May 7, 2008 America slipping and people are taking notice.


I have taped a message for you all on youtube. Please watch the video then read the post for today. Do you want to be a force for Christ? Take ten people and send my youtube video to them and encourage them to start coming to my site. Please let them know I will never ask anything from them.

Are people taking notice that a shift in superpowers is taking place.  More and more people are finding out that this is the case.  A writer for Newsweek wrote the following: “Many look at the vitality of this emerging world and conclude that the United States has had its day. "Globalization is striking back," Gabor Steingart, an editor at Germany’s leading news magazine, Der Spiegel, writes in a best-selling book. As others prosper, he argues, the United States has lost key industries, its people have stopped saving money, and its government has become increasingly indebted to Asian central banks. The current financial crisis has only given greater force to such fears”  “We are living through the third great power shift in modern history. The first was the rise of the Western world, around the 15th century. It produced the world as we know it now—science and technology, commerce and capitalism, the industrial and agricultural revolutions. It also led to the prolonged political dominance of the nations of the Western world. The second shift, which took place in the closing years of the 19th century, was the rise of the United States. Once it industrialized, it soon became the most powerful nation in the world, stronger than any likely combination of other nations. For the last 20 years, America’s superpower status in every realm has been largely unchallenged—something that’s never happened before in history, at least since the Roman Empire dominated the known world 2,000 years ago. During this Pax Americana, the global economy has accelerated dramatically. And that expansion is the driver behind the third great power shift of the modern age—the rise of the rest” (May 3, 2008).   Who is the rest the writer is referring to?  Smaller nations other than the United States.  Jesus  wrote us His report and also talked about this end times power shift, but He points to the European Union as the Empire who will take the lead in the last days.  Yes, the handwriting is on the wall, the U.S. has seen its best days, but now just as God warned us, the new Roman Empire is about to take command as the Superpower of the last days.

Pandemic flu threat remains substantial, health experts say

“The world still faces a substantial threat of a flu pandemic and countries need to speed up preparations for a global outbreak, health experts said Tuesday. We can’t delude ourselves. The threat of a pandemic influenza has not diminished," said Keiji Fukuda, coordinator for the World Health Organization‘s Global Influenza Program” ( May 6, 2008).

Do you want to see the proof America is falling to the side?  When in this United States was the last time you read that hundreds of people are walking around in their homes in the dark because they cannot afford to pay the electric bill?  It is happening right now in this nation, and we are told more people will soon be in the dark if they don’t receive some type of assistance. Does this sound like the USA or some third world nation?  We are going down and I pray you get ready for the sinking.  Jesus has warned you, I have repeated His message today in hopes you will turn to Christ and get ready to meet the Savior, because He is coming soon!  ABC News just filed a report with the following headline, “Why Some in St. Paul, Minn, Are Walking Around In the Dark”.  Here is a short section of that report. ““Julie Tkachuck walks around her home at night holding a candle because she is literally living in the dark”. Even though she holds a steady job as a steelworker, she can no longer afford to pay for electricity. “In Minnesota alone, 450 people a day have their electricity shut off.  Local aid worker Catherine Fair said she has been working furiously to try to help these people find assistance” (ABCNews May 6 2008).

1 million homeless in the wake of cyclone!  To see picture click link below.

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring"  The latest news concerning the cyclone that passed through Burma is that 50,000 people died.

This next report provides you pictures as to what destruction the waves did in Berma. Knowing the warning Jesus gave us concerning the sea and waves roaring what should the planet expect? More huge storms. One important fact you should keep in mind. The sea and waves roaring is one sign on the list of things to watch for.  When you review that list in Matthew 24 you will see that all the signs, (warnings), are taking place at the same time. This is the key to understanding what Jesus had to say about this. Christ told us that when you see all these things know that he would come again very soon. I challenge you to read my free book which proves everything Christ warned us about is already upon us.

Jesus also warned in Revelation 9:21 this generation would be known as the drug generation.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  Just about anyone alive knows how bad this planets drug problems have gotten. Over the course of the last few days I cited news reports showing you current events in relation to this prophecy.  Yesterday a big drug ring was busted. What was upsetting to many was the fact that the bust took place in a college setting. Here is the headline to yesterdays news, ""75 students arrested in San Diego State University drug bust"

“Dozens of San Diego State University students were arrested after a sweeping drug investigation found that some fraternity members openly dealt drugs and one even sent a mass text message advertising cocaine, authorities said Tuesday. Two kilograms of cocaine were seized, along with 350 Ecstasy pills, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, hash oil, methamphetamine, illicit prescription drugs, several guns and at least $60,000 in cash, authorities said.”  Put all these signs together and you get the big picture.

"CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police" May 6, 2008 report. When you read chapter 6 of my book you will find a section reporting on crime. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:12 that mens hearts would wax cold because of crime.  When you read the book of Revelation you will see crime will have grown to a level as never before. Christ told us the end times events would come as a women who was in labor.  Expect the crime rate to start going up. labor pains get much worse just before the child is born. It is going to be the same way with all these signs! Read Revelation 13: 17, we also know from the book of Revelation that the Antichrist has control of everything and watches your every move.  He will have so much control that the people living through the tribulation won’t be able to buy or sell unless they take his mare (666).  Today you can hardly go anyway without being caught on TV. I go into detail in chapter 1.  The UK is one of the nations who has the most CCTV cameras, they are everywhere. However; the report that just came out today told us, even with all the cameras watching the people it hasn’t stopped crime from taking place. I quote a section of that report. "Mssive investment in CCTV camera to prevent crime in the UK has failed to have a significant impact, despite billion of pounds spent on the new technology, a senior police officer piloting a new database has warned.  Only 3% of street robberies in London were solved using CCTV images, despite the fact that Britain has moe security cameras than any other country in Europe."  Are the Words and warnings of Christ sinking in?

A hint of things to come!  The prophet Ezekiel warned of a end times attack on the nation Israel.  This attack will come when Israel is calling for peace and safety, which they are now doing.  The Prime Minister of Israel has recognized that Iran will have a nuclear weapon by 2009. On May 6, 2008 the following headline appeared in the Jerusalem Post, “Israel: Iran could have nukes by ’09”.  The Prime Ministry of Israel stated, "We will not place ourselves in a position where anyone will, in an effective manner, threaten us with destruction, because if there was one thing that has changed since the establishment of the State of Israel 60 years ago until today, it is not that here the Jews are safe in every situation, in every condition and that there will not be any dangers," Olmert said. "There are also dangers here, like in many other places. "But here, my friends, the Jewish people can fight, and when it needs to, it fights, and when it fights, it wins."  God has put a blessing on the nation Israel. It is a fact that Israel has never lost a major war.  Iran along with many of her allies are going to destroy Israel soon, but the Word spoken by God tells us that Israel will not be defeated.  What you should be looking for in the near future is a war with Syria and then a major war with Iran and her allies, which will be headed by the Russians.  If you don’t believe all these signs yet, when you see this war take place and you see Israel still standing, then I pray you will believe.

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf  copyright 2008


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