agenda in a Quebec school tore down and trampled a rainbow “pride” flag.

Disneyland Hires Man In Dress to Greet Little Girls At Bibbidy Bobbidi Boutique
A video that was uploaded on Twitter by Jason Jones shows a grown man wearing a dress at Disneyland’s Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. In the video a man who clearly has a mustache is wearing a dress and greeting little girls as they walk into the dress boutique.

Yet another major retailer faces backlash over LGBT clothing for children
Shoppers are criticizing Kohl’s after the department store became the latest major retailer to sell LGBTQ clothing for infants and young kids. Various social media accounts posted a plethora of Pride Month merchandise, including a “Baby Sonoma Community Pride Bodysuit set” designed for 3-month, 6-month and 9-month-old kids. The outfit depicts what appears to be a lesbian couple with a dog and three children, including a young boy in a wheelchair. One of the adults in the drawing carries a progressive pride flag

Biden’s ex-nuclear official played key role in blasphemous drag ‘nuns’ group
The disgraced former Biden administration official, Sam Brinton, reportedly used to serve as the principal officer for Washington D.C.’s chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence…Brinton was also present at an explicit Easter Sunday event in San Francisco in 2019, where scantily clad men mimicked Christ’s crucifixion and poll-danced on a cross.

‘Satan’s Crown Jewel’: Abortion Is The Culmination of Secular Thought
It should not be surprising that people who hate God also hate the family model that he instituted. As secular worldviews begin to dominate a culture, the family unit is always the first to be attacked, especially the vulnerable members who benefit the most from Christian influence. Consequently, every key element of the family gets attacked.

Satan working in young people.

A break

Marines brutally beaten by mob of teenagers
A mob of teenagers attacked at least two United States Marines over Memorial Day weekend in San Clemente, California. Video of the incident shows dozens of teenagers beating two self-identified service members as they curl up in the fetal position in an attempt to shield themselves from a flurry of punches and kicks. “This is considered an assault with a deadly weapon because of the amount of suspects we are investigating,”

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70The bible makes it clear the only person to be worshipped is Jesus Christ. Luke chapter 4 Satan goes to Jesus and try’s to tempt him.

4:8 say the following: “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’” In verse 12 this is what Jesus tells Satan. “12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. You understand what has taken place?  Who is being tempted? It is God in the form of the man Jesus Christ. The thousands of Roman Catholic who are worshipping the dead nun are doing the exact thing the bible forbids. In the back ground Satan is laughing. 

Thousands Of Roman Catholics Flock To Worship At The Dead Body Of ‘Miracle Nun’ Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster Whose Body Did Not Decay
The ‘miracle nun’ Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster whose exhumed body showed nearly no signs of decomposition four years after she died is drawing thousands of Roman Catholics hoping to worship her corpse

The news below are all tied into last day events. Can you find where in the word of God our Lord warns us concerning these thing? If you can’t Satan has you were he wants you!

FBI Director to Face Contempt Charges for Refusing to Turn Over Biden Bribery Document
The Republican Majority on the House Oversight Committee announced it would be taking further action against the Biden FBI on Tuesday after the agency again refused to provide unclassified documents responsive to a committee subpoena regarding an alleged criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national.

Undermining National Sovereignty: Efforts To Stop UN World ‘Health’ Power Grab Accelerate
Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across the United States are stepping up efforts to protect self-government, national sovereignty and the rights of all Americans. In fact, many in Congress and beyond say it is time for the U.S. government to defund and even withdraw from the WHO once again.

Century-old heat record broken in Shanghai, southern China hit by the strongest May heat wave on record 
The city of Shanghai in China has experienced its highest temperature in May for more than 100 years. On Monday, May 29, 2023, the mercury soared to 36.7 °C (98 °F), surpassing the previous record of 35.7 °C (96.3 °F) set in May 1876.

Large hail, multiple tornadoes touch down near Stratford, Texas
Large hail and several tornadoes hit ranchland near Stratford, Texas during evening daylight on May 28, 2023. The footage was captured by meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer.

Sudden cloudburst hits Waihi Beach, causing severe flash floods, New Zealand 
A sudden cloudburst on Monday afternoon, May 29, 2023, led to flash flooding at Waihi Beach in the western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, resulting in evacuations and significant damage. Approximately 60 mm (2.3 inches) of rain fell during the burst, causing floodwaters to reach waist height at their peak.

Robusta Prices Hit 12-Year High As El Niño Threat Sparks Shortage Fears
Vietnam and Indonesia are experiencing extreme weather that could affect coffee production. This has pushed robusta coffee prices to more than decade highs. An emerging El Nino ahead of a Northern Hemisphere summer could worsen coffee production at the end of the Northern Hemisphere growing season later this year.

TSA is testing facial recognition at more airports, raising privacy concerns 
A passenger walks up to an airport security checkpoint, slips an ID card into a slot and looks into a camera atop a small screen. The screen flashes “Photo Complete” and the person walks through — all without having to hand over their identification to the TSA officer sitting behind the screen.



Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 27 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)

Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012

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Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

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Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

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