Message from Pastor I and others are supporting in Kenya Dec. 18, 2010

Brethren,praise the Lord.l returned yesterday from my Tanzania Mission
which was very successful.

We were three pastors,two from western Kenya.We left Eldoret at 7.30am
and arrived at 7.30pm in a big but very remote village on the shores
of lake Victoria east of Tanzania.The people are very social and
generous except that they are extremely poor.Their stable food is
ugali made from cassava roots with such a funny smell-like ugali made
from rotten maize eaten with fresh fish or Dagaa (very tiny fish eaten
with both head and eyes).But the grace of God was sufficient to us.You
will notice in one of the pictures a mountain of such ugali as have
explained.None of it remained at the end.

Well the next day which was 8.12.10 we started our house to house
witnessing a project that was very successful.Find this in our photo
profile.About 15 people gave their lives to Jesus.But keeping their
salvation looked quite a challenge because majority of the populace
are Muslims yet our host church has no pastor.The pastor,we were
told,stays many kilometers away.Besides,he is in charge of five other
churches.We actually never saw him though we were told that they had
informed him of our visit.The elder in charge of this local church
does not have any theological training.He confessed to us that he
doesn't know what to do with the newly saved apart from inviting them
to come to church on Sundays.They desperately need a resident pastor
to work alongside this elder.To that effect,one of us,my former
student is planning to train as a teacher so that he can go and open a
school where he will raise up godly kids and also begin adult
education which he will use to disciple the newly saved.Majority of
the people are also illiterate.This may take him about two to three
years.Meanwhile we thought and planned that as God provides funds at
least we should be going back after every three months and stay for
about a month to be able to raise up these people and totally destroy
Islamic background in them.

A village of about 20 to 15 km squared has only two primary and one
secondary school with very few teachers.There are no toilets nor
bathrooms.You've got to find your way to the nearest bush to relieve
yourself.We used to bath in Lake Victoria in the mornings.

In future,we may need to carry our own food because we noticed that
they were struggling to take care of us.For example,in the morning
which for them is 10 o'clock,we would take strong tea with chapati and
eat the next meal between four and six in the evening.The grace of God
was all we relied on.The nearest town is about 82km away.So if you
think of us going together sometime in future,then this is the
situation on the ground.

Thank you very much for the prayers.I had feared for my back which is
not yet healed up but God kept me walking four days.Sharing the word
was a greater joy to me than my hurting back.

After this l came to Kisii in a youth camp where about 90 of them gave
their lives to Jesus and several filled by the Holy Spirit.The
anointing was so heavy as l shared the word.God has opened more doors
to reach students in their schools and colleges.Find me on the pulpit
in the photos as l preached and laid hands on the needy in the

God richly bless you for your prayers and financial support.

With thanks and love,

Last week I wrote to you showing you how  Jesus was bringing people to Himself  in Kenya. I have been blessed to be part of what is going on in Kenya as my prophecy book, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is being used by Pastors in Kenya to help get the people ready to meet the Lord, as it is opening many eyes to these last days. I have been asked to go to Kenya to teach and preach with the Pastors who now have the book.  In order for me to go, I said my guide and planner for the Africa trip would need $7,000 to $10,000. Since I never ask for funds, I have to wait on the Lord to see what He will do to show me the door is open to go to Kenya and the surrounding areas.  Yesterday I spoke with Timothy Moore who told me that he has not gotten a dime yet for the trip. Timothy said, many contacted him and told him they were sending funds but no one followed though.  We both understand that everything works for the good for those who love the Lord. Before hanging up with Timothy we said we would both pray that the Lord would work in this or show us the door was closed.  Today I received a e-mail from a Christian Brother who lives outside the United States, which I want to share with you.  Please note that I did not contact this Brother to ask him for a penny.  I found it interesting what he said in the email only one day after Timothy and I went to Christ for the Kenya trip funds.

Hello Frank,


I just wrote, composed and arranged then recorded a song about the rapture!

I have it posted on The song will soon be available to download via ITUNES.

GOD put this on my heart  to donate $10,000.00 from  the proceeds from this song to your ministry!

Please encourage people to download the song via ITUNES for $0.99, this will help get the good news out about JESUS!

You will be going to many places around the world, and you will minister about JESUS to many nations, many tribes and many tongues around the world!

I thank GOD for JESUS and his current children of GOD like yourself!

Thank you so much for your book and web site!

Please keep up the Good News about JESUS!

May GOD continue to bless all of us,  as HIS children, before his imminent return to earth, very soon! Come quickly Lord JESUS!

In HIS Love,


PS: right now………

in the search engine type in: Band name: LET THERE BE LIGHT

                                         song title: RISE UP MY CHILDREN, FROM THE DUST OF THIS WORLD!


                                       album name: AND THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH

End of letter from Nicolas:

If you want to e-mail Nicolas to ask him about the music and songs, I am sure he will welcome your e-mails


I am not sure what the Lord is going to do here, but I want to thank Nicolas for his heart to get Christs’ message out to the people in Africa.  I will keep you informed as to how or what the Holy Spirit does.

Thank you all and God bless

Frank DiMora

Download 2010 Kenya Update Ascent


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